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Okay so How to Make a Good Hero Banner for your Indie Game Website?

There are a few ways you can do them but here are the Top 3:

1. Background Video + Game's Logo
2. Game Art + Game's Logo
3. Animated Game Art + Game's Logo

Let me explain:

#gamedev #indiegame #webdev Image
1. Background Video + Game's Logo

is by far the MOST popular one that I've seen. This is essentially using a part of your trailer as a background looped video with the logo in front of it.
This is really good in capturing your user's engagement and can be used to showcase the gameplay with less words. It's simple yet very effective in delivering what your game is all about.

Here's a good example of it from Hollow Knight:
Read 11 tweets
1. Microsoft Copilot

GPT4 in powerpoint, excel, word, outlook, teams, more.…
2. Arcade Game

@thegarrettscott made a website that uses GPT-4 to code any arcade game you can think of and let you play it instantly.

Read 8 tweets
1. Google

Design and build beautiful, usable products with Material 3"
2. Apple

The Human Interface Guidelines contains guidance and best practices that can help you design a great experience for any Apple platform…
Read 12 tweets
SSH local port forwarding, explained to humans:

ssh -L [local_address:]local_port:remote_address:remote_port [user@]ssh_server
1.🌐💻 Have you ever wanted to access a remote server as if it were running on your local machine? That's where local port forwarding comes in!
2.🛣️📬 Think of it like a mail forwarding service: just as you'd tell the service to forward your mail to your new address, you can tell SSH to forward traffic from a remote server to your local machine.
Read 7 tweets
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysofCode #Day31

Uninstalled and reinstalled @ProgrammingHero again, did the exam for #Cpp course, and it still crashed at the end.


It could be my phone. I'll have to try installing it on another device. Still a bummer screenshot of the error message as programming hero app cras
Also resinstalled the very different app, @Prghub, which has much shorter courses and as a result felt deceptive about how much you were learning. I haven't uses it in over a year for sure. They have a bunch of new courses. I'll try some-I don't know if I'll keep at it w this app
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysofWriting #Day23-#Day27, need to keep track of how much I write and where. I kind of write a lot, but not always towards the goals I want to write toward. So I'm writing this tweet to stand in for missing those days' record while noting that I do write
Read 15 tweets
If you were building a new web app/SaaS in 2023, what would your tech stack be?

(Rails, @laravelphp? Fancy new JS framework? What database setup would you use? Where would you host it?)
Personally, I'm still on team "full stack web dev" (Laravel, Rails).

Most indie SaaS these days are still being built on mature web frameworks:

@SnapShooterio (Laravel)
@bannerbearHQ (Rails)
@TransistorFM (Rails)
@usefathom (Laravel)
@hostifi_net (Laravel)
@ZipMessage (Rails)
If I was in charge of PR for Rails/Laravel, I'd focus on getting more young people to learn these frameworks.

- Make it easier to get started
- Make it more fun (sample projects)
- Get it into more bootcamps

@taylorotwell and I chatted about this here:

Read 5 tweets
Where to learn for Free in 2023


2. CSS

3. JavaScript

4. Git & GitHub

5. API

6. Python
7. SQL

8. React

9. Web3

10. Blockchain
Data structures introduction:…

Data algorithms:

Sorting algorithms:…

Tech interview cheat sheet:…
Read 6 tweets

1/ Get rid of complex, traditional backend servers while building your #websites.

According to @HTTPArchive, now more than 1% of ALL websites are based on the Jamstack architectural approach


(image by C. Fayock)

#webapp #coding #developer #innovation
2/ Whether you are an experienced or a novice web developer, your main, urgent goal is to avoid:

🐢Slow loading times

🔒Security vulnerabilities

📈Scaling issues


3/ The Jamstack is a way of building web applications that utilizes modern tools and technologies based on #JavaScript, #APIs, and Markdown (J.A.M. stack), in order to decouple the #frontend from the #backend
Read 14 tweets
What to learn in 2023 (for Web developers):

Must-know section:

- HTML/CSS/Javascript
- One of the frontend frameworks (React/VueJs/Svelte)
- Git + GitHub
- API Access
- master your code editor (e.g., VSCode)

If going Full-stack:

- One of the DBs (MongoDB/Postgres)

- REST API/ GraphQL architecture
- Tests
- Debugging

Worth learning:

- CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS
- Linux
- AI and ML (GPT-3/ChatGPT)
- Docker/Kubernetes
- DevOps
- Serverless architecture and usage
- Web Design basics (Figma)
- Copywriting
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I'm a web developer, and a lover of anagrams.

Here's how I create animated #anagrams for the @AnagramPost. (LONG THREAD 🧵)

#webdev #html #css #javascript #php #thread
In November 2022, I made a Python program to animate anagrams of tweets as an experiment.

It wasn't very easy to use or maintain, though. It's over 1,000 lines, ~160 of which are to work around Pygame being unable to wrap text or render emojis in color.
Sometime later, I decided to try refactoring it to make it less of a headache.

But partway through, I thought to myself, "Wait, why am I trying to recreate a web layout in Pygame? I should it on the web!"

So I did.
Read 30 tweets
You want to monetize 💰 your coding skills, right?

Here are 5 web application ideas you can build and monetize👇
1️⃣ Online store builder from Notion doc

An online store builder that allows businesses to create and manage their online stores.

It's specific because it would pull data from Notion docs.

You'll leverage Notion API.
2️⃣ Simple Task Manager App.

A task management tool that helps users organize and prioritize their tasks and to-do lists.

It could be used by individuals and teams looking to increase productivity and efficiency.
Read 8 tweets
Hey there! Are you interested in learning web development? Struggling with figuring out where to start and how to focus on one particular area? I've been there too! I used to jump from one technology to another, trying to learn everything at once and ended up becoming a Jack ...
of all Trades, Master of None.

But then I decided to drop everything and focus on becoming a Master of JavaScript, particularly the Backend (Node). And let me tell you, it was the best decision I ever made! Not only is it a highly paid and in-demand technology, but it also ...
brings me so much joy and fulfillment.

If you want to start your journey in web development, I highly recommend taking @yu_angela's Development Bootcamp on Udemy. She has a unique way of teaching that keeps you engaged and interested. And the best part? ...
Read 4 tweets
1) If you're wondering how successful was @SoulashGame and what it took to get here, I bring some data, some advice, a little about me and how I got here, and what it took to make it.

Thread below!

#indiedev #gamedev #solodev #indiegamedev
2) I worked on @SoulashGame for 7.5k hours over 5 years. After all asset costs, store cuts, and taxes I earned 14.95$ per hour as of today.

This includes Steam, Itch, Gog, and Patreon over the full duration, including EA.

#gamedev #indiedev
3) Speaking strictly in terms of income per hour, I ended my career as a Systems Architect / Team Lead when I released @SoulashGame, and I was earning twice the rate in #webdev than in #indiedev

But when I started working on Soulash, I was a PHP developer earning 6 times less
Read 25 tweets
Don't waste your time!

Do things 3 times faster with these fantastic Free Tools for web developers.

Can save you tens of hours every month. (believe me)
{1} @appwrite

Excellent open-source Firebase alternative.

It's a secure backend server for web, mobile & flutter developers.

Out-of-the-box support for:

✅ Authentication and Users (including social logins)
✅ Database
✅ Storage
✅ Functions

{2} Retool

Retool is the fast way to build internal tools.

Drag-and-drop building blocks and connect them to your databases and APIs to build your own tools, instantly.

Read 13 tweets
🌅 Buenos días 🌅

¿Buscando proyectos para practicar o para portafolio?

🧵 Te dejo 3 que me gustan por acá

#frontend #webdev
Desarrollar una pagina de producto para crowfunding y aprende:

1️⃣ Responsive design
2️⃣ Transiciones en hover states
3️⃣ Layouts con #CSS…
🏠 Room homepage

El layout de este está retador, pero te queda un proyecto interesante para mostrar en tu portafolio.…
Read 5 tweets
¿Nadie visita tu perfil de LinkedIn?

✨ 5 MEJORAS RÁPIDAS para tu LinkedIn y que te lluevan ofertas de trabajo de #webdev y #programacion.


❤️ RT para repartir amor
Yo soy feo, pero me acomodo para las fotos y tú también deberías.

🌅 Bien iluminada
☘️ Que se vea natural
👀 Mira la cámara
😬 Sonríe, pero bonito, no creepy

Evita esas fotos raras con ropa de iglesia.
El "headline" no es solo tu título, descríbete a ti y que te hace único porque tienes habilidades que nadie más puede ofrecer.

Eres frontend developer, bien, pero ¿Qué más tienes para ofrecer? Esta es tu oportunidad de decirlo.
Read 7 tweets
10 Web sites web developers may feel illegal to know.

But trust me, they can save you tens of hours every month.🧵👇
{1} @appwrite

Excellent open-source Firebase alternative.

It's a secure backend server for web, mobile & flutter developers.

Out-of-the-box support for:

✅ Authentication and Users (including social logins)
✅ Database
✅ Storage
✅ Functions

{2} Magic Eraser

Use AI to remove unwanted things from images in seconds

Upload an image, mark the bit you need to be removed, and download the fixed-up image.

Read 13 tweets

5 CSS one-liners to reduce time spent styling

(Thread🧵) Image
1️⃣ Inset

Inset is a shorthand property for top, bottom, left, and right. Image
2️⃣ Scroll-behavior

You can create a smooth scrolling animation by setting the scroll-behavior property to "smooth". Image
Read 8 tweets
Vercel is Introducing Turbopack: Rust-based successor to Webpack
Turbopack will be the Web’s next-generation bundler.

(Thread) Image
Webpack has become an integral part of building the Web, it has been downloaded more than 3 billion times.
Vercel, the company behind NextJS, mission is to provide the speed and reliability innovators need to create at the moment of inspiration and thus introducing Turbopack.
Led by the creator of Webpack, Tobias Koppers, Turbopack will be the Web’s next-generation bundler, it is built on a new incremental architecture for the fastest possible development experience
Read 7 tweets
Want to improve your coding skills?

11 FREE Coding Websites that will help you to be a better Web Developer (I'm 100% sure).

Thread 🧵👇
1️⃣ Codewars

Codewars is where developers achieve code mastery through challenge. Train on kata in the dojo and reach your highest potential.
2️⃣ HackerRank

HackerRank is the market-leading technical assessment and remote interview solution for hiring developers.
Read 15 tweets
👋🏼 8 Awesome YouTube Channels for Web Developers You Probably Do Not Follow Yet (and you should )

Thread 🧵👇
1️⃣ WebDevMentors

A Youtube Channel for emerging technologies and already established technologies in the Computer or IT field. We make courses on various IT or Computer-based stuff that enables you to learn and excel on the same.… Image
2️⃣ Codecourse

Helping you learn to code. PHP + Laravel + VueJS Image
Read 12 tweets
20 Youtube Channels for Web Developers

✅ Academind
✅ Clever Programmer
✅ Codecourse
✅ Coder Coder
✅ DevTips
✅ DerekBanas
✅ FreeCodeCamp
✅ Google Developers
✅ Joseph Smith
✅ KevinPowell
✅ LearnCode academy
✅ LearnWebCode
✅ LevelUpTuts

✅ Programming with Mosh
✅ SteveGriffith
✅ TheNetNinja
✅ TheNewBoston
✅ TraversyMedia
✅ Treehouse
✅ WebDevSimplified

You can learn to code for free. Leverage it.
If you like this post, you can bookmark and tag it by replying with @SaveToBookmarks #youtube #webdev

You can view your bookmarks on savetobookmarks .com
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1/ A software engineer is a solution provider not only someone who writes code or helps to get code written.
#softwareEngineering #webDevelopment #code #softwareEngineer #solution #value #business 101 software engineering realities you must be aware of (esp
2/ Code is one of the ways to reach a solution, not the only way.
All the points at:…
#code #noCode
3/ Solutions have value, mainly in terms of money earned or money saved. So the software you write is a path to saving money or earning more money for the business.
#businesValue #value #soluiton #softwareEngineering #webDevelopment
Read 101 tweets
🌅 Buenos días 🌅

¿Buscando proyectos para practicar o para portafolio?

🧵 Te dejo 3 que me gustan por acá

#frontend #webdev
Desarrollar una pagina de producto para crowfunding y aprende:

1️⃣ Responsive design
2️⃣ Transiciones en hover states
3️⃣ Layouts con #CSS…
🏠 Room homepage

El layout de este está retador, pero te queda un proyecto interesante para mostrar en tu portafolio.…
Read 5 tweets

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