Day 551 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 338 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Four people, including the shooter, killed in mass shooting in downtown Cincinnati on Thursday.…
The incident at Fifth Third Center is the latest and the deadliest of 15 mass shootings in the region since 2013, an Enquirer analysis shows.
Levi Strauss & Co. announces a series of new initiatives to benefit groups working to prevent gun violence, saying the company "simply cannot stand by silently."…
Russia warns US of possible Syria attack in area with dozens of American troops: report
Trump admin says that it will sidestep a court agreement that limited detention for immigrant children, upending a ban that has been in place for 20 years.…
North Korea's Kim Jong Un has "unwavering trust for Trump" and wants to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula before Trump finishes his term, South Korean officials said.
US envoy for North Korea to visit South Korea, China, Japan
"U.S. Accuses North Korea of Plot to Hurt Economy as Spy Is Charged in Sony Hack" by DAVID E. SANGER and KATIE BENNER via NYT
Senator Booker noted today that Kavanaugh was not on Trump's SCOTUS lists until the Mueller investigation started.
Important point, especially in light of his repeated refusal to recuse himself from cases involving the criminal investigation of Trump.
Rudy Giuliani tells the AP that Trump won't answer questions about obstruction of justice, calling them a "no-go."…
Rudy’s comments come as Kavanaugh has declined to say whether a president can be subpoenaed and forced to testify…
“Trump’s lawyers, in the end, can’t allow him to be interviewed by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. It would be like a 9-year-old defending a PhD dissertation. Or maybe a rabbit jumping into a buzz saw.”…
House Republicans have withdrawn from negotiations with Democrats over a pact that would have effectively barred both parties from using hacked or stolen material on the campaign trail this fall, NYT reports.…
Trump is 'deeply suspicious' of much of the government he oversees —from lower level staffers to handpicked aides.
Trump even carried a handwritten list of people suspected to be leakers. "The snakes are everywhere," Trump has said.…
In the hours after the anonymous op-ed, two senior admin officials reached out to Axios to say the author stole the words right out of their mouths.
"A lot of us [were] wishing we'd been the writer ... there are dozens and dozens of us."…
According to Axios, a "good number" of current White House officials have privately admitted to them they consider Trump unstable, and at times dangerously slow. The really deep concern and contempt has been at the agencies.…
Inside the West Wing, top officials canceled meetings & huddled behind closed doors to strategize about how to expose the op-ed author, WSJ reports. Some called reporters to chase down rumors and see whether it came from inside the WH or an agency.…
Trump is reportedly ordering a real witch hunt in the West Wing and throughout his admin, asking loyal aides to help determine who cooperated with Bob Woodward's book.
People inside the admin are "frustrated because they know it's true."…
VP’s office takes the rare step of publicly denying NYT op-ed. A reflection of just how many inquiries they’ve gotten from reporters — who, alighting on the phrase “lodestar,” have speculated it may be coming from Penceworld.
Good reminder: Mark Felt denied that he was Deep Throat for years before finally revealing his identity in 2005—31 years after Nixon's resignation.
The Republicans angry about the NYT op-ed all seem very focused on who wrote and why a person would do such a traitorous thing. None seem very concerned with the actual content of the op-ed…
Rand Paul said that anyone with a security clearance who works in the White House should undergo a lie detector test to fish out who wrote the op-ed.…
Elizabeth Warren: "If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment."…
John Brennan on the release of the NYT op-ed and Woodward book: "Things were going to get worse before they get better and, indeed, we're in the worsening point." @MSNBC
A former administration official still close to the White House expressed concerns that the mounting scandals and divisions plaguing Trump would hamper any remaining legislative agenda remaining in the first term.…
I guess Trump's not counting the deficit heading toward a trillion a year as an “economic metric.”
A Democratic aide told BuzzFeed that they "have reason to believe" a conversation happened between Kavanaugh and someone at Trump's personal lawyer's firm about Mueller and they "are continuing to pursue it."…
Harris says she had "reliable information" Kavanaugh was part of a convo about Mueller wirh firm of Trump's personal lawyer.
Kavanaugh: "The answer is no."
Harris: "Thank you. And it would have been great if you could have said that last night."
As a White House lawyer in the Bush admin, Brett Kavanaugh suggested that calling Roe v. Wade "settled law of the land" might be inaccurate, according to a secret email obtained by NYT.…
The email is one of thousands of docs a Bush lawyer turned over to the Senate Judiciary Committee but deemed "committee confidential," meaning it could not be made public or discussed by Democrats.…
Leahy releases newly public emails that were originally committee confidential, says these emails indicate Kavanaugh knew about stolen info from Dems during the Bush admin.
Topics where Kavanaugh appeared to commit perjury:
1 Whether he knew he received stolen emails
2 When he found out about warrantless wiretapping
3 Whether he was involved in the Pryor nomination
4 Whether he opined on constitutionality of criminally investigating Prez
Brett Kavanaugh appears to refer to birth control pills as "abortion-inducing drugs." (via PBS)
Following repeated questioning from Kamala Harris, Kavanaugh declines to say whether the Obergefell decision that legalized gay marriage was correctly decided by the Court.
For 3 years, at a cost of $2,000,000, Kavanaugh investigated Vince Foster conspiracy theories.
"He meticulously examined the W.H. carpets ... He sent investigators in search of follicle specimens from Mr. Foster’s bereft, blond, teenage daughter."…
Speaking of conspiracy theories, @Twitter permanently bans Alex Jones and Infowars accounts for abusive behavior.
Chuck Grassley had sought Christopher Steele's only deposition related to his Trump-Russia dossier, but a judge has ruled Grassley can't have the testimony outright and that he would have to follow normal court procedures.…
A week before Trump's Mayflower foreign policy speech, an employee of Center for the National Interest saw a detailed outline of the speech on Dimitri Simes' desk and took a picture of it.…
A government photographer edited official pictures of Trump's inauguration to make the crowd appear bigger following a personal intervention from Trump, according to newly released documents reported on by The Guardian.…
The farm bill being negotiated in conference committee this week would kick between 2-3.2 million low-income people off of food stamps…
Interior Dept IG says Zinke received $43,000 tickets for free from concert venue
Pro-Trump commentator Scottie Nell Hughes joins Kremlin-backed news outlet
Trump holds rally in Montana day after top official writes anonymous op-ed blasting him
61 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
NYT: There was discussion among Trump advisers of forcing officials to take polygraph tests re: the op-ed. Another option: Signing sworn affidavits that could be used in court.
One outside adviser said the W.H. had a list of about 12 suspects.…
WaPo reports that Kelly, Bolton, Sanders, and Kushner huddled in the Oval with Trump, trying to convince him that they could trust them and others.
But that leaked to the Post! One of those officials leaked it. So can Trump really trust them all?…
What happened here when Trump tried twice to pronounce "anonymous"?