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1) Kurdish Islamists plan a terrorist attack on #Yazidis in a TikTok conversation yesterday, mentioning grenades and other specific weaponry:…
2) The men, in Zakho, call for an attack on the nearby Chamishko IDP camp. They refer to other cells—in Erbil and Slemani—whom they encourage to join to help attack Yazidis in other places in Dohuk. An anonymous person made this clip adding translation of a few comments:
3) This situation follows tensions that developed a few days ago following the Iraqi army's decision to officially escort a number of Sunni Arab returnee families back to their homes in #Sinjar City, homes they have not inhabited since 2014.
Read 22 tweets
Today the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria (@aanes__official) presented a declaration for a solution to the #Syrian crisis which consists of several proposals and ways to solve issues in the country and to build a democratic Syria

(🎥: ANHA, #Raqqa)
#AANES is aware of its responsibility towards all Syrians. Therefore, it will strive to take the necessary steps to resolve the crisis and establish peace and stability, taking into consideration that the international and regional platforms and initiatives” Image
“The solution to the #Syrian crisis must be sought inside the country, and the Syrian government must show a responsible stance and take urgent measures that could contribute to the success of finding an internal solution”
Read 22 tweets
Explaining Revolution in Rojava, Turkish aggression with support of its mercenaries against Kurds and the Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan


#Twitterkurds #Syria #Rojava
Rojava is a region located in northern Syria and has been the center of a political and social revolution in the country since the Syrian crisis began in 2011. The revolution has been led by the YPG and YPJ who have been fighting against the Syrian government and extremist groups
The Rojava Revolution is unique in the Middle East because it has been based on the ideas and principles of democratic confederalism, a political ideology developed by Kurdish political leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Read 57 tweets
Die Situation im Şengal droht erneut zu eskalieren. Drohnen sind in der Luft und in den letzten Wochen wurde ständig bombardiert... 1/7

A short Thread 📜 Beispielbild des Demokratischen Autonomierates Şengals (MXD
Der Demokratische Autonomierat Şengals (MXDŞ) hat vor neuen Angriffen der türkischen Armee gewarnt. Den siebten Tag in Folge wurden intensive Aufklärungsflüge im Luftraum des ezidischen Hauptsiedlungsgebiets im Nordwesten des Irak erfasst. 2/7
Die ezidische Gemeinschaft überlebte die genozidalen Angriffe der Terrororganisation „Islamischer Staat“ (IS) im Jahr 2014, wird seit 2017 jedoch wiederholt von der Türkei angegriffen. „Die internationale Nichtbeachtung dieser... 3/7
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1. From today's Russian Kommersant on the Putin Erdogan meeting in Sochi. Spoiler alert: Putin is going to sell out Armenia for a song. #TwitterKurds Image
2. Image
3. Image
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I think the UN Security Council meeting on the Turkish attack on Iraqi civilians may be starting soon. #TwitterKurds…
2. The UN representative is speaking. 20 July 5 rounds of artillery struck a busy tourist resort. First round missed and later rounds struck civilians. Iraq attributed it to Turkish armed forces. Turks denied responsibility. Said the attack was by terrorists of the PKK that
3. denied responsibility for the attack. Next day UN condemned Turkey for the attack. Iraq announced it would seek high level UN response. 23 July Iraq PM met with Barzani and both later condemned Iraqi attack.
Read 27 tweets
Zur Lage in #Südkurdistan; laut dem irak. Außenminister wird am 26. Juli eine außerordentliche Sitzung des UN Sicherheitsrates aufgrund der Angriffe des türk. Staates in #Zakho & allg. aufgrund der Besatzung stattfinden.
Während sich der Irak hier hart und radikal zeigt,.. 1/4 Exemplarisches Bild einer U...
..werden jedoch weiterhin vom Irak sämtliche Proteste unterbunden & verboten. Die Gesellschaft soll nicht in den Lösungsprozess einbezogen werden. Stattdessen sendete die Türkei laut @rojnewskurmanci heute Mesrûr Barzanî nach Bagdad um mit der irak. Regierung zu verhandeln. 2/4 Bild von Mesrûr Barzanî bei...
Außerdem haben 52 der Behdînan Gefangenen im Gefängnis von Hewlêr & Şeladize erklärt, dass sie in einen unbefristeten Hungerstreik starten.
Die AktivistInnen & JournalistInnen waren im Zuge von Antireg.-Protesten & Demonstrationen gg türk. Militäraktionen inhaftiert worden. 3/4 Bild eines Demonstrantens, ...
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Finché Abdullah Öcalan resterà in prigione nessuna persona al mondo può considerarsi libera. Nemmeno tu.


Oggi #12Febbraio in piazza:
#Roma 14:30 Pza Esquilino
#Milano 14:00 Lgo Cairoli

#TwitterKurds #FREEAPO #Kurdistan
video 1/2
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#TwitterKurds #Kurdistan #Öcalan
video parte 2/2 👇

Il concentramento a piazza Esquilino comincia ad affollarsi.

La manifestazione per la liberazione di #Öcalan e la rimozione del #PKK dalla lista delle organizzazioni terroristiche su muoverà fra poco.

#TwitterKurds #FREEAPO #Kurdistan #freeÖcalan #FreePKK #RiseUp4Rojava
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Vor 7 J griff der #IS den Ort #Sengal an. Tausende Menschen wurden massakriert, vergewaltigt, verschleppt u verkauft.
Die Entführung von êzidischen Frauen durch den IS als Kriegsbeute, ihre Versklavung, systematische Vergewaltigung u Zwangskonversion sind nicht nur Teil eines 1/3
systematischen Krieges gg Frauen sondern erfüllen auch d Tatbestand des #Femizids. Auch die konkrete Zahl der Verschleppten u auf sog.Sklavinnenmärkten verkauften Frauen u Mädchen,die noch nicht in Freiheit leben,konnte noch immer nicht benannt werden.
Fakt ist, dass derzeit 2/3
ca.3500 Mädchen u Frauen immer noch als vermisst gelten!Der Genozid muss anerkannt werden!Die Verantwortlichen müssen z Rechenschaft gezogen u verurteilt werden!

Ji bo ji bîr nekirin, ji bo nedin ji bîr kirin!
Don't forget #YazidiGenocide !
#RecognizeYazidiGenocide #TwitterKurds
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1. Here is clip from @POTUS nominee @JeffFlake on the decision to partner with who, at the time, were the #Kurdish #YPG #YPJ to stop the spread of #Daesh (aka #ISIS) in #Syria. This was after disastrous attempt to arm a #jihadist forces who simply gave their weapons to al-Qaeda.
2. I did some searches on Twitter timeline for that period of 2014. America was just waking up to the fact that the #Kurds were our best option to defeat #Daesh. There were risks but the decision has proven to be the correct one. Now under #AANES civilian authority backed by the
3. #SDF that includes Kurds, #Arabs and #Christians, Jeff Flake is a good choice and I applaud @joeBiden's @WhiteHouse and @JakeSullivan46 for thinking outside the box. I sincerely hope @SenatorMenendez
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Resmi Turk tarihi birileri icin "Ingiliz ajani" derse biliniz ki kendileri usaklik etmistir. Yani ettikleri yalanlarin tersi dogrudur ve hep oyle olmustur.

Ornegin Yavuz'un Kurdler icin yazdigini one surdukleri siir bile Turkler icin yazildigi ortay cikti.
O siir soyleydi:

Türke fırsat verme ya rab
dehre sultan olmasın
ayağını çarık sıksın
karnı bile doymasın

vur sopayı al haracı
asla iflah olmasın
ol bu çeşmeden gavur içsin
rum içsin
türke nasip olmasın
vasiyetim oldur kim,
türk bin kere yalvarsın.
inanma, kanma.
yakana bit, kapına türk dadandırma.

Ama gel gor ki Turk irkcilari bu siiri alip Turk yerine Kurd yazarak degistirdi ve piyasaya surduler. Bunu yazan Selim yada Kanuni bile degil. Onun icin ne soylerlerse tersinden alin
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[Thread] Historical proof of Armenian Dashnaks (Armenian Revolutionary Federation) & Russian Invading forces massacres of Turks and Kurd's inside Anatolia which lead to the events of 1915. Turkey wants recognition of this but its ignored mostly by Western Media. #ArmenianGenocide
Western Media itself reported mostly about Armenian Dashnaks before WW1 terrorizing eastern Anatolian Turks and Kurds, these actions where mostly supported by Russian Weapons and Explosives. All of these 4 articles are from the @nytimes reporting on these events.
Different western Newspapers reported on Armenians being ready and siding with Russian Invading forces. This is from The Times, London, 12.01.1915, reporting on 8000 Armenians readying themselves in the UK to fight with the Russians, while 5000 more are ready in the USA.
Read 28 tweets

#RiseUp4Rojava #UniteInResistance
伤员联合会的使命是为所有在战争中受伤的人们争取利益:无论是YPG/YPJ或自卫部队的战士,还是大量因战争受伤的平民。伤员联合会对各个委员会进行监督,确保伤员的声音被听见。 3/7
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- Attaques violentes et arrestations, la France est-elle au service du fascisme islamiste turc ? -

#Macron #Erdogan #DiplomatieAutoritaire #Répression #LeBruitDesBottes #TwitterKurds
2 actus qui se télescopent : d’un côté la chasse aux sorcières islamophobe du gvt, qui recycle et institue les vieilles thématiques d’extrême-droite, de l’autre côté une collaboration active avec le régime d’Erdogan, oppresseur des populations kurdes et véritable allié de Daesh.
Ces derniers temps, les équipes diplomatiques françaises et turques ont travaillé à une normalisation des relations entre les 2 pays. Point culminant de cette «normalisation» : des représentants de l’UE seront aujourd’hui à Ankara pour rencontrer Erdogan.…
Read 33 tweets
Partilhamos um texto publicado no segundo número da revista @RevistaLegerin. Um texto de reflexão sobre o combate que deve acontecer nas nossas mentes para combater a mentalidade da masculinidade tóxica.


#TwitterKurds #RiseUp4Rojava Image
"A nossa luta no movimento de libertação das mulheres é uma luta interna, uma luta contra nós próprios. Trata-se de mais do que solidariedade com as nossas irmãs, trata-se de lutar contra os homens em nós e acabar com a cultura de dominação e violação que nos foi incutida..." ImageImage
"A nossa responsabilidade é destruir o patriarcado.
É nossa responsabilidade redescobrir a identidade do homem menos a dominação, compreender-nos a nós próprios como homens e compreender as nossas emoções." ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
I don't want to sound alarmist, but things aren't looking good in the KRI. Not only is there an economic crisis the government has chosen to reply to with violence, but there is a real threat of civil war with the KDP continuously ratcheting up tensions with the PKK #TwitterKurds
We have compounding tragedies of internal rivalries, an elite that has transferred its wealth abroad, neighbours who can strangle the landlocked region, and a reliance on an inflated public sector that simply cannot sustain the population.
Even if we weather this newest storm, we are heading in every direction towards constantly worsening scenarios and we simply don't have any realistic answers for what to do next coming from anyone in a position to do something about it.
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Mossad thinks Turkey is a bigger menace than Iran. - Erdogan’s constant search for scapegoats and enemies is leaving him friendless in the region - The Times
According to think-tank called Jerusalem Institute for Strategy&Security (JISS);

"Under Erdogan’s leadership, Turkey threatens the stability of the region and Israel’s interests too."
Experts from Jerusalem Institute for Strategy&Security say; “The regime (Turkey) became more and more authoritarian (and personal).” and "the AKP as the Turkish version of the Muslim Brotherhood. AKP’s relationship with Hamas is also being evaluated in this regard"

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"Fransa’nın, Türkiye ile ilişkileri 1930’larda.. üst seviyededir. Örneğin Türkiye’nin bu gün Rojava’ya dayattığı Kürtlerin sınırdan 20-30 KM uzak kalmaları talebi, yani sınır boyunca bir Türk kemeri oluşturma niyeti, daha o zamanlara dayanır" -Sabri Cıgerlı

#twitterkurds #Afrin
"Ruslar kendilerini her zaman Türkiye’ye daha yakın gördüler. İstanbul Taksim’de bulunan Atatürk ve arkadaşlarının heykelleri arasında iki Rus generalin oldugunu bilmeyen Kürtlerin çoğunlukta olduğu kesin bir durumdur."

#twitterkurds #Kurdistan
SSCB, Kürt hareketlerinin bastırılmasında aktif roller üstleniyor. O dönemler bunun farkında olmayan Kürt gençleri meydanlarda Lenin’i savunuyorlar.
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Turkey is a mafia/thug state. Image
Turkish mob boss (Serkan Kurtulus): Erdogan gov’t asked me to murder American pastor Andrew Brunson -…

#Twitterkurds #Syria #Kurdistan @realDonaldTrump Image
Serkan Kurtuluş is involved with the mafia. He fled #Turkey and was captured in Argentina. He said to the journalists, “AKP (Erdogan's party) asked me to assassinate Pastor Brunson.” - #twitterkurds #Kurdistan #Syria #USA
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Europe should freeze all #Qatar assets as they are the ones funding Islamist jihadi terrorists and Erdogan with the money they earn (money laundering) in Europe &US

Qatar owns more land in London than the Queen of Britain.
Qatar owns; #Harrods #TheShard, London's Savoy Hotel...
the QIA, Qatar Holding, owns a string of hotels in London, Qatar is also bound into the UK economy through trade. And for Qatar, trade means liquefied natural gas (LNG).The QIA has bought 22% of Sainsbury's and 20% of London Heathrow airport.
#Qatar owns 6% of Barclays...
Qatar Airways is the biggest shareholder in British Airways owner IAG, with a 20% stake. Qatar owns Claridge's, the Berkeley and the Connaught, Intercontinental in Park Lane, through a 64% stake in Coroin, the holding company which owns the Maybourne Hotel Group.

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Kurdlere olmadik zulmu eden ve onlari yerinden yurdundan eden irkci Erdogan'in kellesini alanlarin Kurdlerin olmasi tarihsel bir sorumluluktur.

#twitterkurds #Afrin #Ankara
Erdogan Osmanlici degildir, Osmanli karsiti irkci-ittihatci Enver Pasa'nin ta kendisidir.

Osmanli'da Kurdlerin diline ve namusuna goz konulmadi ama Erdogan irkci rejiminde bunlarin hepsi yapildi.

Kurdler en ilkel kan davasini yillarca surdururken bu adamin pesini niye biraksin?
Enver, Talat ve Cemal kactiklari ulkelerde kistirilip soykirima ugrattiklari kavmin cocuklari tarafindan cezalari kesildi, peki Kurdler neden #Afrin, Sur ve Cizre'de zulmedenleri affetsin?

Gec kalmis adalet, adalet degildir.

#twitterkurds #Kurdistan
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Kurd Ahmet Izzet Pasha, Osmanli'da Van ve Aydin Valiligi yapmis ve Ittihatcilarin (Kemalistler) Turk irkciligina karsi cikmis ve onlara karsi savasmis bir Kurd yurtseveridir.

Izmir Valiligi esnasinda Izmir yerlisi Rumlarla bir fotografi mevcuttur.

#twitterkurds #Kurdistan Image
Kemalist rejim bu Kurd Pasa'nin Kemalist Turk irkciligina karsi cikmasini kendine yediremedigi icin kendi yayinladiklari kitap ve raporlarinda hakaret etmek icin "Kambur Izzet Pasa" olarak bahsetmislerdir.

#twitterkurds #Kurdistan
Ahmet Izzet Pasa ayrica diger bir Kurd yurtseveri olan ve Osmanli'da Isvec buyukelciligi yapmis Kurd Serif Pasa'nin da amcasidir.

Izzet Pasa Osmanli'nin son yillarinda (1919) vakiflar Bakanligi ve sonrasinda gecici olarak Icisleri Bakanligina atanmistir

#twitterkurds #Kurdistan
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1. In @SDNYnews #Zarrab case:

MANDATE of USCA (Certified Copy) as to Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. USCA Case Number 19-4203.

"Petitioner seeks a writ of mandamus and moves for a stay of the district court's criminal proceeding pending decision on the mandamus petition.
2. Upon due consideration, it is hereby ORDERED that the petition is DENIED because Petitioner has not demonstrated that it lacks an adequate, alternative means of obtaining relief, that its right to the writ is clear and indisputable, or that granting the writ is appropriate
3. under the circumstances. See Cheney v. U.S. Dist. Ct. for D.C., 542 U.S. 367, 38081 (2004); see also United States v. McLaughlin, No. 19-308, 2019 WL 7602324 (2d Cir. Dec. 30, 2019) (reviewing de novo, on appeal from final judgment, district court's determination that it had
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Hey xane û xane û xane
Ser dimdimê dûmane
Şerê şahê Eceman
Li ser xanê Kurdane

Kela Dimdim (قلعة دمدم) via @YouTube

#Kurdistan #TwitterKurds
Teyrê derkevî gund got
Xayinan welat firot
Ewan şerê dimdime
Neyaran warê mi bisot
Hey xane û xane û xane
Ser dimdimê dûmane
Şerê şahê Eceman
Li ser xanê Kurdane
Dimdim Kela Kurdaye
Sitêrka sibê ser daye
Îro li me haware
Şerkin roja mêraye
Hey xane û xane û xane
Ser dimdimê dûmane
Şerê şahê Eceman
Li ser xanê Kurdane
Read 5 tweets

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