Why we, the Christians can't afford the schools built by our churches?
Tell *CAN* to start free distribution of Bibles all over Nigerian cities and villages &
Tell *CAN* to abolish paying money before seeing G.O.
Tell *CAN* to form and register a political party as it is done In Germany.
Ask *CAN* were they sleeping,
When Muslims started conducting vigils every Friday more than 10years ago?
Ask *CAN* where were they,
when their sons and daughters in various offices are being used to bring anti-Christian policies, was it not a christian who was used to sack all G. Os recently?
Pls tell *CAN* to Christianize Nigeria!!
Tell them to give Nigerians a better *LIFE.*
Tell *CAN,* four of their Pentecostal churches alone can establish *MEGA BANK.*
Ask *CAN* what is preventing them from establishing
affordable schools to Christianize West Africa?
Tell *CAN* to stop talking and doing the same things the *OLD* way.
We all need the change.
Enough of Traditions, we need a *RADICAL* Change.
Blessed be the *LORD JESUS CHRIST.*
Pls post this until it get to *CAN, PFN* and other Christian Leaders in Our Land...
God Bless you Too For Supporting The Truth.