I was one of those who disliked the term 'Islamophobia' as imprecise. But I changed my mind.
Esp since many arguments against it are awful 1/n
For e.g., @JamesCleverly MP makes two ridiculous arguments:
1) some Muslims are against the definition
2) Muslims are not a race
Both these claims also apply to Jews and anti-Semitism. So why not apply it to them too?
Remember there were Jews against the IHRA definition of A-S too.
Yet the Tory party did not consider their views important. And we (rightly) ignored the voice of a minority over the majority.
So why does that standard apply to Jews but not Muslims? 🙄
The minority group that is fighting racism gets to define how they feel racism. Not others.
Jews get to define A-S, and Muslims get to define Islamophobia. It is a ridiculously bad faith argument for ppl like @JamesCleverly to say definition is not agreed or some disagree.
Then there's the word itself. Many say Islamophobia isn't technically the correct term. Should be 'anti-Muslim bigotry'.
Sure, I used to say that too. But the technicalities are irrelevant. anti-Semitism isn't a technically correct definition either but we still use it!
I'm disappointed Jewish News gave space to Maajid Nawaz to say what could also be said against anti-Semitism.
Is there no self-awareness any more?
Maajid Nawaz has his own convoluted agenda. Odd that some Jewish groups not to see through these silly arguments
There's no clear definition of A-S that won't have people complaining about their free speech.
Same goes for Muslims & Islamophobia. That's NOT a reason to reject any definition.
I don't want that to be criminalised and I don't believe this definition will do that.
But that's not what this is about because the fucking EDL are hardly theological scholars.
1) There is no internationally agreed definition anyway AFAIK, and there doesn't need to be one for the UK govt to adopt it. If MENA countries endorsed it tomorrow, its neither here nor there.
That's not a reason for UK Tories to reject it.
"racism" is in definition to emphasise point that Muslims are treated as a homogenous ethnic group by racists and attacked *because* they are Muslim, which makes it akin to racism *and* to AS
This is accepted for Jews but not Muslims. So it need emphasising.
Jews are targeted on background regardless of beliefs, so we defacto treat A-S as racism. Same shld apply now to Muslims.
But, initially, when they first faced A-S, the Race Relations Act couldn't protect Jews. THAT'S WHY they were defined as such
All of that is obsolete b/c Equality Act rightly made discrimination by religion a crime. So Sikhs and Jews should be treated like Muslims and Hindus in law.
I share concerns over free speech but they also apply to anti-Semitism/Israel. No need for double-standards
After New Zealand, its even more important Tories adopt definition and tackle Islamophobia