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Aug 4th 2022
A thread on yesterday’s attack on #NagornoKarabakh, and my fear of what it signifies (in summary: more and worse fighting) 1/18
First, while yesterday was a spike of violence, yesterday was not the beginning. Apparently (I cannot corroborate), Azerbaijani troop movement began a few days earlier. 2/18
The actual fighting began with Azerbaijan violating the ceasefire on 1 August. This has been confirmed by the Russian peacekeepers.… 3/18
Read 18 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
Today, Ilham Aliyev openly criticised the behaviour of the #OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, especially #Russia & #France. Although he did not name Kremlin directly, he accused third country for supplying arms to #Armenia during last #KarabakhWar. ⬇️
The main criticism was on passive role of co-chairs for implementation of UN resolutions in past 27 years.
Criticism of AZ officials on #KarabakhConflict increased since the occupation of #Crimea in 2014 and separatism in Eastern #Ukraine. ⬇️
They demanded that #Armenia should be punished in the same way, citing sanctions on #Russia for violating Ukraine's territorial integrity. It is clear that the AZ side will insist at the next Geneva meeting withdrawal of Armenian troops from the occupied territories and ⬇️
Read 5 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
Below is my prediction for what would happen if #Azerbaijan achieves a complete military victory in #Nagornokarabakh. Tl;dr: there still won’t be #NKPeace (1 of 11)
2. #Azerbaijan will announce that the #Nagornokarabakh Oblast is no more. The idea of autonomy will be gone. Azerbaijan will invite Armenians back to live as Azerbaijani citizens. None will go back. (We’re assuming that the remaining 60k civilians will safely escape to #Armenia)
3. #Armenia will have a #refugeecrisis. 150k + 400k from the 1st war means 550k refugees. The new rhetoric in Armenia will be how #AzerbaijaniAggression took the homes of these 550k people. To Azeris reading this, just think of the rhetoric you’ve heard regarding your IDPs.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 18th 2020
1 Reports already of breakdown of last night's #Karabakh truce hours after it was agreed. Again a reminder of why a truce is desperately needed: the huge human cost of conflict. (If you don’t need reminding, please look at my Twitter feed over last three weeks.)
2 Take note of what OHCHR, ICRC, Amnesty, have said: Sustained Azerbaijani bombardment of NK itself and its Armenian population, many civilian casualties, destruction of civilian infrastructure, tens of thousands displaced, use of banned weapons (cluster munitions).
3 Many Armenian strikes on Azerbaijani town of Ganje, Terter, Barda, including places where IDPs from war of 1990s were living and were displaced again. Worst strike with many casualties, mass destruction, occurred yesterday in Ganje.
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Oct 16th 2020
1. Armenia is pushing for the right of #RemedialSecession of #Karabakh Armenians and for international recognition, as the only mechanism in place for the prevention of massacre of the entire Armenian population of Karabakh.
2. The survival needs of people are at stake in #Karabakh Evidence of harsh brutality of #Azerbaijani military against unarmed civilians and prisoners of war has already been circulated across int-l media.
3. In the course of the last few decades there have been at least 3 cases when the right for national self-determination was recognized by the world: East Timor, Kosovo and South Sudan.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 14th 2020
░U░N░ ░S░e░c░u░r░i░t░y░ ░C░o░u░n░c░i░l░ ░R░e░s░o░l░u░t░i░o░n░s░ ░o░n░ ░N░a░g░o░r░n░o░ ░K░a░r░a░b░a░k░h░ ░E░x░p░l░a░i░n░e░d░ #NKpeace 🌐 Image
🏳 #Azerbaijan says UN Security Council resolutions of 1993 back up their claims over #Artsakh / #NagornoKarabakh and justify its use of military force. Here’s is what the international lawyers say in the following 7 bullets threaded below? 👇 Image
1️⃣ The UN Security Council adopted 4 resolutions on #NagornoKarabakh (no 822, 853, 874, 884) exercising its main function of maintaining peace and security. 👇 Image
Read 11 tweets
Oct 7th 2020
It's not hard for me to mesh my support for #Armenia in the #Nagornokarabakh conflict with being a western-raised and trained #Humanrights lawyer. The short answer is that I wish to stop #EthnicCleansing. The long answer is below. (1/14)
First, I reject that neutrality is the "proper" response. Neutrality is appropriate when one is ignorant. But choosing to remain in ignorance isn't praiseworthy. It is more intellectually honest to learn and draw a conclusion. (2/14)
This article shows how one can have a thoughtful "both sides" discussion instead of the thoughtless one we typically see from int'l media and orgs.… (3/14)
Read 14 tweets
Oct 7th 2020
I support all calls for a ceasefire on #KarabakhWar now. But I observe some attempts to maintain the status quo in these calls. In fact, if the superpowers had paid attention to #Azerbaijan's calls to change the status quo in past 20 years, everything would have been different.⬇️
The area of N.Karabakh is about 4,400 sq km. Along with this area, #Armenia occupied surrounding 11000 sqkm territory. As a result, more than 600,000 Azerbaijanis became IDPs and lost their homes. ⬇️
If in the last 27 years there has not been enough pressure on the political leadership of #Armenia to solve these problems, the international community is also responsible for the current military operation in #Karabakh. ⬇️
Read 7 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
New thread. I'm quoted here on the #Karabakh fighting. (There is a lot more nuance if you watch the whole interview) I’m aware that people like to quote me selectively so important for me to state a few core beliefs I have about this conflict…
1 No side has a monopoly of justice. Both sides have historical claims to Karabakh. It was the site of a medieval Armenian kingdom in the 12th century and an Azerbaijani (Persian Turkic Shia) khanate in the 18th c. Both peoples have lived together here, mostly peacefully.
2 There is a lot of propaganda out there. Both sides cannot be right, but both cannot be wrong – and frequently are in their assertions. Treat all official statements from both sides with a big pinch of salt!
Read 11 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
1/2 Democracy and peace-building imply change of the rhetoric to less nationalistic, opening of the archives, recognition and apologies for the past crimes. Instead we witness provocative statements and actions of the new government, which definitely do not contribute to peace.
2/2 It is also very sad to read the comments of Armenian liberals supporting the position of Pashinyan. Once again it shows that pluralistic democracies cannot emerge in radical societies: the support of radical majority is populism, not democracy. #NKpeace #Karabakh
Read 3 tweets
Jul 15th 2020
1/8 Thread on latest fighting between #Armenia and #Azerbaijan. I wrote this piece last October worrying that with no political movement in #Karabakh talks, the conflict could heat up. (writing this also as cannot respond to interview requests)…
2/8 Nothing accidental here. Ceasefire violations are a political decision. Violence went down to almost zero in 2018 after revolution in Armenia due to instructions from both leaders, and with now-ignored 2019 promise to "prepare populations for peace."…
3/8 This is not (yet) repeat of 4-day War of 2016. Fighting is on int. recognized border. This densely populated region was locus of ceasefire violations before 2018 Population is v vulnerable. See excellent @crisisgroup explainer (and read @Olesya_vArt)…
Read 8 tweets
May 12th 2020… Read here the personal perspectives of key individuals involved in the production of the Parts of a Circle film series about the challenges they faced and what the experience meant to them. #Armenia #Azerbaijan #Karabakh #NKpeace 1/3… My blog for @CRbuildpeace reflecting on how the Parts of a Circle film series can contribute to dealing with the legacies of past violence between Armenians and Azerbaijanis. #Armenia #Azerbaijan #Karabakh #NKpeace 2/3… ICYMI, read and watch a short film about the making of Parts of a Circle here, featuring interviews with the team. #Armenia #Azerbaijan #Karabakh #NKpeace 3/3
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Jan 28th 2020
Interesting and significant analysis from @joshuakucera here: is there a deliberate effort by the Armenian government to distance itself from the Madrid Principles? (Thread)
It is significant to see the Principles being depicted by the Armenian PM as ‘Sargsyan’s legacy’. The easiest way to discredit anything in Armenia right now is to frame it as Sargsyan’s legacy.
True, the Madrid Principles have long since become toxic, above all in Nagorny Karabakh itself, despite the fact that in their first iteration at least, they appeared to chart a route to legalised separation from Azerbaijan.…
Read 11 tweets
Dec 31st 2019
How can the rivalry between #Armenia + #Azerbaijan be both enduring + asymmetric? This thread explores the inconclusive strategic interactions between the two states as a factor sustaining the rivalry between them. #NKpeace 1/14
Realist perspectives emphasise asymmetry as one of this rivalry’s key features. This might contradict the idea of enduring rivalry if parity is taken to be an essential pre-requisite for long-term militarised competition to be sustained. 2/14
Yet we know from the Israeli-Arab + India-Pakistan rivalries that this is not necessarily so. These notorious rivalries are starkly asymmetric + suggest that even in scenarios of deep disparity there can be mitigating power configurations moderating asymmetry. 3/14
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Aug 28th 2019
In January 2019 #Armenia and #Azerbaijan foreign ministers agreed to ‘prepare populations for peace’. What does this mean and what are the threats and opportunities for peacebuilding in the #Karabakh conflict today? (Thread, 1/7)
Line of Contact violence has declined since late 2017, a peaceful power transition took place in #Armenia in April 2018, and in September the parties set up an ‘operative channel’ between armed forces (2/7)
But supplying content to ‘preparing populations for peace’, and what this phrase means in practice is still elusive (3/7)
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May 14th 2019
I'm at #Eap10. Some thoughts on conflicts
1. Release of joint statement on 10th anniversary of #EasternPartnership unfortunately blocked by Baku as no reference to “territorial integrity.” Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine would also have liked this but were prepared to live without it.
2. As ever, NK conflict is spoiler. Omit reference to “territorial integrity” and you offend Az, mention it, you offend Armenia. This has been going at least since 1996 OSCE Lisbon Summit. Old protracted conflict not only hurts locals, it's a poison seeping far beyond.
Read 8 tweets

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