The draft talked of imposing a ban on even lathis – sticks,calling them weapons,sticks being identified w RSS uniform.

It empowered the State Governments as stakeholders in preventing communal violence.
It extended the application of the Bill to all forms of communal violence by all groups,irrespective of their religion or social background.
What did they want in the #CommunalViolenceBill ?

UPA Govt promptly asked NAC to come up with a fresh draft of #CommunalViolenceBill .
Who were the members of new NAC?
Credentials&connections of Harsh Mander,Farah Naqvi&Aruna Roy are well known.

A look at the Drafting Committe&Advisory Committee members should send chill down the spine of every Hindu for what was in store for him/her.

Objections were raised over locus standi of NAC,an extra-constitutional body in drafting an imp bill.
'Why should MPs accept a draft prepared by an NGO for discussion on the floor of the House?'
The most fundamental problem with this draft #CommunalViolenceBill was the premise on which it was based.

a)there is a non-dominant group in every State in form of religious&linguistic minority which is always a victim of violence
b)the dominant majority is always the perpetrator of violence
c)State administration is,as a rule,biased against the non-dominant group
1.“Communal and targeted violence”meant&included any act/series of acts,whether spontaneous/planned,resulting in injury/harm to the person&/or property,knowingly directed against any person by virtue of his/her membership of any group.
Meaning-#CommunalViolenceBill would consider only the Minority as the victims.And he or she will become a ‘victim’ if he or she ‘has suffered physical, mental, psychological or monetary harm…
1.A Bill that damns the Majority-Arun Jaitely
2.NAC's Bill Would Land Dikshit in Jail-Swapan Dasgupta
3.NAC-Drafted Bill to kill State govts-Swapan DasGupta
5.A fraudulent draft Communal Violence Bill-Shivaji Sarkar
6.Kill the anti-Hindu Bill NAC’S draft is rabidly communal-Shyam Khosla
7.Fatal flaw in communal violence bill-Vivek Gumaste
Read- indiafoundation.in/wp-content/upl…
#CommunalViolenceBill #AntiHinduCongress