Saul Alinsky was a community organizer.
Hillary knows how to organize.
She uses "Rules for Radicals"
"Rules for Radicals" is dedicated to Lucifer (The First Radical)
#Election2018 is over but its not too late to #WalkAway.

Words bring order out of chaos. True words are good.
"Rules for Radicals" is dedicated to Lucifer.
The people that follow those rules follow Lucifer.
Who else is a radical?

The community organizer president radical is running a third term from a veritable bottomless pit of radicals in Washington 2 miles from the Whitehouse. Organizing for action. Sedition. Treason.

#Warning #ViewerDiscretion #NowWatching #DemonicPossesion

They don't want to offend anyone.
Political Correctness is over.
Time for real talk.…
I'm not preaching. Don't feel doom and gloom.
The victory will be glorious.
This spiritual war has a winner.
Victory is assured, but you must fight. Pray.
#NowWatching #PrayForAmerica #PrayForCalifornia
“Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
-John Adams