Day 537 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 324 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Betsy DeVos is considering whether to allow states to use federal funding intended to increase academic and enrichment opportunities to purchase guns for educators, NYT reports.…
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to return to North Korea next week - @AFP
WSJ reports that David Pecker, the chair of American Media Inc., has provided prosecutors with details about payments Michael Cohen arranged with women who alleged sexual encounters with Trump, including Trump's knowledge of the deals.…
A personal turning point for Michael Cohen was a conversation with his father, a Holocaust survivor.
Cohen's father urged him not to protect Trump, reportedly saying he didn’t survive the Holocaust to have his name sullied by Trump.…
"After three separate denials that Donald Trump knew about hush-money payments to silence women, It’s now clear that the president’s statement was a lie — and that the people speaking for him repeated it."
Senior GOP leaders are urging imperiled incumbents to speak out about the wrongdoing surrounding Trump.
Rep. Tom Cole warns, "Where there's smoke ... there may well be fire."
"Anybody who says this is not disturbing is not being honest."…
The Cohen court filings indicate 2 senior Trump Org. execs had involvement in the hush money payments.
One or more Trump campaign members were cited as having worked to ID stories about Trump's romantic entanglements to kill their publication.…
Federal prosecutors have granted immunity to David Pecker, the CEO of the National Enquirer publisher, in the Michael Cohen investigation, WSJ reports.
The National Enquirer kept a safe containing documents on hush money payments and other damaging stories it killed as part of its relationship with Trump leading up to 2016 election, people familiar with the arrangement told The AP.…
Reminder: WSJ reported last night that Pecker met with prosecutors to describe Cohen and Trump's involvement in hush money deals.
Good reminder: Prosecutors say David Pecker has information that "one or more members" of the Trump campaign were part of the scheme to buy the silence of women alleging affairs with Trump.…
Several current & former prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers tell NYT that if the Trump Org officials who approved the $420,000 in payments to Michael Cohen knew what the payments were for, they could possibly be criminally culpable.…
Lanny Davis says that Michael Cohen "was present during a discussion" with Don Jr. and Trump about the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting.…
Flashback: Michael Cohen told lawmakers last year, in sworn testimony, that he didn't know whether then-candidate Donald Trump had foreknowledge of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians.…
TIME’s new cover: Trump is in trouble.
Here's how much worse it could get
Sarah Huckabee Sanders yesterday on Manafort pardon: “That is not something that has been up for discussion.”
Giuliani today: Trump literally asked his lawyers about it a few weeks ago.…
Trump was aboard AFI on his way to W. Va. when he learned about Cohen and Manafort.
Trump returned to the W.H. in a "rotten" mood—not apparently because of Cohen or Manafort, but because he felt the audience had been "flat" at his rally.…
Lindsey Graham says it's "very likely" Trump will replace Jeff Sessions.
Big implications for Mueller, if true.…
Trump, talking about the possibility of his former associates turning on him, says, "It's called flipping and it almost ought to be illegal." (via Fox)
Trump says he's been watching "flippers" for 30 to 40 years.
32 years ago, crime boss Tony Salerno, who supplied Trump Plaza concrete, was convicted of racketeering. His top deputy flipped to help FBI
Lawyer for both Salerno & Trump: Roy Cohn
Trump: "I don't know how you can impeach somebody who's done a great job." (via Fox)
Wages are flat, stock market inflated due to stock buybacks, costs have risen, deficit is soaring, allies alienated & Trump's approval is less than 40%
Trump: "I will tell you what, if I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash. I think everybody would be very poor because without this thinking [gestures to his head] you would see — you would see numbers that you wouldn't believe — in reverse."
Ex-Trump attorney and long time friend Jay Goldberg says that the American public should be worried that Trump can't "be counted on to tell the truth."…
Michael Avenatti wants to depose Trump and Cohen.
Richard Blumenthal: "I had no plans to meet with Judge Kavanaugh before the Cohen and Manafort convictions, and I certainly will not meet with him now. This meeting would be an empty, deceptive charade after his evasive and meaningless answers to my colleagues."
Giuliani warns of “people’s revolt” if Trump is held accountable for criminal behavior.
He was speaking from a golf cart at a Trump-owned course in Scotland.…
Update: Duncan Hunter walked into the courthouse this morning to chants of "lock him up." (via ABC)
Reality Winner, a former government contractor accused of leaking confidential information to the media, has been sentenced to more than five years in prison.
Reality Winner is likely to serve more time for exposing Russian hacking than any of the people who have pleaded guilty to abetting it or covering it up.
The Secure Elections Act, a bill that would have significantly bolstered the nation's defenses against electoral interference, has been held up in the Senate at the behest of the White House, which opposed the proposed legislation, Yahoo reports.…
Prosecutors in the case against Mariia Butina have sent a letter to her defense attorney saying that he's violating local court rules about making statements about the case—and they may seek relief from the Court if he continues.…
“Looking back on it, I realize that every story I ever filed from Russia was not just a politics story, or a crime story, or a spy story—but almost always, on some level, also a corruption story...
Washington now feels just like Moscow”…
A 2017 memo that circulated in the Trump WH accused ex-Obama aides of mounting a coordinated effort to undermine Trump's foreign policy, New Yorker reports.
Some of that info was used by Israeli intel firm Black Cube to undermine those Obama aides.
Mollie Tibbetts' death is fueling anti-immigration rhetoric.
But immigrants have a lower crime rate
Anti-Defamation League issues statement calling Trump’s tweet about the killing of white South African farmers “extremely disturbing,” saying it echoes “a longstanding & false white supremacist claim”
This is our former ambassador to South Africa
Here's the story behind Trump’s tweet about “white farmers.”…
In 1913, the white South African government stripped black people of the right to own land outside a few plots set aside for them.
105 years later, Trump weighs in-on the side of the white farmers who still own most of the land in this African country.
Oil industry asks taxpayers to protect its refineries from...climate change.…
New internal emails from the Department of Agriculture reportedly show big food industry lobbyists are working hand-in-glove with agency staffers.…
Fox News poll: Do you favor or oppose Medicare for All?
46% Favor
31% Oppose
23% Don't know
Is health care the responsibility of American government?
63% Yes
30% No…
75 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
We've heard a lot of flimsy explanations in the Trump era from candidates who are refusing to release their tax returns, but this one from #PAGOV Republican Scott Wagner is still something

In case you missed yesterday's thread:
NEW from @WRashbaum: “The Manhattan DA is considering pursuing criminal charges against the Trump Org and two senior company officials in connection with Michael Cohen’s hush money”…
The remarkable fact-checker @GlennKesslerWP and his team diligently documented 4,229 false or misleading claims by Trump without using the word “lie.” Until now.…
Unbelievable. Duncan Hunter says of his wife: "Whatever she did, that'll be looked at.... But I didn't do it."
Throws his wife under the bus and then charges the bus fare to his campaign.
Eric Swalwell told @maddow tonight that the House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a meeting tomorrow on Hillary Clinton's emails. Just days after Michael Cohen's plea agreement, that's what was scheduled.
Vote. Them. Out. #VoteThemOut #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica