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🚨After #digital payments and digital lending, the @RBI is looking closely at platforms that facilitate direct, or peer-to-peer (#P2P), lending between individuals.
While P2P startups, as regulated non-banking finance entities, need to share business updates with the regulator on a constant basis, the RBI has now asked them about partnership models with consumer-facing applications, the flow of funds, risk sharing among partners and so on.
#BharatPe, #Jupiter and #Cred are among the major consumer-focussed applications which work closely with NBFC P2P platforms. P2P startups such as Liquiloans and LenDenClub have built partnerships with these and multiple other consumer-focused platforms. Image
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1a) Welcome to a live-tweeted, #accredited #tweetorial from @nationallipid #NLA23 in #Atlanta on advances in #hyperlipidemia management #LLT. Our expert returning faculty is Pam R. Taub, MD @PamTaubMD #cardiologist from @UCSDHealth ImageImageImage
1b) Dr. Taub is a clinician/scientist and is a frequent contributor to our #accredited programs. She is the founding director of the Step Family Foundation Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness Center at #UCSD.
#FOAMed #cardiotwitter @MedTweetorials #MedEd #lipids Image
2) This program is supported by an educational grant from Esperion Therapeutics & is intended for #HCPs. Statement of accreditation & faculty disclosures at Earn 0.75 hr 🆓CE/#CME by following this 🧵!
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#Astrology : Simple #remedies which any can do
1. #Moon - Drink water in a silver glass, take blessings from mother
2. #Sun - Add ginger in your daily foods, Take blessing from father
3.#Mercury - Eat Green leafy vegetables spinach,cabbage, broccoli, etc.,Take blessings from
mother's sister
4. #Jupiter - Eat Besan products, Chana daal, yellow fruits, Sweets.., take blessings from your boss, guru, teacher
5.#Venus - Eat curd daily at afternoon but not after 3 pm., take blessings from your wife/spouse
6. #Saturn -Eat Uraad daal,kichdi on saturday..
Add Bay leaf in your daily foods, Do your work on time
7. #Rahu - Eat two Tulsi leaves daily in a empty stomach, Give donations to Handicapped people
8.#Mars - Eat some spicy foods on Tuesday.. Add red chilli.. Take care of your elder brothet
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#Astrology : Your 5th house and you behave in romance/love
♥️If the 5th lord is #Venus - You seek a romantic and luxurious approach in romance..You need the atmosphere to be filled up by Venusian accessories..
🌗If the 5th lord is #Moon - You seek a Lustful experience and getting psychic rejuvenation and Peace of Mind through Romance.
🌄If the 5th lord is #Sun - You would like to dominate/lead to the other person in Romance..and such an inclination makes you confident and
📚If the 5th lord is #Jupiter - You would like the traditional approach in meeting/philosophical approach in Romance..You like to nurture /guide your partner..
📩If the 5th lord is #Mercury - You seek the playfulness and intellectual discussion in Romance...
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🛰️ Elle sera la première sonde à orbiter autour d'une autre #lune que celle de la #Terre.

La sonde #Juice décolle ce jeudi de #Kourou, en #Guyane, #DestinationJupiter. Reportage de @sylvainf24
@sylvainf24 🛰️ La sonde #Juice pourrait-elle trouver, sur les lunes de #Jupiter, des conditions pouvant accueillir de la vie ?

Explications de ses objectifs dans notre article, avant son décollage prévu à 14h15, #DestinationJupiter ⤵️
@sylvainf24 🔴 Lancement reporté pour la sonde #Juice !

En raison de mauvaises conditions météorologiques, le décollage est reporté à ce vendredi. Précisions de @sylvainf24, notre envoyé spécial sur place
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#ESAJuice will carry 10 instruments, comprising the most powerful payload complement ever flown to the outer Solar System 🦾

✅A remote sensing package
✅A geophysical package
✅An in situ package

+ an experiment.

Here's what they will explore 🧵👇 Infographic showing ESA's Juice instruments: their location
The remote package of #ESAJuice includes camera and spectrometers from the ultraviolet to the sub-millimetre wavelengths to study #Jupiter's clouds and explore the moons' geological features & icy surfaces.

It includes 4 instruments: JANUS, MAJIS, UVS and SWI
👉 JANUS will study global, regional & local features and processes on #Ganymede, as well as map the clouds of #Jupiter.

👉 MAJIS will observe cloud features and atmospheric constituents on Jupiter & will characterise ices and minerals on the icy moon surfaces.
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Investigating how life-friendly worlds might form around gas giants would be incomplete without also studying #Jupiter itself.

What will #ESAJuice reveal about Jupiter? 🧵👇 Jupiter covering most of the frame, with dark and light band
#ESAJuice will use its unique instruments to study Jupiter's atmosphere and answer questions such as:

🌪️What's the weather & climate like?
🌫️How does an atmosphere work with no solid surface?
🌡️What makes the upper atmosphere so hot? Jupiter looms large in this image. Set against a black backg
#Jupiter has a magnetic field about 20 times stronger than Earth's & one million times larger in volume.

#ESAJuice will study the region around Jupiter dominated by this magnetic field, the magnetosphere, to discover how the environment shapes conditions on the icy moons.
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#Astrology : #Jupiter with his enemies
In Gemini, Jupiter's grand wisdom is drained off by chatty conversation about mundane topics. The day-to-day busy-ness of scripted communications sucks the life right out of big philosophy. The mind becomes fixated on short-term plans &
daily transactions. Gemini's channel is too narrow to accommodate Jupiter's wide perspective; wisdom is "packaged" in bite-sized portions for the short attention span.
-In Virgo - Jupier is constrained by virgo's service duties. Jupiter expands the complaining, accusing,
litigious qualities of Virgo but He can also help the medical genius of Virgo, by expanding health knowledge and developing medical treatment plans. When Jupiter transits through Virgo, one's may be able to further develop the skills needed for ministries of service. Jupiter
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Io, a World around Jupiter a few hours ago

Full size Video:…

Orbit (Perijove) 49
Alt: 64994 to 52515 km
Time: 2023-03-01

#Space #Astronomy #Jupiter #Io
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS /AndreaLuck
This was partially stabilised at 51525 km

Here's the video link in case the one above doesn't work:

And the full image sequence is here:
This was the previous approach... Io is getting closer!

Read 3 tweets
#Astrology:#Debilitated #Planets
1. Debilitated Sun in Libra - problem in sharing , not able to make a choice, showoff which other don't like , taking too much resposiblity which they can't justify.
False ego, false confidence , use cheap ways to get ego satisfaction,
diffrence of opinion with father.
2. Debilitated #moon in #scorpio - tension , always on edge of the seat , struck in past, natural spy, past bitter experience haunt current subconscious mind , issues with mother , don't get proper care in childhood
3. Debiliated #mars in #cancer - mental aggression, fighting for happiness, not able to relax, can't feel happiness, issues with brother and property matters
4. Debilitated #mercury in #Pisces - childish, immature, abstract intelligence, not able to put your
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#Astrology Some knowledge on #Retro Planets:
Retro Mars - Blocks the way and creates problems in a subtle way. Logic gets skewed or twisted. Unethical but very powerful. Native do not understand their own power and do not know how to use it properly.
Retro #Mercury - Talking too much or No talking at all. If retro Mercury is also combust - Native is unsure of using his Mercury qualities.
Retro #Jupiter- Spoils the Visudha ( Wisdom ) chakra (filter) leads to wrong choices. Very knowledgeable but do not know how to use
their knowledge. They have a different and unconventional view point in understanding and advising others.
Retro #Venus -May choose unusual alliances- Do not know how to express love and affection.
Retro #Saturn - Native does not know when to stop working or do not work
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#Astrology:#Jupiter's enemy #Venus and Mercury
No planets treats Jupiter as an enemy, but Jupiter dislikes Mercury and Venus
-In Gemini- Jupiter's grand wisdom is drained off by chatty conversation about mundane topics. The day-to-day busy-ness of scripted communications sucks
the life right out of big philosophy. The mind becomes fixated on short-term plans and daily transactions. Gemini's channel is too narrow to accommodate Guru's wide perspective; wisdom is "packaged" in bite-sized portions for the short attention span.
Gemini goes in details
, while jupiter looks the things on bird's eyeview perspective.
-In #Virgo, Jupiter is constrained by Virgo's service duties. Jupiter expands the complaining, accusing, litigious qualities of Virgo but He can also help the medical genius of Virgo, by expanding health
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Advantages & Disadvantages of #Retrograde #planets

1 #Jupiter : It makes person over enthusiastic for Knowledge, learning, Over helpive nature, always ready to help someone in dire need even he may experience loss & damage, depending on Nakashtra placement, house effects seen
Positive side of Retrograde Jupiter is person will be very knowledgeable, spiritual & Good human being and he will master of Any knowledgeable subject he undertake. Highly learned, knower of many subject's, doctrate, but he may get success in Jupiter 2nd circle - Mid 40's
Early age of Retrograde Jupiter might give Delays, hurdles and obstacles in life settlements i. E late financial rise, Late or delayed progeny,vlate marriageand late rise in career.
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Créditos e direitos do vídeo: Makrem Larnaout
Texto e edição APOD: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
Tradução APOD Brasil: @patyccruz2
#Astronomia #Jupiter #AstroThreadBR
Júpiter e suas luas se movem como nosso Sol e seus planetas. Da mesma forma, Júpiter gira enquanto suas luas circulam. A rotação de Júpiter pode ser observada rastreando cinturões escuros e zonas claras circulantes. A Grande Mancha Vermelha, a maior tempestade conhecida, [+]
gira para se tornar visível após cerca de 15 segundos no vídeo de lapso temporal de 48 segundos. O vídeo é uma compilação de curtas feitas em várias noites no mês passado e combinados em uma recriação digital de como 24 horas contínuas seriam vistas. [+]
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Is it me or is there an amazing view of Jupiter next to the Moon in the night sky?
Might have to get a tripod out… 🌝 🔭
Bit clearer with tripod…

Might have to dig out a proper SLR… #Jupiter
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Lever de Jupiter sur le Saint-Laurent

#planets #NightPhotography #astronomy #Jupiter #photooftheday
Aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître, voici un lever de Jupiter au-dessus du fleuve Saint-Laurent. En bas à gauche, on peut apercevoir les îles Manowin et Corossol et, complètement à gauche, les lueurs qui émanent de la Pointe-Noire et de Sept-Iles.
N’est-ce pas franchement extraordinaire qu’une planète située à 965 millions de kilomètres de la terre nous renvoie la lumière solaire avec une intensité telle qu’elle produise un reflet sur le fleuve?
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#Jüpiter gününden herkese #Günaydın arkadaşlar.

Sabah şeriflerimiz hayrolsun 🌥️⛅️🌤️

1-) Güne #bist100 endeks grafiği bilgiseli ile başlıyoruz. Bundan önceki iki bilgiselin de devamı gibi olacak. Hazırsanız arkanıza yaslanıp kemerleri bağlayalım..
2-) Bir Önceki bilgiselde hatırlarsınız ki bir
#SpesifikAbcd tespit etmiştik ve o da bize D noktası olarak 2371 sayısını vermişti.

Yani 2371 i dip olarak bulmuştuk..

Şuradan bakabilirsiniz;

3-) Bu günkü duruma gelmeden önce bulduğumuz bu kritik rakamın nasıl saat gibi çalıştığını göstermek istiyorum.
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Por Alejandra Jiménez e Iván Toral

En #AstrologíaSocial, disponemos de una treintena de relojes para poder observar la realidad del mundo de otra manera. Uno de estos relojes es el que se construye partiendo de la #Conjunción que
(2) forman Júpiter y Plutón cada 13 años aproximadamente. Coincide con el #Atacir de 13 años, Reloj medieval de la muerte, como el #ArcanoXIII del #Tarot, #LaMuerte. Se usa para determinar pleitos y mortandades, calamidades para el pueblo.

Calculando el reloj para #WashingtonDC
(3) porque el #CieloAstrológico de una capital tiene influencia para toda la nación al día lunes 4 de julio en el que un sujeto de 21 años abrió fuego contra personas que presenciaban el desfile conmemorativo de independencia en #Chicago, asesinando a siete e hiriendo a decenas.
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En 2006 se encendió una polémica que aún hoy día sigue generando controversia. Se degradó a #Plutón a la categoría de planeta enano. ¿Qué pasa con Plutón y por qué no cualifica cómo verdadero planeta? Comparemos a Plutón con #Mercurio, el planeta más pequeño.
El diámetro de Mercurio es de 4.879 km, mientras que el de Plutón es de 2.360.
Si se trata de densidad, Mercurio se compone de roca y metal, mientras que Plutón es hielo y roca. La densidad de Mercurio es de 5,427 g/cm 3 , mientras que la densidad de Plutón es de unos 2 g/cm 3 .
¿Es entonces una cuestión de tamaño? ¿Acaso hay un límite debajo del cual te llaman "enano"? En realidad, no es así de sencillo. Según la Unión Astronómica Internacional #IAU, un cuerpo para ser considerado "verdadero planeta" debe cumplir 3 condiciones.
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13.04.2022 - Transit of #Jupiter (#Guru sankramana)
in #Meena Raasi (Pisces sign)

It has become a tradition since time immemorial to celebrate Pushkara festival of a specified River coinciding with transit of Jupiter (Bruhaspathi) in a particular house (sign) in the zodiac.
Pushkara schedule starts with Ganga River when Jupiter enters Mesha Raasi (Aries). Holy rivers that come under the purview of Pushkara celebrations R,

Ganga, Narmada, Saraswati, Yamuna, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Bheema, Pushkara Vahini, Tunga-Bhadra, Sindhu, Praanahita; ++
For ready ref. Pushkara schedule is diagrammatically depicted. Duration of Pushkara of a specified river will be for 1 yr co-terminating with transit of Jupiter in a particular zodiac sign. First & last 12 days (Aadi/Antya Pushkara) R held to be highly sacred & meritorious.
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#thread Ne nous y trompons pas. La réthorique déployée par #Macron dans sa #Lettreauxfrançais est ultra puissante. En prenant à contre pied tout ce que nous lui reprochons: destruction de l'hôpital, santé, éducation ( les enseignants seront libres) celui ci use d'une ⬇️
Puissante désinformation dont les #LREM et ce gouvernement ont le secret. Ce n'est non pas du mensonge, mais juste le parfait reflet inversé de notre légitime contestation. Si le premier public visé pour cette propagande d'état est bien les #retraités en recherche ⬇️
De stabilité et d'une pseudo sécurité, il ne faut pas oublier que nous sommes investi dans un prisme guerrier et que la peur distillée depuis des jours va agir comme un cataliseur dans les urnes. Seul les bouchons de cire dans les oreilles, permettront de ne pas entendre ⬇️
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Of course, after #Aquarius has poured its steely and idealized waters on us, we see two fishes swimming in opposite directions before us.
This is #Pisces. Pisces memorializes the struggle of how the impermanent is made to endure, of how what endures dissolves away
This has real-world correlations like how #Pisceans feel both the exhilaration & challenge of having bodies while seeking more…
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Can we talk a minute to talk about the #Jupiter-#Uranus cycle? like this is rly too divine that Jupiter makes exactly SEVEN rounds of the zodiac as Uranus makes ONE lap because 12x7=86
This also means that Uranus spends seven years in one sign- one year for each planet starting from Uranus's domicile lord, and moving in traditional Chaldean order.
This gives a 12x7 pattern, which is encodes the 7 planetary powers in combination with all 12 zodiac signs. This encodes energies like Moon-Virgo or Mars-Libra
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#Saturn and #Venus is a natural pair. Saturn is the fixed expression of Libra as its middle decan, and also the mutable expression of Taurus as it's third decan, transforming into Gemini. Venus exalts Saturn in Libra, masculine cardinal air sign.
Furthermore, Venus is the cardinal expression of Aquarius, and represents the force the transforms Capricorn into the active + airy Aquarius. These two play a balancing game that highlights important planetary transitions across the zodiac.
Saturn's exaltation in Libra further affirms this connection and importance to finding structure and foundation even in a high-movement sign like cardinal air libra. Saturn is the force that tames Venus, just like Mars is the force that tames Jupiter. Mercury relates the lights.
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