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Jun 4th 2023
Part 3 of @LidoStaking on-chain analysis:

What are Wallet Addresses that need special attention in the near future if you invest in the $LDO token?

Thread 👇👇

@LidoStaking #Lido #onchain Image
1/ Wallet address: 0xe289cf875ebc11868bf1f7b9535fd9adbdb6a383 Image
1.1/ Within the last 7 days, this wallet address transferred 1,000,000 $LDO = 2,059,997 $USD to #Binance 3 days ago.

To clarify this wallet a bit, this is the project's wallet; this wallet address has received a large amount of #LDO mainly from #JumpTrading.
Read 30 tweets
May 16th 2023
1/三大哥在屯 #LDO

最近一周这三地址一共从币安提出来387 万美金的 LDO

提币时的价格在 1.7 U-2 U

LDO 现价是2.18U,大概比这三大哥贵9%-28%

可以看出 LDO 是个有庄的币

但比这三大哥贵 20% 多进场

在地址里发现了其他3个币 ,挖了挖,有意思

2/ 三大哥的地址




持有 64 万个 #Arb 二层龙头,不多说了 Image

持有 99万 #FLEX
而这个币没有上币安和OKX所,总市值才 8700万
这地址持有 1 %

这个币我去查了查,这币被后的项目是 OPNX

对对对,就是原来三箭的 朱溯的项目
下面这个图是其 CEO 在 香港大会照片
看来这个巨鲸地址和朱溯还有有渊源 ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
May 4th 2023
加密鲸鱼在 4 月份都买卖了哪些代币,查看下面这些风投机构和 Smart Money 的持仓变化

最近,加密风投机构和 Smart Money 的投资组合发生了一些重大变化,例如 Blockchain Capital 抛售了价值 3000 万美元的加密资产。

下面我们看看过去 30 天这些大户的持仓变化,他们都卖出和买进了哪种以及多少代币。
1⃣加密大户 Andrew Kang

4 月 4 日以 1.25 美元的单价买入 80 万枚 ARB。
4 月 5 日以 1.23 美元的单价买入 151 万枚 ARB。
4 月 19 日以 1.55 美元的平均价格抛售所有 ARB。

• 净赚:72.3 万美元

此外,Andrew 还关闭了 GMX/Kwenta/Mux 平台上的所有多头/空头头寸。
Read 11 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
Arthur Hayes published an article saying that his next step is to raise money to buy BTC and get into shitcoins.


Let's take a look at what coins Arthur Hayes currently holds.
Here are the tokens stored at two Arthur Hayes addresses starting with "0xA86e" and "0x534A":
- 200,580 #GMX($14.12M)
- 6,936 #ETH($11.62M)
- 17M #LOOKS($5.12M)
- 239,628 #ENS($3.79M)
- 785K #LDO($1.96M)
- 105,814 #FXS($1.31M)
- 1.96M #WILD($1.07M)
- 330,956 #SUSHI($500K) ImageImageImage
Arthur Hayes is currently the largest private owner of #GMX and #LOOKS
Read 6 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
1/N 近期围绕着 @CurveFinance 有两件事情:1. crvUSD据说将要在一月份上线;2. LSD war的主要战场。
2/N 对于协议来说,现金流最好的几个来源分别是:POS质押收入、稳定币借款费用、期货交易费用、域名售卖费用、NFT版权收入等,还有稍微差一点的就是借贷息差、期权费用、DEX交易费用等。
这也是为什么 @AaveAave 要做GHO,@CurveFinance 要做crvUSD:增加稳定的协议收入来源。
3/N 从机制上面看,curve的 LLAMMA非常创新,无清算模式可能吸引更多的资金进行杠杆,同时LLAMMA依赖于curve v2的预言机实现,并且会和curve v2的AMM池子进行交互,所以这是一个在Curve自己生态里面才能运行的稳定机制。
Read 17 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
According to @DuneAnalytics, @LidoFinance accounts for nearly a third of all #ETH currently staked. Does this pose a centralization risk for @ethereum? Image
1) Advantages of @LidoFinance

How did @LidoFinance grow so fast and become the dominant force in the #eth staking? The answer lies in the good liquidity of #stETH in #DeFi protocols such as @CurveFinance, @AaveAave, and @MakerDAO.
#stETH is a tokenized deposit of staking that can be freely held, traded or sold. Its amount equals to the total amount of staked #ETH plus the total staking rewards and minus service fees.
Read 13 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
1 /明年财富主旋律系列,现在布局好时机,直接上干的
#SSV 质押赛道
(1)明年 3月 #ETH 上海升级的利好,
目前TVL数据仅次于排名第一的 #MRK
也会跟上 #ETH 的节奏,目前价格1.038U
Read 6 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
FTX有挤兑风险,顺路提个醒,根据@lookonchain 的数据看。Alameda目前可随时操作且价值超过100万美金的代币主要有:




有相关币种的朋友可以关注走势,早做判断和对策 Image
SBF投资的币种 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jun 12th 2022
1/ There have been many amazing #threads about $stETH and $ETH, to complement that we will uncover the basis of #liquidstaking in our latest #visualguide

#DeFi #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Ethereum #staking #ETH #BTC #AVAX #BNB #SOL #NFT #Lido #LDO #trading #merge
2/ #LiquidStaking is one of the ways to generate a #yield from an asset by utilizing the #composability of liquid staking derivative (LSD) #tokens

#DeFi #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Ethereum #staking #ETH #BTC #AVAX #BNB #SOL #NFT #Lido #LDO #trading #merge
3/ #LiquidStaking is needed to reduce the barrier to become #validator and indirectly to increase #liquidity across the networks.

#DeFi #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Ethereum #staking #ETH #BTC #AVAX #BNB #SOL #NFT #Lido #LDO #trading #merge
Read 13 tweets
May 15th 2022
🧵 $30B in TVL wiped out by the $LUNA and $UST collapse. Total #DeFi TVL slashed in half over the last month.

What does the future hold for DeFi on the major #Layer1 chains and protocols? My thoughts in 10 tweets. 1/10
#DeFi exploded from $19B TVL at the start of 2021 to $280B by the end of 2022, holding steady until April of this year.

It now stands at $128B with the majority of that over 50% drop coming in the last month as investors rush for the exits. 2/10 Image
Why? A negative global macro outlook with inflation and rising interest rates leading to sell off in traditional markets.

The knock on effect on $BTC compounded by the shock from the $LUNA and $UST fallout has nervous investors going risk off. 3/10
Read 10 tweets

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