Been threatened bc I refused to SETTLE for their DIRTY T&C's. Got text-convo s.shots from our post interview talks, after we FELL-OUT
Let me not get ahead of my self, but this is
[1st PART]
12 weeks since the disappearance thing happened at work, I've actually been in a better place & frame of MIND for a while, but I didn't deem it necessary to update anyone, or correct some wrong impressions by folks on the
Instablog fans wow! Some of you had me perplexed! Expecting me to calmly write about such experience?
I just witnessed someone vanish through the Wall at the top floor & you expected utmost
I must admit my mistakes my caption was wrong she's not a ghost but she's def paranormal with some evil dark powers beyond ordinary
The daughters of d man knew her bc, they had respectively lost a relationship to this same lady who has found her way into their fathers life & they were calling a very POPULAR prophet who is known to be a man after this demon of a lady who has ruined one, too many homes.
All these I got
Anyways, apparently she's a demon a popular one who only roams the life of
The foods? Oh pls maybe you can Google how to apply discretion it'll
So I'm gna
I'm ngl, I'm scared but I'll make sure I take the advice of ppl... who told me not to make this thread, but after they understood where I'm headed they could relate & advised "blurr out names of the prestigious ppl that did u bad only, in convos you're gna share".
Throw back to that viral thread, & after it died down.
I got better & work resumed!
I roamed hotels still on d island every night for 3 weeks post the disappearance ish at work. While work hasn't resumed, spent all the money I had on running, hiding in different hotels no laptop, mobility, couldn't goto my apartment, couldn't go home!
3 weeks of seeing that image & scene hoping she won't come for me one night or when I'm in the shower looking over my
It passed, I made it others did too we resumed all was ok, still is for them but then with time, ppl
It only takes a little time & anyone will realize I'm a magnet for drama)
I often shrugg it off, bc its not like I didn't know or doubt it but I'd lost a friend one time & it really put me off it
The pressure was on me again like it's always been "you would be a great writter.." so I started to ask myself, why don't I let this talent fly/thrive?
Yes I'm an Engineer & well there's this writting
So I learnt it was going to be a speech for a Nigerian Politician who has tasked a team of ppl to buy him a speech tailored to
The leader of his team was & is still popular in the Nigerian Ent. Ind/Nollywood back then & right now he's way more powerful & influential & our paths still crossed he is one of my bullies
He asked for an ID of & also
IMO, I know LeBron quit the land bc he is after the
rings but it's safe to say the boring aspect of
Cleveland is also a factor? Imfao..American & NBA
twitter will def get my joke)
So I asked our friend K (who has always believed
should claim he's doing so not on behalf of me but
on behalf of J, (J was in Nigeria right then & actually
he's the one who's mostly in Nigeria) J agreed to be
the ghost writter. He also didn't want to be spelled
out he's way more
K put him through the man on the phone & J told him
the obvious "I'm currently in Nigeria & l'm not even
the sole writter that's why K's there" K rep'd us well,
he made it clear we just want to get paid for the
speech & we are not about the writting
ghosts' ghost writter he joked. & needs us to put it
into writting adding some things & fiction to it for a
Nollywood movie. We agreed on a price, we wrote
that shiit in 3 days we weren't credited as the writter in the end
"Laroshii" as the writter.
This man abused the fact that we don't want to be
known or crave attention, till date he still owes us
The movie made waves in Nigeria, K got mad, K was
from a wealthy family, so he pulled some
that we would be paid installmentally, sadly we were
paid just 2xce of 10x that was agreed & nothing
Sadly for us we lost K , he was everything for us,
for all his friends, he was the only son/child of his
70&65 years old
checked my self into seeing a psychologist. Took too
long to understand how K was gon go out like that
but God knows best its sad, still hurts like a fresh
wound shiit is too painful
But I'm glad he admitted God's existence
belief he simply works with basic life principles in
hard work & luck. A day before he slept & died in his
sleep he spoke to me, J, & his gorgeous gf (who i:s
now a nun she couldn't move on. Its better, bc she had attempted suicide
was so young & now she's not even 30 but close) he
recently got a contract deal ahead of many MEN & J
asked him to pray & trust God & not luck or hardwork
for the 1st time in his life so he got it tho & he was
like God is real
I still ask why sometimes I'll always ask why.
So we said fck it to writting, that's how I lost every
interest in writting.
That's why I'm doing so much to explain in details how I got to see the offers & next is the moves I made after I responded to the offers bc I didn't think it was smart to process on my own
the last media/pics I shared bc the convo we had via
DM, was very cool & straightforward too there was
no shade with them, they were transparent it was
really a very direct convo, tho I won't post that
I'm just explaining bc
Till now Lamode didn't delete their comment/offer
unlike the others who were prompted to by one
powerful woman whose media/talent management
really wanted to F me up bc I refused their DIRTY
T&C's. It's details still far ahead
Our dm convos were via J's IG
So, after I took & dedicated my time to go through
every comment so there they were - the other
unbelievable offers & invite to reach out & come by
their offices for proposal, deal & offer
offers were good, their proposals for me were
huge! But I was cautious so I decided to reach out
again to lamodemagz. for help, that wasn't their biz. tho it's personal so it didn't work.
I reached out to Estherbasseywhite, saw
interactions so l googled up the name & what I got
from that was she is a teen star blahblah OK
I hit her, she responded & she
was nice y'know
dished some insights bc that was all I was seeking
Needed help from ppl in the Ind. but she
what to do! I don't want to make the wrong decision
& well she told me after some time like well writting
pays & that was all! She was like writting is pretty
cool & lucrative.
Meanwhile pressure from the big offers!
the LADY who picked was like "I'm close to home pls
let me call you back" Oh his P. A? (not sure)
Well She called back & we talked I explained my
situation & asked if Frank offers consultancy & talent
management head ups,
frm the next day. So I called about 9am the next day &
she was like he's out till like 5/6pm, but promised to
call me.
I begged her to make it happen bc it was urgent l
need to go sign stuff
She was like sure.
So, the time
work, I was asked to join in it was massive as they
were discussing serious issues, the fate of the firm
in Nigeria & a few stuff
My devices were on airplane mode I forgot, so when l
realized, it was like 5pm damn-it! I excused
So I got off AP mode, called & she was like "ah, he
just left I've been calling you for the past 10 mins, we
couldn't reach you"
So, she said the next day she'll call me herself once he's there for like 9am. I was like pls, this
got no REVERT
I remembered I was told Femisoro Ajayi is a talent
manager & an Entertainment Consultant, so I sent a
detailed mail, no revert. I called & the lady - his PA?
(not sure) she was so funny kept asking me to call
back, LOL the pride
She eventually picked & talked BS & I was like oh
that's great thanks.
I told J all of these, & actually he's been so caught up
with a few things so he just left me his IG & l use it.
Then he later goes in there & gets the updates or
moves l've made
Oh &
twice, even tho true caller told me he was last seen
1min prior to when I called twice.
BTW what I've confirmed from this experience is
Nigerians are insensitive to Biz. ethics. You put out
your contacts bc you want to be
you pick/revert missed calls/mails & after u learn
about what it is you're been reached for,
then you can state CLEARLY your STAND. Hence you CAN ignore.
This is how life is around the world, its basic Comm. ethics but hey
Everything is wrong in Nigeria, but it starts with us & our own ways too. We lack so much courtesy & oh I think it's bc you can't sue outchea easily, sorry I'm digressing but I remember one time in Norway a multinational firm was literally begging citizens to
the T&C's slated by the Govt. This firm is one of the
largest oil&gas firm in the world PS, but come to
Nigeria... this same firm wouldn't even staff cleaners
even after 15years of service, fckn hell.
Ok I got info about Funke
productions, was told she's pretty great & has this
biz. prowess in herself, coming from ppl who have
related in a way with her before. A particular person
refused to give me her contact/her sister's who is
like the HR/Boss so I heard
& make Biz. Inq's, they are very reasonable even the
sister too she's a boss a big boss they know how to
deal with customers or potential ones regardless of
who you are so I can't give you the direct line" I knew
this person
a Wendy's customer attendant, I cut off some of our
convos tho mostly what I said so I told the person &
showed him the convo he was like ah David is a
good guy at the customer care I know him
& that's the right number
the one why didn't you give me? You worked with
this person I remember you always talk about her &...
But I get it, he doesn't want trouble after so it's better
I got it from them. I called her about 9am the next day
& she cut
head to these offers at their offices without any
experience but with the writting genius & God ONLY
The person later asked me what mama said I was
like she cut me off he was like she's a very busy
person but she'll text if
Okay this is the beginning of the main thing now but to avoid questions of like
So, me & J decided we would go to these interviews with these Ind. Giants in a bape hoodie, that could be zipped up and mask the face, neck totally & we also made
condition would we be inclined/forced to show our
faces esp me & guess what? They agreed, I spoke to
our friend a lawyer to help draft an agreement based
on that & we sent it to them all respectively they
Cool I thought, rubbing
firm bc it could be a ploy to "know who that guy is &
hence we can know the firm, reveal it or threaten
them with it& we get them to give us what we want"
You can't blame me for my thoughts those offers
were like too damn
after going through every single comment l saw
these other offers too, so all these while l've been
sleeping on my self while, this tragic incident at my
place of work is earning stripes like a tiger skin!?
I was like God wow!
& pretty cool tbh! Naturally talented funny ass man
very humble too, brought him in this bc, prior to this
whole disappearance thing, I told J like yo can u help
me ask Ush how much the Range AD on his IG is? bc my cousin wanted
J asked & didn't get an instant response & had to travel shortly for a job prospect, he has a lot going with himself already. So while I was going through this situation, I remembered & was like Oh! Hit Ush bro, has he even responded
been on my IG for forever, you're the one with it"
so l checked & was like, he'd replied you since then!
He replied long ago, pls talk to him?
J did talk to Ush, & it was swift & timely, J then called
me & said they spoke on
he explained all to Ush, he said Ush joked - ah "you
won bring your winch guy come do business with
me abi wetin I do you na shuoo," they had a good
bant basically & Ush made sense! Dished out a very
relatable opinion for free!
& agreed l'd ordered for our bape hoodies it got to us
a day before the movements.
I won't mention their names, I will post our
conversations & blurr out names in there but I know
they will see this & I wanted ppl to know what
I'm ngl, it was nice each & everyone in there were prepared for us so they asked me to prove it was me that experienced that disappearance by showing them the tweet from the acct, & I did & they drilled us, they told me to write an experience with a lady
Wow, my one time friend Loveth came to mind so they handed me a stylus to write on their e-board & in 20mins I shared a story of me & Loveth "Once upon a 1st date - Laroshii" it was more like romance they were stunned
So, this man came in & they
I was relieved & J
that I'd written before & got paid but the person
played me, so our paths cross again
J was about to go off & the man now looks clear to
us, off his D&G shades he's infact a very biq &
wealthy celeb who has political roots
the room to excuse us except for some certain 4 ppl
& they were Nigerian celebs one a TV host.. always
making headlines for his dressings on social media
This man made it clear that when he learnt about the
thread he knew it
"just give them the proposal". It detailed the
Write anything
A song
-Stories (write & tell for events, shows host tours..)
-Create/Recreate concepts for Ad's e.t.c
Write movie: scripts,
-Write for musicians (gospel, rappers/singers)
-Develop/Create Contents for any platform
-Write articles for magazines news papers,
-Create music Vid's for artists
@Bighairkiller would be my official twitter & IG acct handles, bearing
pic from the viral thread, since I want to rem. anon
but, it'd be tweaked a lil.
-In case of being booked for app.'s - shows/events/
public/tours J would be me & my stage Alias 'll be
"Laroshii"& real name J's full name
-Writting stories out on twitter & IG at least thrice in
a week.. (cool, was my plan too)
All these stuff are cool, if I get the chance to do them
serenade a group/gathering/guests with stories&
more... yeah can do that
You're prolly wondering how it was
That man had proposed that to J to give me one time
after he made the 2nd installmental payment to us
prior to K's death
Bc he had seen the ability back then & while I
reached out initially to their page from thein
comment on instablog we spoke even on the phone
We sign for 10years, (10 oh!)
Any endorsement I get they take 80%
-Any thing I'm paid for at all - shows, events, weddings & so on like every income off my writtings & creativity be it for a company or whatever they take 80%
- I must
- Give an exclusive of d viral story, write, direct & recreate it for production
- Will be paid 5m for that & I earn 20% off that 5m
-Monthly salary of 500k, weekly allowance of 20k, an apartment
-A 2013 Avalon (+ access to one of the driver's 5
days a week)
-Option not to buy out contract until after 4 years,
which will cost 100m, installmental payments
allowed only twice. After 5th year of contract, clause
can be bought out for 50m...
-MUST agree to a discussion over phone later.
"Easy peezy, your name will be all over the place
soon, trust me I know there are other offers but this
is the best you'll ever get in your wildest dream
Larry" hmm "what's that about?"
up & said
come in now pls, thank you" he
apologised for the interruption & said "those lyrics
you got & video concepts for David?" J asked - what
about them? He smiled with his chubby ass check
with huge dimples "oh
Shiit! 3 top Nigerian artiste that aren't signed to any label according to the public oh wow, I laughed out
LOUD it was so awkward I excused my self as they
talked. "Well greatness is rightchea" - artiste 1, no
jokes bro we here for
at where it happens (says his signature slang)" we
hugged respectively, they left
So that's meant to do what to us? I thought. "so, you
guys will be joining them in 2 weeks on the trip to
Europe & get freaky, we would discuss
me & J sync'd & packed our shiit leaving without a
They were surprised, so he said "If you don't come to
your senses, this talent will die! & David will never
ever get those genius you got for him" J looked back
& said
completed it "that is not your jooooob!" as we walked
past the mob. police outside the door & found our
way to where we parked so I drove & J rode in the
passengers seat...
We went to other places & damn it was worse off tbh
they all
have for him this isn't Jand/Yankee these artistes,
David esp is pompous we have the connect, your
talent will die" The very funny one was this big Media
& Talent Management, their low-key Chairperson a
very wealthy Nigerian
woman of the year award & many others...
I was surprised to see her after the interview. She
gave us a pass & said come back anytime you are
done being naive & realize this is the best you can
It was a bad day, I've been bullied
down my cheeks, It was past 7, missed my fav
person then. J was like just let me uber home, he's
headed to the mainland straight up! Neglecting our
post interview plans
I swallowed hard & said J you have to come up with
like a 4year old watching his mom leave for work
while he's on Christmas holidays.
J was like common it'll be right, since when do u
pus*y about stuff & cry? Your fav must've had you so messed up & he punched my tummy! I tored
hugged while he waited for his uber & left.
I remained in the car & returned calls & esp DM's
with the fav. person, missed her bad.
Got off the car at 10pm done caught up with stuff
from work, mails/calls my PC & all I
project was crumbling the Italian friends had told me
there was a glitch in an agreement wow, what a day
still I was sad only bc I couldn't share with my fav
person yet.
Time passed, was reminiscing like are these ppl
parts they kept threatening me with.
On the days of the interview, I shared with them my
song/lyrics writting genius, also shared how I can
create the ideas for videos, they told me to prove it &
damn I did. So brought out my
tailored each of these 3 songs to the exact way &
things Davido would say on a song.
On each song, I put up the artiste he featured to
compliment these hits I also tailored their own
lyrics/bars to their exact way of singing/
is actually making. I also wrote out or created the
video (concept) already.
The vibes & everything are original! Gon be a HIT I'll
stun the Ind. with these capabilities by God's grace
I'm sure, if I get that shot/ the right link
They asked me to explain, like break it down.
I did, I got the titles/verses, for every lyric. It's just
creativity at its apex. It was stunning to these ppl
what I did, I'll prove it to you from our convo's
They KNOW, that's why they kept telling me
the day & they'll bring up another creative person
that will take it from me they want to rip me off & sell
my idea.
The hardest write/lyrics was the one I titled 3-piece
it's creative, Davido ft. 2 other artistes, just
artistes. It's incredible & artistic. I tailored
@iam_Davido lyrics on the 3 piece write up to
address his political involvement lately, while also
speaking for the masses' in Osun regarding their
intimidation to vote for their
massacre by the boko haram as he's lending a voice
for the helpless military ppl that are being slained.
All of this tailored in his exact words & flow while
sounding very woke, boujee & dope
All three songs will rock! They are
& original, I wrote this whole thing out, the artistes
don't got to stress tbh. It's gonna trend & make huge
waves both Vid&Music. Maann! I just want to get my
talents into use & get the bag off my efforts, but
these ppl wna be
make sure we take the this for ourself"
Now harp are the convos we had post interview this
is the one with the Man, he had to call me on
WhatsApp he couldn't type out the fact that they
want me to also agree to -👀1,2,3,4/5

Soho, Manhattan - NYC, she was doing XTCY, XO,
Lean&Sprite I was there, was simply sipping on
D'usse courtesy of her friend who hosted us a day
before at Tribeca same NYC. I dont know these ppl
directly it was a friend that tagg'd
celebrating "Nothing" in Tribeca & Soho back to back
let's go bro there'll be so much cognac" the free
cognac got me plus going to NYC was somn I'd
missed bc I love the food in China Town so much
well that's BTW
I sent her that vid bc she
she's powerful so I don't doubt, & before I could send
her the Vid, I noticed she had unblocked me later bc I
could now see her profile pic (sorry the babe
celebrating nothing is the daughter of a Governor in
S/Western Nig.)
man he does Real Estate sometimes, he's a magnet
for SCANDAL, always with the typical Nigerian man
mentality of nothing goes for nothing with LADIES.
He's a friend of plenty celebs he's well known & he's
almost at every event's
convo's. After me & J had also left their own
interview as well, after we had another unpleasant
moment. The guy man kept disturbing me, at some
point I thought he was even Gay,
His CEO, a prestigious important man in Lagos who
was like WOW, he asked "how are you today? We have or I specifically doubled the monthly figures &
I'm inviting you to
but 1st, respond & talk with
thank you" he even had the guts to say "God
bless you" as the call
You know why they were doing too much to reach
me, they done told us too much back when we met.
Nasty! Nasty! Saw an artiste whose songs dont make
no waves but they flexing HARD on the gram & real
So this is what these ppl do to get rich?
Nollywood, maan I've seen it all!
So, Mr SCANDAL calls me I picked & it's all "na wa oh
Laroshii na Naija be this oh ehn ehn..." He tried to
convince me again told me I was on speaker bc there
were other 2 artistes out there & they
depressed) blahblah. I replied in J's words when he
doesn't want to apologise for being wrong lol "l said
what I said it is what it is regardless of who or
anything" - I'm not signing, it's not RIGHT & I got to
rolling their eyes like - this bastard he might go on to
talk to the world now.
Man I know you gon see this, I'm not gon mention
your name(s) but lma let the Internet Know what I've
learnt & how I've been treated & bullied too.
we spoke so I agreed to pick Mr SCANDAL's call
again. He called me, I picked & said we can text. Was
promised that it's a improved discussion, bleeh!
This Man! wow, he was so like tryna make me feel
like ion got shiit to
about @iam_Davido like "david go work with your
brain, this no be Engineering world, my guy take your
chance" it was then I realized they were scared I
could rat them out, I was glad
spoke with me & was like we should meet up & all
talk it out. I refused, so he said 0K at least speak with
Him! (Mr... ) he said you've always been rude... So Mr
SCANDAL calls AGAIN (I'm thinking what is it really) &
we agreed, he
acknowledged it & we can talk from there better
since I'm not comfy with phone calls. So he did, I
simply read it & the same artiste called again
sarcastically saying "Mr Larry, please respond to our
Oga's WhatsApp..." I apologised & I
via another line where he can talk freely with me
more than the official line, he explained his P.A or
staff have access to the device & he often forgets to
delete convo's so I acknowledged the Hi text & also
said we'll text on the
all that has to do with creativity that I can do really.
Story telling/writting
Will always share/put out writtings on here & IG
Open to work with any musician/comedian any
I will think for you on anything
I can write any gatdamn thing I'm not even bluffing
Yoo @iam_Davido, I got enough I'm stuffed up. I
sincerely got those 3 songs written out & their video
concepts, they are massive AF, they'll make huge
I just got an IG it's the same name & username as my
twitters' Laroshii (@bighairkiller)
I don't have no personal accts except that yeah you
can reach me via J's acct it'll serve as my personal
acct IG/Twitter "jeyon1" dont
want to dwell on this writting now, will quit
Engineering for it in the long run. Use some sense "toxic
twitter & IG" y'all are why I had to really explain,
Hit me/reach out for a link up any artiste any one
hoodie I'll show you what I can do...
I done been told I can't get through to you without
any sort of clouting & label they said they are God &
if anyone wants me to write a bar/anything, ghost
write even, hit me up..
happened to me & my friends on the 3rd Mainland
bridge on the LamodeMagazine print & online
platform for January, exciting how this turned
The Loveth story I told during my interviews I will put
it up here & it'd be my 1st IG post
telling or Laroshii page or person affiliated to a label
whose IG & Twitter name (& handle) isn't exactly -
Laroshii (@bighairkiller) isn't me
Has to be these ppl they want to rip me off & use my
ideas like it's theirs originally