Shorter: not a game-change as expected, but SOME new stuff that might influence waverers. 1/Thread…

As May will admit, this stuff doesn't clear the DUP/ERG hurdle for having unilateral exit clause on backstop etc.
But it does make clear EU doesn't love the backstop, wants a deal and fast.
The constraint, ultimately, is on the UK side /11
The question is still whether those unicorns exist. /12
Recall that the 2017 scoping process that led to the Joint Report wasn't encouraging in this regard /13
How this survives contact with reality remains to be seen - recall UK paper required 80% exemptions on trade to even begin to work. /14
There will be those who still think the long term most sustainable relationship is 'Canada' with checks in Irish Sea.
Lots of MS don't see truculent UK working in CU or NorwayPlus. /15
So if UK did align more closely, seek a permanent customs union, then MAYBE other fixes come into play. /16
But for millionth time, for anything to work, the UK side NEEDS A PLAN