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Jun 21st 2022
The revision process of the #eIDAS regulation contains three main components. In the following we provide you with a brief overview and further resources:

A short thread: (1/5)
(2/5): The eIDAS Expert group, works on the architecture reference framework #ARF #toolbox as well as the revised identity framework. The group consists of representatives of all EU member states.

More info about the eIDAS expert group:โ€ฆ
(3/5): The #European Digital #Identity Reference #Wallet #EUDI will be based on the proposed framework and toolbox and a public tender provides the development, consultancy and support for the #EUDI.

You can find the tender here:โ€ฆ
Read 5 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
Really, don't blink with this damn variant.

A few striking things I noticed, including a comparison of the #delta & #omicron surges in #Florida.

Nearly 47,000 cases reported today, 7-day avg just under 30,000.

Blows our delta peak out of the water by almost 8000/day.


We continue to lead the country in the % increase in average daily cases compared to two weeks prior.

#Florida has had a 991% increase

But the absolute increase is astonishing - we are now averaging nearly 27,000 more cases EACH DAY compared to 2 weeks ago.

Whereas only a few weeks ago, we had the LOWEST 7-day cases per capita in the country (largely due to the catastrophe that was the #delta surge)...

We're now 4th highest in the country over the last 7 days, behind only NYC, DC, and NJ.

Read 14 tweets
Dec 29th 2021
Your Dec 28, 2021 #COVID19 update

Based on today's CDC updated timeseries #, #Florida now up to 6th highest in total # of new cases over the past 7 days (766 per 100k).

NYC, DC, NJ, NY state, & RI round out a top 5 you don't want to be in.

There's a big BUT...

First, the timeseries did not include the 12/27 data for any state. FL had another 29,059 new cases, increasing its 7-day average daily cases to over 25,600 (highest ever).

Second, all except 11 states have 0 cases logged for 12/26 (incomplete). So, not apples to apples.

I wanted to focus on #hospitalizations.

ADULTS: New confirmed daily admissions have more than doubled in the last week alone (287/day to 581/day)

KIDS: New confirmed daily admissions have nearly tripled in the last week alone (10/day to 29/day)

Read 14 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
#groepsimmuniteit betekent dat er genoeg mensen immuun zijn waardoor er geen grootschalige verspreiding meer kan plaatsvinden

je gebruikt de R0 om de immuniteitsgraad te berekenen die nodig is om groepsimmuniteit te bereiken

#R0 van #DeltaVariant = geschat tussen 5-7

de immuniteitsgraad die je dan nodig hebt = 1 - (1/R0)

Met een R0 van 5-7 moeten dus 80-86% van de mensen immuun zijn wil je grootschalige verspreiding tegengaan

Die 80-86% moet ook nog eens homogeen (netjes/eerlijk) verdeeld zijn over de bevolking

Echter, de vaccins hebben tegen milde infectie met de #COVID19 #DeltaVariant een effectiviteit van ~65%

vaccinatiegraad is niet hetzelfde als immuniteitsgraad

en al zou 100% van de ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ bevolking zich laten inenten: daar bereik je geen #groepsimmuniteit mee

Read 11 tweets
Jun 18th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/18/2020-2โ€ฆ

Decision-Making in a Time of Crisis โ€“ Oโ€™Reillyโ€ฆ

#DecisionMaking #crisis
Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystems | Nature Ecology & Evolutionโ€ฆ

#impacts #scales #ecology #freshwater #ecosystems
Responsible Investment needs a bigger toolbox - Preventable Surprisesโ€ฆ

#investment #toolbox
Read 9 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
If you've been following #Global #Capital #Markets, you'll have noted a significant rebound in some of the world's key stock market indices. This follows a "correction" in the wake of #COVID19. The rebound largely comes on the back of #CentralBank commitment to "lower for longer"
While #CentralBank commitment to "lower for longer" might help rally markets today, it is still imperative for us to consider the #Global #MonetaryPolicy #Toolbox and if policy makers will have enough space to "keep cutting" or providing "stimulus" moving forward.
Below are #CentralBank meeting dates for March 1st to 7th 2020. From this list, Banks that usually "move the needle" as it where, are Bank of #Australia & the Bank of #Canada. As it so happens, Bank of Australia cut policy rate by 25bps to 0.5% citing #COVID19 as downside risk.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 29th 2020
So, #EU #5G #toolbox is out.โ€ฆ

IMHO, excellent work. Seriously.

What becomes crystal clear, though: ๐—ก๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ฎ๐—น ๐—ฎ๐˜‚๐˜๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ฒ๐˜€ ๐˜„๐—ถ๐—น๐—น ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ผ ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ ๐˜‚๐—ฝ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ถ๐—ฟ ๐—ด๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฒ, ๐—” ๐—Ÿ๐—ข๐—ง. In the future they will have to... [Thread]
+ continuously assess the risk of deploying particular 5G network equipment and restrict/prohibit if necessary. (p20)

+ audit MNOs at an "in-depth technical level" (p20)

+ assess operators' sourcing strategy and the involvement of 3rd party suppliers (p20)
+ assess to what extent an operator implemented baseline technical network security measures (p20)

+ "perform rigorous assessments of the risk profile of all relevant suppliers at national level" (p21)

+ assess/restrict whether MNOs rely on Managed Service Providers (p21)
Read 7 tweets
Jan 13th 2020
Lets talk #New #Tools for #MonetaryPolicy...
The #Global #Financial #Crisis of 2007/08 taught the policy making world that something special beyond #Conventional #MonetaryPolicy was necessary to lift economies out of the economic malaise...tinkering with the key rates was not enough anymore...
To this end, #centralbanks in the developed world (The US, UK, Japan, The EuroArea) adopted what they termed #UnconventionalMonetaryPolicy #UMP which is characterised by #ForwardGuidance #NegativeInterestRatePolicy & #QuantitativeEasing...but, have they helped?
Read 10 tweets

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