And they've noticed other things, too.
These are their words, their memes, their issues.
They notice when he broadcasts their messages on Twitter, quotes their heroes.
They notice how mainstream it is again, to believe as they do.
That this crowd resented the things they couldn't say for a time, things they now feel free to say again.
Things neo Nazis have been saying all along, from the shadows.
They notice how they get this defense, and the groups they would oppress don't.
They notice they can call journalists "lugenpresse" again, and the president will nod and call them "the enemy of the people."
They know which people he means when he says it. The press *has* been their enemy.
They see his reluctance to speak even rote prepared remarks against white nationalist murderers.
They see a leader who uses the language of their ideas of supremacy even at conferences called to discuss the latest mass killing inspired by such ideas.
It's very mainstream.
It needs a constant fight to hold it back, and we've stopped fighting.
We all know somebody who believes the things the NZ shooter believed.
Being public carried a price they were unwilling to pay. That was the vaccine.
Hiding marginalized them—their rightful place.
It's a virus. It needs constant fighting.
We—the large collective we—stopped.
I don't think this started with Trump. I think he's the result. The first major outbreak of measles on our local playground.