Let's run down the particulars of the House bill!
#FamilySeparation #FamiliesBelongTogether
"To provide standards for facilities at which aliens in the custody of the Department of Homeland Security are detained, and for other purposes."
(sorry for the delay--some BP issues)
Sec2 says DHS detention facilities need to adopt standards within a year of the bill's passage, no less strict than the ABA set forth in 2012.

A. Periodic inspections by OIG
--Now remember, it was the OIG reports from the border & ORR detention centers that let us know some of the worst abuses going on. Like this one:
B, C, & D have to do with "death of an alien" in DHS custody, and I'm just going to leave these here.

Sec 3E&F are basically: you WILL make your records available.
G is interesting, cuz it mandates DHS keep a PUBLIC reckoning of ALL sites where it detains immigrants & demographics thereof, wrt ages, genders, #s of beds & ave. length of detention, etc.
Hm, actually, #HR2415 specifies DHS facilities, not ORR facilities, so it wouldn't help there. In fact, it doesn't mention ORR at all in its requirements. 🤨

#HR2415 Sec3 H&I are about detainees &making sure DHS keeps good records of where & why they're being detained, if they're moved, where they were apprehended, if they were with family, etc.
A. DHS would submit, at least 6mos in advance of entering into a contract to build more detention space, to House &Senate Judiciary &Homeland Security Coms, notice about what they wanted to build & why & for whom & how big & cost & construction timeline.
I seem to recall recently, them spending around $37 million on a few freaking tents. And barbed wire fences. Oh, and complaining about funding every gd day.
Phasing out for profit immigrants prisons, y'all!
Within 3 years, all facilities detaining immigrants must be owned & operated by DHS, and to facilitate that, no new contracts with any outside companies are allowed from the moment the bill is made law.

I imagine this would include ankle monitor devices and the like.

Seems like a no brainer, but ICE detainees especially are notorious for never making it to trials where they're witnesses.
Children would be considered "vulnerable persons" not subject to detention.
Now remember, AG Barr just a couple weeks ago decided to detain ALL asylum seekers indefinitely, without even giving them the chance at a bond hearing, based on HIS reading of Sec236 of 8 USC 1226.
The sub heading is: Probable Cause & Custody Determination Hearings.
The PRESUMPTION OF RELEASE is HUGE. Requiring the Secretary of DHS to give evidence rebutting why an immigrant should NOT be released is the exact opposite of how things work now.

Then, if you'll allow me to skip a bit more, Sec7E PROHIBITION ON DETENTION OF CHILDREN, where DHS gets smacked for ever letting ICE detain kids ever. Bad ICE!

What if the UAC has no relatives in-country? Unlikely, but possible.
These are the thoughts that keep me up at night.
I agree with @HillaryClinton: call your Reps and tell them to support it!