Republicans who feel disrespected had better settle in. It’s never going to end.…

It is good if you didn't/don't support Trump. It matters.
But it can be tempting to believe b/c we weren't part of THAT, we now bear no responsibility to act.
What do you have to give? Give that.
If you're great at strategy and organization, maybe you should start your own movement.
Holding on one more day in the face of your great struggle *is* contributing. It may be the most important contribution. We need you.
Give what you have to give.
Don't think of your engagement with justice as a set of actions, but as an alignment.
It's not a chore list. It's an active way of being.
So *of course* you're going to give what you have to give to that. And step one is just reaching out to find out what that might be.
You *get* to find out. It's not something with a deadline. It's a process. You'll discover it. Enjoy that.
Even the mistakes are part of the finding, and the finding is a part of your alignment, and you're aligned toward justice.
Maybe right now what you can give is just surviving until tomorrow. Give that. But maybe in a few years you'll have surpluses of energy and resources, and then you'll give that.
Or vice versa.