"Father I am bored" Whined #DTJ, "I want a pet"
"Son, Remember I gave you #ScottBaio and you forgot to feed him? #Trump replied.
"I didn't like him" Jr said stomping his feet, "He is always whining about this career he had and also he bites".
#DonaldTrumpJr read the paper: To summon #PaulRyan: Orphan Tears, One million dollars from the #NRA, A Puppy, Candy taken from a small child. A Pentagram drawn with #SarahSanders eyeshadow
"Doesn't seem very Christian" Junior muttered to himself
"Anyway" Paul Ryan said. "This is the curse that #Republicans have endured for a long time"
#DTJR finally pulled his pants up as #Pence walked away sadly.
"There is one way to fix the curse for future generations" #PR said, but it is horrible!