@AdamSchiffCA is on TV all day talking about how their is proof of #Collusion, but we've yet to see ANY.
Anchors just sit back and listen to the narrative of the day.
You'd think a #FreePress would of learned after Wolfe's book backfired, but instead...
Here's comes @OMAROSA who gets more insane with each interview.
The media could hide behind them because they were victims. This was done ON PURPOSE. Propaganda.
@DLoesch played the role of Emmanuel Goldstein that night.
And the #MSM acted like this was all completely normal.

But Porter worked 4 Trump so the story was endlessly covered for weeks.
Double standard.
Nevermind that the MAJORITY of Americans agree more with Trump on the issue than the Democrats. See Harvard/Harris poll.

Dont want 2 be called #FakeNews? Don't report #FakeNews.
Respect from the public is earned.

They would be showing how these tactics are actually those of FASCISTS.
I guess the name of this thuggish group duped them all? 🤔
When they actually get attacked by #Antifa they let it slide. Nothing to see here.
How many Democrats have even been asked about #Antifa by the media?
Hint: It wasnt Trump.

Instead they used them to craft the Left's political narrative. They wanted to depress Trump's base to decrease turnout.
How is this not election meddling?
"Hillary's campaign doesnt feel like a winning one"
A Trump rally was like a rock concert. A Hillary rally was like a funeral.
This was the reality of 2016. The #FreePress knew this, but still pushed the "polls"
Only for a day.
Then they went into "muh Russia" to help cover for the Establishments epic loss at the hands of "We The People".
One day of self reflection. Pathetic.
It was then onto destroying Trump AT ALL COST.
The #BlueWave is a DNC narrative pushed by the same media hacks and pundits who got 2016 completely wrong.
But the #MSM is not about news. They are about SHAPING PUBLIC PERCEPTION.
And the more they fail at it, the more insane their coverage of Trump gets.
They all nervously laughed and said he was crazy. What a kook!

"Trump should want the FBI spying on him.."
"This is all completely normal in a Presidential campaign"
Total 180 on a story that reporters should of been chomping at the bit to get to the bottom of.
No interest

NOT ONE REPORTER asked this of Podesta. I'm sure some wanted to.
But the execs won't have it - because we have a #FreePress I guess.

Forget for a second what many believe they mean. The FACT is the people in these emails are using code.
Imagine if Trump's manager asked the question at the bottom of this email 👇

They plucked a couple about Hillary's open borders speeches.
If Podesta worked for Trump, again, the #FreePress would still be going thru them all.
Why don't the #FreePress work their asses off to save kids who are being trafficked and abused?
This goes way beyond the Church.
This involves Hollywood, Politics, the Fortune 500, NGO/Foundations.
And when they do, its only local affiliates that do.
Its all very telling....
The reason?
Powerful people are covered for, and when they get exposed it gets treated as a one off.
Weinstein is the face of Hollywood, stories are written, then all is forgotten.
Yet, Hollywood degeneracy is out of the headlines.
It is pure propaganda for the Left & Democrat Party.
It is a cover up mechanism for the powerful scum in high places.
And it is a weapon to be used to destroy any outsider who dares to change this corrupt system for the better.