Since this was posted there's been several variations from his supporters on why his responses were "reasonable", which in turn illustrate how far they are happy to put party before country, and Corbyn before party
One response is "he answered this"
He absolutely didn't, he waffled & none of his 6 answers can be interpreted as "yes" or "no"
These may or may not be true, but they are irrelevant as to why Corbyn didn't answer the question - he was asked about his personal position
Strategic ambiguity is just a whitewash term for "Labour needs to opt out of the #Brexit debate for selfish party centric reasons"
This response does not put the country or Labour voters first
It's perfectly reasonable to them to see Brexit primarily in terms of how it impacts Labour's chances
It's been compared to "have you stopped beating your wife?"
But there's no implied attack in "will Brexit leave us worse off?", no hidden meaning, it's simply the burning question of the hour
Corbyn himself should have been asking this, as opposition leader, for months now
So now, he can't answer

He's not particularly talented, charismatic, statesmanlike or, as we've now seen, principled.
He was supposed to be refreshing, straightforward, honest, yet the most important but simple Brexit question has him in knots
What does he bring to the table if honesty, principle, concern for Labour vorers & "straightforwardness" have been so easily discarded?