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Ok I had alot to go in the report to find out what they said and couldnt wait to find out this info so i searched.... literally they said the trump motorcade sat on executive drive for 40 Mins while they were trying to clear his angry desire to go to #CapitolAttack as they
Are citing various concerns about all the weapons etc. So we are actually supposed to believe the pro trump ornato went against his furious demands this time? He did go to the capitol as evidenced in #proudboy Eddie block stream which the @fbi
Subsequently raided his house and confiscated all his livestream equipment I assume to close up this loophole but many people.have copies of this video so we know they are lying. Eddie block sees the motorcade arrive and knows to shut down the stream due to comms that happened
Read 11 tweets
Jan. 6 panel unveils report, describes Trump 'conspiracy'…

Woop.there it is. 90 pages of summary of evidence gathered lol wow. The #conspiracy of the @gop trumper #whitesupremacists #domesticterrorists #coupattempt is unveiled! #chudwatch
Let's see how accurate it is... I will post to this thread
Wow already executive summary pages 1-3 of chud tears some from military etc saying they were traitors to this country and are apologizing. The statements before the executive summary talk about what our country stands for..... #chudwatch
Read 105 tweets
/12 Cheney very smartly plays up that these are NOT "RINOs" - asking leading ?s & letting them, in their own words, talk about abject nonsense like how great Trump's foreign policy was or how much you admire Kayleigh McEnany (!). Adds credibility, obviously, but ...yeesh
/13 I take seriously that these witnesses are feeling intimidated.
/14 so far we're half an hour in and there hasn't been significant new evidence. As of now, I'm a little puzzled why this was a prime-time hearing.
Read 37 tweets
This is the master link for our live-tweeting of tonight's January 6th Committee hearings; feel free to share far & wide.
1/ All the best to Rep. Bennie Thompson from someone who also caught COVID despite being fully vaxxed & boosted; it sucks & get better soon. Also, way to make sure the Q crazies start off the night all disoriented.
2/ Everything I've read & heard coming into tonight is that "187 minutes of inaction" will be the theme for tonight's hearing.
Read 12 tweets
.@Liz_Cheney reveals at end of #Jan6thHearings #Trump called a #Jan6thCommittee witness we have not yet seen. The witness did not take the call but told their lawyer. The lawyer told the Committee. The Committee referred it to #DOJ. #USAG, is this enuf for #WitnessTampering yet? Image
Other shattering testimony:
- The 12/18 meeting #TFG held in #OvalOffice with #SidneyPowell, #MikeFlynn, #Giuliani, & aides was “unhinged”-loud screaming, name-calling, almost coming to fisticuffs.
- They were there to discuss draft order to seize voting machines in key states.
- It was revealed at 12/18 meeting that #Trump had named #SidneyPowell as special counsel to prosecute cases related to the voting machines. Supposedly gave her a “security clearance.”
#Jan6thHearings #January6thCommitteeHearings…
Read 13 tweets

Interesting day.

I've sent numerous networks schematics I have fleshed out and put together to #Jan6thCommittee, a 'Thinktank' et al.

'Thinktank' was specifically interested in my 'Oathkeepers' networks-asking me 'how I would like to be attributed'

4 clusters Image
1/4 of the 'Oathkeeper Network Clusters' Image
2/4 of the 'Oathkeepers Network Clusters' Image
Read 5 tweets
I just spent the last six hours verifying with legal counsel and GoFundMe that these are legitimate.

Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman testified with incredible courage today. Their commitment to democracy is commendable, 1/3 #January6thHearing
2/3 I have personally donated $12,500 to each of them, and would encourage you to help right the wrongs they’ve experienced in whatever way you can. Here is the verified GoFundMe for Shaye Moss: #Jan6thCommittee
3/3 Here is the verified GoFundMe for Ruby Freeman, who says she doesn’t even want people she knows to greet her by name in public, out of fear for her safety. #January6thHearings

If you care about living in a democracy, now is the time to pay attention.
Read 3 tweets
The #Jan6thcommittee has renewed its request to Rep. Loudermilk for information about a tour he led through the Capitol complex the day before the insurrection.

On the site thanks to @rohini_kurup:… screenshot of the pdf
@rohini_kurup The #Jan6thCommittee says that after reviewing surveillance footage, social media activity, and witness testimony, it discovered that Loudermilk led a tour through the Capitol complex that day, despite the complex being closed to visitors.… screenshot of pdf
@rohini_kurup The request comes two days after Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger sent a letter, also posted to the Jan. 6 Project page, saying that police found nothing suspicious about the tour.…[…]tee-re-house-tours-led-by-rep-loudermilk-on-jan-5-2021.pdf screenshot of pdf
Read 4 tweets
The #January6thCommitteeHearings started on 6/9/22 evening with witness testimony & video footage surrounding the riot on the Capitol on #J6. The televised hearing is the 1st in a series that is expected to last through July.
I will ask the questions not being asked & quote many. Image
In all of the video shown on Prime TV by the #January6thCommitteeHearings, I didn't see a single frame w/ Ray Epps as he is seen in multiple videos on Jan 5 & #J6.

Why was Ray Epps encouraging people to go "into" the Capitol building?

Did the FBI hire Ray Epps?
Who is #RayEpps? Image
@BennieGThompson @RepLizCheney & @RepKinzinger
Does the FBI now, or has it ever, maintained a formal or informal relationship or point of contact w/ Ray Epps, whether directly or indirectly, including through intermediaries?
Who is #RayEpps
#January6thCommitteeHearings Image
Read 126 tweets
I will be live tweeting during the #jan6th #Jan6thCommittee hearing. Calling out bullshit and making comments on what I know about the events that I wss paying special #chudwatch attention during #blacklivesmatter #portland #pdx and beyond. The chuds attacked blm with police!
12 mins in it is declared that #jan6th was an attempted coup spearheaded by trump! #chudwatch
@LizCheney is roasting her own seditious party right now.... shocker for a Cheney.
Read 31 tweets
[1] Reading the #Jan6thCommittee court filing: “[Despite being told that his allegations of campaign fraud were false, [Trump] continued to feature those same false allegation ads seen by millions of Americans.” Translation: Trump knew he was lying.
[2] On 1/2/21 Trump w/ John Eastman who #Jan6Committee deems a co-conspirator, had a tele co defense w/ hundreds of state legislators in SEIU states trying to get them to decertify the election results. Translation: Trump personally acted to advance the conspiracy.
[3] Trump wanted to make minion Jeffrey Clark head of DOJ. Clarke willing to send letters lying abt possibility election stolen to state legislatures to pressure them to decertify. His own WH Counsel threatened to quit. Translation: More evidence Trump knew it was wrong.
Read 7 tweets
“727 insurrectionists arrested… Who else should be jailed for this unsuccessful coup?” @colbertlateshow

“The threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills. Debate them, vote… If that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster.” @JoeBiden
“Our democracy has been declining over the last 5 years. In fact, right after January 6 of last year, our country was classified as an anocracy… The most important thing is for citizens to be aware of the dangers of democratic decline.”
@bfwalter @AC360
Read 349 tweets
“[President* Trump] was in the dining room, gleefully watching on his TV as he often did — ‘look at all of the people fighting for me’ — hitting rewind, watching it again…”
former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham to CNN

“We must decide what kind of nation we [will] be. Are we going to be a nation that accepts political violence as a norm? Are we going to be a nation where we allow partisan election officials to overturn the legally expressed will of the people?” @JoeBiden
“727 insurrectionists arrested… Who else should be jailed for this unsuccessful coup?” @colbertlateshow

Read 349 tweets
𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗: Republicans will never be able to evade culpability for their role in the #Jan6th insurrection.

Here’s why →
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟:
Extremist House Republicans fanned the flames that led to the #Jan6thInsurrection.

They perpetuated the Big Lie and deliberately misled the American people all to curry favor with a failed ex-President.…
Publicly, 224 House Republicans failed to acknowledge the truth about the 2020 election, effectively ignoring millions of American voices.…
Read 14 tweets
It’s been one year since we watched, along with everyone else, as rioters overran the U.S. Capitol, fueled by misinformation from then-President Donald Trump and a storm of pro-Trump media.… #January6th #Jan6thCommittee
We’ve spent the past year examining the events of Jan. 6, debunking false claims of election fraud in 2020, and trying to understand how misinformation — much of it spread online — spurred such real-life consequences. Here are some highlights:
As Jan. 6 unfolded, we tracked many claims about election results and who was to blame for the Capitol siege. Here’s our coverage and debunking from Jan. 6:…
Read 16 tweets
🚨Fmr #NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik turned over some documents to the @January6thCmte but withheld numerous others, including one titled “DRAFT LETTER FROM @POTUS TO SEIZE EVIDENCE IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY FOR THE 2020 ELECTIONS.”…
Kerik’s lawyer provided the “privilege log” to the #Jan6thCommittee saying the file originated on 12/17, a day before Trump huddled in the WH w/advisers including Misha Flynn, where they *discussed seizing election equipment* in states whose results Trump was attempting to throw.
Another file provided by Kerik included emails btwn Kerik & others about paying for rooms at the Willard Hotel. Kerik wasn subpoenaed by the #Jan6thCommittee into the Willard Hotel “war room,” where Trump cronies plotted to prevent Congress from certifying @JoeBiden’s victory.🧐
Read 10 tweets
BREAKING 🗣️📢 #Jan6thCommittee 📣
Julie Kelly 'Three Hours of 6 January Brutal Footage inside the tunnel, judge has ordered UNSEALED! It will be available next week' MERRY CHRISTMAS NANCY
🎄🎁 Share Share Share 🎁🎄
The Tunnel January 6🚨🚨🚨🚨 Pay Attention
The Tunnel January 6🚨🚨🚨🚨 Pay Attention
Read 5 tweets
1/ THREAD: #JimJordan is seen during his #Jan6thCommittee testimony today displaying a Loose Tongue Jut — indicative of the thought-emotions of:

• "I messed up"
• "Ive been caught"
• "I've done/said a stupid thing"
• "I'm about to do/say a stupid thing"

#BodyLanguageExpert Image
2/ A Loose Tongue Jut is highly correlative with Deception.

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
3/ Be careful to not confuse a Loose Tongue Jut with either a Tight Tongue Jut or a Wide Open Tongue Jut (each of which indicate entirely different thought-emotions).

#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #JimJordan
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1/ THREAD: #JimJordan amidst telling an easily fact-checked lie, "Democrats prevent Republicans from serving on The Select Committee". A nose touch/rub/scratch is an extremely common deceptive #BodyLanguage tell. #BodyLanguageExpert #Jan6thCommittee
2/ Note also, Marjorie Taylor Greene's simultaneous eyelid closure. Eyelid closure (high frequency, prolonged, and/or simultaneous) is a form of lack of eye contact, which is a strong anxiety indicator.
3/ Given this context, her concurrent eyelid closure is highly suggestive that Taylor Greene recognizes Jordan's lie as a lie.

Read 3 tweets
"Eight ways the House select committee is changing the conversation on Jan. 6"

A thread of the @JRubinBlogger article:…
"Unlike many in the media and the White House, they made clear this was an attempt to overthrow democracy."

"As Cheney said, “These text messages leave no doubt ... multiple Fox News hosts knew the president needed to act immediately.”

And they leave no doubt about their cringeworthy pandering to Trump and his base, whom they helped radicalize."…
Read 10 tweets
1/ #Jan6thCommittee votes to hold @MarkMeadows in contempt. This is the right decision, but commentators saying that Meadows has a stronger case for ExecPriv than Bannon are wrong. Both have ZERO basis for claiming privilege. Here's why - and it's worth reading the full thread.
2/ There are many reasons why neither Bannon or Meadows has a legitimate ExecPriv claim. 1st, ExecPriv only covers convesations with the president about the job of the president. Planning a coup and overturning the results of an election are not part of the job of any president.
3/ That alone ends the issue, but there's more. 2nd, SCOTUS' #Watergate decision giving my team President Nixon's tapes also made clear that even where conversations are about policy and privileged, ExecPriv gives way to overriding national interests like those involved here.
Read 7 tweets
🔥🙌🔥Two Jan. 6th planners of the insurrection are cooperating with the #Jan6thCommittee and name Congress members who were intimately involved in planning the coup. Trump offered a “blanket pardon” from the Oval Office‼️…
🔥“I remember @RepMTG specifically,” the organizer says. “I remember talking to probably close to a dozen other members at one point or another or their staffs.” @RepGosar @laurenboebert @replouiegohmert @RepAndyBiggsAZ @MoBrooks @RepCawthorn #ExpelAndArrest
🔥@PeteSessions thinks that deleting his tweet from Jan 3rd means that no one can see it and that no one knows about his #StopTheSteal meetings… #ExpelAndArrest
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EVERYONE needs 2 read the @capitolhunters thread. If you still believe in our country & Democracy, I implore u to give 20 mins of ur time & go through their thread with ur family. Pay special attention to Officer Fanone's testimony & the pain in his voice
Watch the new 10min Youtube video in the 2nd tweet of the thread & ask yourself why would ANYONE in congress not want to get 2 the bottom of what happened on #Jan6th & wks of preparation and incitement leading up to the insurrection. #SeditionHunters
Many people & groups like @capitolhunters, @SeditionHunters, @visionsurreal & ourselves have volunteered 100's and 100's of hours archiving, reviewing & piecing together videos, events and people leading up to #jan6th. We do it for Democracy & Officers Fanone, Goodman, Dunn ect.
Read 12 tweets

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