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Just the tip of the iceberg…

Enough to show the scale of the criminal #election interference that the FBI and the rest of the Intelligence Community have done on behalf of the Democratic Party

#TwitterFiles #FBIcorruption Image
Obama in 2007, then Trump in 2016, Trump again in 2020 (but Biden gets installed instead,) and a third time Trump in 2024. Image
The 3rd thief's time will come. Image
Read 6 tweets
@washingtonpost Former Secretary Clinton labeled, insulted & berated Half of the USA Citizens. Was that Really Necessary? Driving a Wedge between Democrats & Republicans, Where do Libertarians fit in? Social Media meddling/censoring. WaPo berating #realDonaldTrump Twitter banned.
@parler_app after Protest on Jan 6th, 2021…. POTUS45 & Half of USA Citizens contesting the Presidential election. That is Legal. The Peaceful Protesters that day in DC never mentioned in #MSM. None mentioned @SpeakerPelosi office door & elevator Not Locked!
@AP spins #Raid story: President Trump’s Private Residence. Associated Press Using @nytimes as The Truth Tellers? Has NY Times or Washington Post seen all of the brutally #RedactedAffidavit ? 4 years after HRC lost, She was still saying election was “not on level”. #Deplorable!
Read 5 tweets
Who told @neerajkhemlani that #deplorable talking heads makes for good ratings? Les Moonves? $PARA…
Did anyone at @CBSNews investigate Mulvaney before they considered giving him a gig?…
Read 4 tweets
You are watching a movie. It's just not the movie you think it is.

And, it just so happens to be one of my favorites.
A peek behind the curtain. Power, Wealth, Influence, Skin color.

They have a plan. Finally going to #cornerthemarket (our country) and consolidate power.

Everything they've built has led to this. Image
Randolph and Mortimer Duke are brothers, but certainly not equals.

Randolph is the leader (CCP, Mullahs, Foreign Lobby). Calm, thoughtful, in control. Sees the long game.

Mortimer immature in thought and emotion. Anger, arrogance, and contempt (Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. Image
Read 29 tweets

—(( #TrumpVideoLibrary ))—

Read 11 tweets
Tbh your “analysis” of both Joe & Hillary’s messaging is pretty reminiscent of mansplaining from a cis/het White guy who isn’t reflective of the Democratic base aka marginalized Americans who understand that racism/misogyny/homophobia/greed are America’s moral stains/sins. 😒😷
As if we don’t already know the oppressor doesn’t like messaging that reads oppression for filth...
Read 83 tweets
The TRUTH Is Here, Learn What THE DS Don't Want You To Know. Go To and visit us often, while the site is constructed to bring you up to date real news about the Corovid 19 Shakedown Hoax With All The DS Players And Their True Identities. @realDonaldTrump
Read 3 tweets
Trump: Day 1,126 (THREAD)
-356th Day at Trump-owned Property
-Roger Stone Sentenced 40 Months
-Predicts 'Exoneration' 4 Roger Stone
-Criticizes DOJ for 3rd Time in 2 Days
-Mulvaney Sz US Needs Immigrants
-Holds 81st Rally Since Taking Office
-Trying 2 Hide Russian Meddling Intel
Read 60 tweets
1/4 Hey #sexstrike Think you can just avoid pregnancy with an elective #hysterectomy? Think again. You don't get to get to make those decisions for yourself either. My 3rd high risk pregnancy in a row became an early emergency c-section… #moleg #hb126 #reprorights #stopthebans
2/4 I /my child had to almost die before Dr's would consider hysterectomy (post recovery). I was so scared of getting pregnant again, we had infrequent & wary sex until the operation was performed. Stop robbing women of freedom #moleg #sexstrike #hb126 #reprorights #stopthebans
3/4 Living in fear of unintended pregnancy robs you of personal #freedom. The only thing you CAN do to 100% prevent pregnancy? Not have sex. I didn’t want to die & couldn’t take #birthcontrol. #moleg #hb126 would rob my kids of their mom #sexstrike #reprorights #stopthebans
Read 5 tweets
⭐️2nd Account Discovered⭐️

Thread 2: Nick Bosa caught following 2nd IG account with white nationalist & MAGA themed posts.

Let’s take a look at the account...

“DC_Draino” by Rogan O’Handley

...& see what Nick Bosa has ❤️ “liked” and is consuming on social media.
Nick Bosa ❤️ likes that NFL halftime show artists did “avoid politics and stick to hits.” #SuperBowl #NFLDraft2019
Nick Bosa ❤️ likes post talking political trash to LA Rams players after Super Bowl loss.

“Maybe if you spent more time on a game plan instead of insulting the man that’s saving the would have scored at least one touchdown...losers”

#SuperBowl #NFLDraft2019
Read 26 tweets
Thread: Nick Bosa follows “deplorable” MAGA themed IG accounts with racial, homophobic, Islamaphobic, & white nationalist posts.

Let’s take a look at the account...

“Too_Savage_For_Democrats” by Dylan Perentis

...& see what Nick Bosa has ❤️ “liked” and put into his feed.
Nick Bosa ❤️ likes the idea of cutting welfare to migrant families to pay for Trump’s border wall. ”#BuildTheWall#NFLDraft2019
Nick Bosa ❤️ liked Trump’s tweet attack on LeBron James and Don Lemon’s intelligence. “Trump is straight savage.” #NFLDraft2019
Read 39 tweets
Grandma always said if you ain’t got nothing good to say then... Don’t say nothing thing at all!!! Well... I gotta say this!!! I fear for our nation and all that America is and has been. I have woken up every day since I was born and was so thankful to be born in America!
But those days are becoming fewer and farther in between. Working on my sixth decade on this earth, I have just become aware that there are more than two genders, and that men can menstruate. Most shockingly, I have been hated for loving my country !
If I stand up for right; “You’re a racist! You’re a bigot! You’re a homophobe! You’re Islamophobic!” If I lie and prevaricate... “They” love me!!! What have we as a people become? I often ponder the days before this technology we have today.
Read 9 tweets
A story written with no plan or script through nano-chapters using the prompts from #vss365 #AmWriting #SunScribbles #SunWIP #SciFi #Satsplat #BadWordSat
#Swim steady and firm”, 15 yr old David told the others. They had been prepared. Their go-bags had the clothes approved by Deplorables and they had a small list of safe-houses in the mainland. All the adults in the island died do make their escape possible. #vss365 #AmWriting
In the mainland, it was safer to marry the kids to each other. They would live with their assigned parents according to the fake identity genealogy. What used to be known as the #cycle of abuse had been normalized. They had to blend in and hide in plain sight. #vss365 #AmWriting
Read 50 tweets
Trump: Day 371
-Draws Boos During Davos Q&A
-Doesn't Apologize 4 Racist Tweets
-Missed Economic Growth Targets
-Wants $716B in Defense Spending
-Needs $24M for New Refrigerators
-Ending Funding 4 Space Station
-Tracking License Plates Across US
-"Great Friend" Steve Wynn Under🔥
Day 476 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 326 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies
Read 47 tweets

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