There was a vote today to try and 🛑 the sale of #JunkInsurance
Democrats, the minority party, lost. Not w/out a fight!…
coverage for maternity care, prescription drugs, emergency services, mental health services, preventive care (including contraceptives), and hospitalization.
these plans often don’t cover pre-existing conditions, sick people often can’t qualify for coverage & healthy ppl would have cheaper ins plans w/little to no basic coverage-sounds great, healthy people can get cheap coverage that covers nothing?
Before the vote, President Trump issued his first-ever veto threat over the joint resolution to over turn the rule.
In other words, he ❤️junk insurance
71 % of the R’s backed
plans that do not cover outpatient pre drugs, plans that don’t cover substance abuse, 0 of the plans cover maternity care. One R asked why men should pay for plans that inc prenatal cvg & maternity care.
Do they just want us all to die?
NO (maybe?)
Folks, in comes politics.
Let’s talk costs of healthcare and how the Republicans are TERRIFIED for you to find out why!…
You see folks, in order to give you that big beautiful healthcare and try to convince you that he saved you on your premiums - @realDonaldTrump & the @GOP have to offer #JunkPlans…
Let me count the ways!
Keep in mind administration=Republicans as we continue👍
Insurers’ uncertainties about enforcement of individual mandate penalties for consumers
The federal tax law’s complete elimination of all such enforcement, starting in 2019
The Trump admin proposed regulations permitting the sale of largely unregulated short-term, limited duration ins & association health plans.
This 👆🏽 is what the Democratic Party attempted to 🛑 today. 😫
The bid failed by a vote of 50-50 (needed a simple majority)
How do they think this is a win?
Ppl will get cheaper premiums, but by the time they realize they aren’t covered- too late! AND YOU ALREADY FELL FOR IT AND VOTED FOR THEM (Republicans)
PS: thank you @exoticgamora for the meme!