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🇺🇸NinjaWarrior ANON @Disciple_4G
, 71 tweets, 17 min read Read on Twitter
With all of the talk of @realDonaldTrump being soft on Russia, I wanted to take a walk down a path that NO ONE is talking about. The effect of @POTUS withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal- and how it affects Russia.
2) The US withdrawal from JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action) has caused quite the firestorm in Russia relations and has had great affect on how the deep state/cabal is able to use Iran and the role of the Russians in the region.
3) Here is an article concerning the next ministerial meeting of the JCPOA- NEW YORK? Why would it be held in the US if we have withdrawn?…
4) Because the UN General Assembly Meeting will be held in New York in September and they plan to meet in a sidebar of that GA meeting. Still leaves you wondering about the possibilities though huh???
5) The main Russian player in this theater is Mikhail Ulyanov who is the Kremlin’s Permanent Representative to the UN. So let's look at this fellow.... Mikhail Ulyanov
6) He is NOT the Russian actor- 🤣🤣😉…
7) Back in 2013 here is what Mikhail Ulyanov was up to- "Iran and the P5+1 (Future JCPOA members) strongly took the first step to resolve the nuclear dispute though it is difficult to predict the future."
8) Mikhail Ulyanov hailed Iran’s regular cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and said that Iranian cooperation with IAEA has become more serious today and Iran and the UN nuclear agency have reached an agreement to resolve the remaining issues.
9) The agreement being talked about here is the early evolution of the JCPOA. February of 2014 talks between Iran and six world powers began working on a long-term deal for Tehran to rein in its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.
10) Iran had been accused of violating the previous agreement made in November of 2013, but Mikhail Ulyanov says the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has found no violation by Iran of last November’s nuclear deal between Tehran and the Sextet of world powers.
11) As you can see- Clearly Russia has a great vested interest in Iran NOT being held to account over violations of the Geneva agreement that was made with Iran in November of 2013 and Russia is trying desperately to get a long term deal in place.
12) “We regard as the main criteria of the Iranian fulfillment of the commitments it undertook under the Geneva Plan of Action, the conclusions and opinions of the IAEA, which is entrusted with playing a key role in the evaluation illegal nuclear activity in Iran,” ~M. Ulyanov
13) "We call on our partners to refrain from tabling new demands which are able to undermine the trust already reached and to throw the situation back to the starting point,” Ulyanov was desperately trying to keep the P5+1 group from making additional demands of Iran in the JCPOA
14) May of 2014- after the February meeting- Ulyanov said this:
Moscow says it is optimistic about an overarching agreement between Iran and six world powers over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.
15) But that deal was still an interim deal and Iran was still struggling with compliance. Ulyanov though was still optimistic.
16) “We are confident that the unprecedentedly constructive cooperation of Iran with the IAEA as well as with the [six powers] gives grounds to hope for a successful outcome of the talks on a comprehensive solution to Iran’s nuclear issue before the deadline of July 20,”
17) So the JCPOA deal was done and all was right in the world right??? Well, as we know now it was not. Obumma sold us out and sent plane loads of cash over seas and you know the rest of the story. So let's fast forward to 2016.
18) The 'official' JCPOA deal was announced in July of 2015 and as we just outlined, Russia and Mikhail Ulyanov had played a MAJOR role in the groundwork deals over the previous 2 years and in making the JCPOA deal happen.
19) In the 9 months following the JCPOA deal- April 2016- Iran had conducted 8 ballistic missile tests.
20) Iran has not violated commitments on ballistic missile launches – Moscow
According to the Russian Foreign Ministry (Mikhail Ulyanov), "Tehran has not breached its international commitments on ballistic missile launches."
21) So you mean we signed a deal with Iran to curb their nuclear ambitions, sent planes of cash, lifted sanctions, cut back door deals with Russia and the EU as part of JCPOA and it did NOT address ballistic missiles??? FACT!
22) “The Iranians are not violating anything. There is not a word in the JCPOA about missiles, only the [UN] resolution, to be more precise the addendum to the resolution mentions them. But again, we are talking about a ‘call upon’ [not actual ban],” Mikhail Ulyanov said.
23) Here is the missile test data-
24) More test data-
25) Mikhail Ulyanov even protests the calls that Iran violated the deal with the defense of.... THEY ONLY VIOLATED THE UN RESOLUTION- NOT JCPOA. WoW! The Russians really want this Iran nuke deal to stay in place huh?
26) Look at what Russia was doing with Iran in while Ulyanov was defending Iran's ballistic missile tests- Moscow is contemplating a possibility of buying from 40 tons of heavy water from a nuclear facility in Iran, the Russian Foreign Ministry (Ulyanov) said on April 26.
27) So why is that relevant? What is 'heavy water'? Why would Russia want or need to buy Iran's heavy water?
28) Some reactors that use heavy water (as in the Iranian reactor in Arak) can use unrefined uranium as a fuel, removing the expensive and time consuming enrichment process. These reactors also tend to produce more plutonium as a waste product that can be used in weapons.
29) So why would Russia be buying Iran's heavy water? The United Nations atomic watchdog IAEA says "Iran for a second time this year has exceeded a so-called "soft limit" on sensitive material that was agreed upon under its 2015 JCPOA nuclear agreement."
30) So lets recap- Russia negotiates the Iran nuke deal, runs cover for them while they continually break the early deals, defends them while they continue ballistic missile tests, and then are buying their production supply in an effort to keep them in compliance of JCPOA?
31) In May of 2016 here is what Ulyanov said about the Iranian ballistic missile tests: "Assertions that Iran’s missile program posed a threat to the NATO partners in Europe are unfounded."
32) In December of 2016, right after the election of @realDonaldTrump, there was already concern from Iran and Russia that the US would re-implement sanctions on Iran. So Iran threatened to not continue implementation of the JCPOA. Which they were not adhering to anyway.
33) Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif threatened to suspend the implementation of the JCPOA should the US renew sanctions. “We regret that this issue arose. We expect that the agreements on the Iranian nuclear program will be implemented duly." Mikhail Ulyanov
34) So you can still see that the Russians, through Ulyanov, are highly interested in keeping the JCPOA together.
35) Russia concerned Iran can withdraw from 2015 nuclear agreement- "Tehran’s possible withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear agreement due to the United States’ anti-Iran rhetoric would signal the failure of the international community", the Russian Foreign Ministry told Sputnik.
36) January 2017, Iran conducted ballistic missile test launches. Claiming that the tests were a violation of the UN resolution, the US imposed sanctions against 25 individuals and entities which provide support to Tehran’s ballistic missile program and to IRG Corps’ Quds Force.
37) So a few weeks after the sanctions were implemented by @realDonaldTrump, he announced plans to expand the US capabilities world wide. This move was NOT lost on Iran or Ulyanov.
38) “International issues must be resolved in an atmosphere of mutual respect based on national interests of all nations through constructive dialogues and without imposing other countries’ prescriptions on the rest of the world,” Ulyanov said.
39) On April 19, President Trump ordered a National Security Council led inter-agency review of the JCPOA to evaluate Iran’s compliance with the deal. US State Secretary Rex Tillerson stated that the nuclear deal “fails to achieve the objective of non-nuclear Iran.”
40) Tehran, in its turn, stressed that the deal was an international treaty and cannot be changed. Ulyanov said “If the deal doesn't work, then specific complaints should be made regarding its functioning. The Americans cannot do this. Therefore, any claims are irrelevant here.”
41) May 3rd of 2017 Ulyanov said: The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a balanced agreement for all parties and is made mostly based on the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Still fighting tooth and nail for this deal. WHY?
42) "The “founding fathers” of the Treaty managed to find solutions that have been repeatedly tested and they still ensure an effective response to modern challenges. The JCPOA was reached mostly thanks to the fact that it is based on the NPT."
43) So when they start invoking the "founding fathers" and coupling that with the words "based on", you it's a signal that their position is weak, but they are trying to tie the JCPOA to the NPT to bolster the case of precedence. Desperation to keep the deal in place.
44) May 2017, NK takes the stage and starts saber rattling with their missile tests and Ulyanov uses their actions to try and draw @realDonaldTrump back to the table on the JCPOA.
45) "It is possible to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula using political and diplomatic means, but not by an analogy with the solution of the Iranian nuclear problem", the director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s department for arms control, Mikhail Ulyanov, said.
46) “But I’m talking about fundamental approaches that should be centered around political and diplomatic efforts and not around bellicose rhetoric and large-scale military maneuvers, and not only around sanctions.” So what Ulyanov is saying is 'Trumps approach won't work'.
47) July 2017, Ulyanov says, “There are certain ‘rules of the game’ which must be adhered to, even when you are big and powerful as the US. The JCPOA envisaged some steps by Iran, which it implements in good faith, and the US side is implementing its part of the deal very badly.”
48) "The Iranian nuclear deal’s possible revision lead to the deterioration of the internal situation, and could aggravate sharply the situation in the region." Mikhail Ulyanov, said in Sept. of 2017. The Russians and Iranians still had not figured out how @realDonaldTrump works.
49) Sept, 30 2017- Ulyanov dismissed a recent US claim that Moscow is trying to “shield” Iran from inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which Washington has been pushing to widen to Iran’s military sites. What do you think? Was Moscow was shielding Iran?
50) @realDonaldTrump calling them out prompted Iran to issue this response: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that "EU and Asian powers had to refrain from going along with the US if Washington decided to scrap the JCPOA and re-impose nuclear-related sanctions".
51) @realDonaldTrump brings up renegotiating the JCPOA, here is what Ulyanov had to say- "Russia is confident that the JCPOA does not require any supplementary agreements."
52) “If all the parties concerned suddenly develop a wish to make some additional agreements, which would not be immediately linked to the JCPOA & would not be detrimental to it, this will be a matter of their political will & preparedness.” He is saying "get ready for a fight"
53) April 7, 2018- Ulyanov said this: "Iran’s nuclear deal can still be saved, it’s not time yet for unambiguously pessimistic conclusions about Iran’s nuclear deal." This was roughly a month before @realDonaldTrump withdrew the US from this monstrosity. Ulyanov is still hoping.
54) On April 30, 2018 @netanyahu dropped the bombshell on the JCPOA. Israel announced it had obtained 110,000 files from an Iranian storage facility on Iran’s efforts to develop a secret nuclear weapons program. The proverbial nail in the coffin of the JCPOA right?
55) Not so fast- Russia is not convinced. “Unfortunately, as judged by the comments coming from Washington, some American politicians were able to analyze 100,000 documents within the shortest possible time and render a verdict unfavorable for Iran.”
56) Netanyahu informed President Vladimir Putin of the new information about the Iranian nuclear program and proposed that Russia send a working group to examine the materials. Germany, the UK and France also sent teams of experts to examine info on Iran’s nuclear program.
57) May 22, 2018- 10 days post withdrawl- Russia and Ulyanov are pissed- "Washington’s demands to Iran, which US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo voiced, are nonsense. They leave no chance for clinching a deal." Mikhail Ulyanov said.
58) June 8, 2018- "The US exit from the Iran deal strips Washington of all its rights under the JCPOA." Mikhail Ulyanov said. So essentially he is saying the US can pound sand when it comes to dealing with Iran. Did you catch that? Russia is dictating to the @POTUS. Hmmm.
59) So the msm and all of the dimms telling you that Trump and Putin are in bed together does not match up with actual events. By not calling him out publicly, @realDonaldTrump was nursing Putin's wounds after kicking him in the nuts privately. They are NOT 'friends' by any means
60) They are united in the fight against the satan worshiping pedos, and cabal, but by and large- they are not buddies- YET. I think @realDonaldTrump would definitely be open to better US/Russia relations, but that will take considerable time.
61) “We deeply regret that the US’ ill-thought-out and unsubstantiated policy line on the JCPOA undermines trust for the international system of the IAEA’s guarantees and casts a shadow on the agency’s conclusions and prestige in the area of inspections." Ulyanov said.
62) "In total, all these factors unravel the nuclear weapons non-proliferation regime based on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, against which Washington has dealt a serious blow, without giving any thought about it or considering its implications,”
63) July 18, 2018- Russia: Iran oil stabilizes global market
So Ulyanov is now calmly asking for the US to allow Iranian oil exports because the Iranian oil stabilizes the market. But it looks like @realDonaldTrump thought of that too- Saudi Arabia announced increases in output.
64) So the reason I wanted to give you all a detailed timeline of the JCPOA and illustrate the intricate Russian involvement, is so that you can understand that it is ABSOLUTELY ludicrous that @realDonaldTrump is a Putin puppet. Trump is the one calling the shots here, NOT Putin.
65) I hear the morons screaming now "But he didn't tell him to his face" "He didn't call him out" "He talks harshly to our allies, but then he says nice things about our enemies". I hear it all but you are not thinking critically- WAKE UP and look past your nose.
66) @realDonaldTrump gets in a room of allies and he says his piece, but by and large they stick together against him, so publicly he puts it out straight in front of the people, so that we can decide who is right. All of the TDS sufferers start crying that he is being a bully.
67) When @realDonaldTrump met with Kim or Putin, he is able to talk straight with them in private- no allies- just one on one. Also you MUST understand how the way that Kim and Putin have been portrayed and treated has dictated their behavior on the world stage too. TRUST is 0.
68) So now you have @realDonaldTrump meeting with these oft maligned leaders and he is telling it to them straight in a private room- but showing them a better way- one where they can be respected world wide. He demonstrates that when he steps out and publicly compliments them.
69) He said that Kim was 'sharp and tough' he said that Putin was 'powerful, tough and a competitor'. These men have NEVER been publicly treated this way so do you think they are more likely or less likely to want to deal with @realDonaldTrump in the future?
70) @realDonaldTrump is @POTUS because he understands things that most other people do not. He knows and understands people. He knows how to get the most out of people and they love him for it. By the time 2024 rolls around, Kim and Putin will be great allies of the US b/c of 45.
71) Hopefully you guys did not fall asleep on me and got something out of all this. GodSpeed Patriots! Keep Fighting.
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