1️⃣ Nobody can call anyone stupid for not understanding EU law.
Most Remain voters don't know what the Single Market is, any more than Brexit voters do. You just trusted people who claimed to.
We've tried that for 2 years! If we couldn't get one while we could still just call off Brexit, we won't get one when the EU is able to say "Do everything we want or you leave with no deal"
If Tony Blair tries to speak up, someone turn off his microphone.
If George Osborne tries to speak up, steal his brief case.
If David Cameron DARES to even show his face, I will personally lock him in a room with Danny Dyer and just walk away. #WhatHappensHappens (JOKE)
Many felt they had nothing to lose. They need things to get BETTER. This is about making sure the government isn't stuck picking up the pieces of Brexit for the next 30yrs, so we can actually fix the issues that really matter to people.