~Be Careful What You Wish For~
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump ’s dec to declassify docs related to
the Russia investigation brought a raft of stories fr msm
⚠️warning aut the dangers to “sources & methods,”⚠️
but little abt what the docs might reveal.

Isn't "Transparency" (For The People) EXACTLY What a Free Press Is Supposed To Demand For The People?
Improved governance requires an integrated, long-term strategy built upon cooperation between government & its citizens.
The Rule of Law, Accountability, & Transparency are not only technical & legal issues at some levels, but also interactive to produce govt that is legitimate, effective, & widely supported by citizens, ..
The "Buffer" Between Government And The People Is The Press.
They Transform Fr Journalist Seeking Transparency & Answers For The People...To a POLITICAL ACTIVIST With a National Press Credentials and Bully Pulpit To Spread, NOT "News", But "Propaganda." action.donaldjtrump.com/msm-media-acco…
These Examples Show Exactly What AGENDA The Liberal Media
Hides In Plain Sight:
“@realDonaldTrump declassifies Russia investigation docs to back his ‘witch hunt’ claims,” wrote USA Today.
wrote Vox.
The @POTUS demanded public release of txt msgs by Peter Strzok &Lisa Page, whose texts have provided regular fodder for Fox News & congressional Republicans intent on undermining Mueller’s investigation. huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-mu…
“Trump Orders Russia Investigation Docs Be Declassified”
but the story by Adam Goldman set up the move as
⚠️a dangerous confrontation btwn the @POTUS and law enforcement officials who work for him.
NYTimes Continued in their FAIR & BALANCED reporting....
CNN wrote. The @POTUS ’s order was:
“prompting new concerns abt the increasing politicization of intelligence material.”
House Repubs had called for declassifying docs “..even though they're NOT SURE wthr docs will help or hurt arguments abt ALLEGED IMPROPER CONDUCT in the probe."
Comey/McCabe/Clapper/Brennan/S. Rice -LIARS & LEAKERS

Why Does MSM Cover @realDonaldTrump Admn With Such Disdain...
While STILL Glorifying Obama & Clinton?
(Who Were Both Deeply Involved In The 2016 Attempt To Buy Off Bernie Cheat/Lie & Perhaps More Than That (Seth Rich) To Get Her Into WH) journalism.org/2017/10/02/cov…
62% of media covr of @realDonaldTrump -NEGATIVE
In other words, the media from the start decided Trump was a bad POTUS BEFORE ANY of his policies had a chance to take hold.
~Before @realDonaldTrump The MSM Was The Voice of Each of The Last 4 or 5 POTUS' With ALL Their "Scripts" Headlines; Talking Points Etc., Were Written & And Controlled "By The Intel Agency Heads"
Benghazi+Susan Rice+5 Sunday Talk Shows =PROPAGANDA

Instead @POTUS Speaks DIRECTLY TO US Via Twitter
Trump Destroyed The Bed They Were In.
The Big 3 networks ran
23 negative stories on @realDonaldTrump ,
1 on Crooked Hillary Clinton.
You'd Be WRONG!...

~Fmr Dir of Ntnl Intel Clapper called Trump a Putin/KGB “asset”
~Fmr CIA Dir Brennan“It was nothing short of treasonous”
~RetGen Hayden, a fmr CIA & NSA chf, tweeted out emojis depicting himself laughing at Trump medium.com/@caityjohnston…
ALL Documents Within The Government Belong To The People.
Well, Your About To Get A YUGE Scoop Of "Transparency" From him.
Like I Said In the Start of This Thread:
Be Careful What You Wish For.
