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Feb 28th 2023
We have now moved into committee! SB23-111 is for #worker protections & makes sure that public employees can engage in the political process like everyone else

Public employees are nurses, teachers, public service workers & EMT drivers #copolitics

YES ON SB23-111 👨‍⚕️
The right to strike for public employees is only possible after presenting to a board - there is not a avenue for public employees to #unionize or #organize if they think they need too

We are now hearing from a Nurse who tells us 'this impacts you all cause you seek health care'
We have testimony from @DenverHealthMed worker - who says "you do not need a heart beat in a seat, you need a capable health care worker when you are seeking health care"

"we need to level the playing field between our bosses & unions" #copolitics

YES on SB23-111 🔥
Read 28 tweets
Sep 17th 2021
Welcome back, George.

Now, about that "race-to-the-bottom" slashing of #data #protections...
...which, despite fine words about "maintaining high standards", is plainly the intent of @DCMS's proposed #DataProtection 'reforms':…

...which include the intent to (re)define "#ScientificResearch" 🤔🤔🤔
Of course, we understand #TIGRR's "enthusiasm for #digital", its eye on the value of "highly #profitable consumer data", and frustration with the pesky #protections and #safeguards of #UKGDPR...…
Read 6 tweets
Jun 18th 2020
Interestingly, in a time of #COVID, with the capacity for hundreds to attend conference calls on many platforms, the online event appears to be "Sold Out".

Will be interested to hear how it went...

Meanwhile, @cdei's '#AIBarometer' is here:…
On "knowledge barriers" in particular, public opinion on exploitation of their medical records is pretty well-mapped and consistent; asking slightly different questions to elicit the answers you'd like ain't gonna help much. (And asking 'em *during a pandemic* is redundant.) Image
Again on "#barriers" (a terribly negative framing, which makes #protections & #GoodPractice sound like deliberately erected impediments...) @cdei does name some very real #challenges here 👇

If #data use & #innovation isn't #consensual, #safe and #transparent it just won't fly! Image
Read 4 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
Margaret's blog refers to @NHSDigital's #DataProtectionNotice for the #COVID19 #GPES extract, but somehow omits to mention that people's #Type1 objections (#OptOuts) WILL be upheld: Image
And also that, according to…, actually *enhanced* #InformationGovernance processes - involving both @TheBMA & @rcgp - will be in place for data #access, which "may" include respecting #NDOP on a "case by case basis": ImageImage
Meanwhile, @NHSEngland/@NHSX in their notice to health & care professionals (while notably failing to mention #Type1s...) confirms patients STILL have the right to #OptOut of having a #SummaryCareRecord, and that existing #SCR #OptOuts will be respected:… Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 23rd 2020
#Question I could use help on.
1) Does your state have a type of #Government #Ethics Commission?
2) If so, do they offer anonymity option making a complaint?
3) Or offer any type of whistle blower #protections? Thanks!
FYI, Oregon’s does NOT offer 2 & 3.
@OPB @DisabilityRtsOR
I wonder, how many DO NOT come forward with ethics concerns in Oregon, for the simple fact- they are not given any semblance of protection? Doing so.
Read 4 tweets

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