Why Are We Sad?
One of which is the fact that we’re forgetting that this life was never meant to be perfect every single one of us, every single one of us on earth is tested in one way or another and that’s how because
-Surah Al-Baqarah (2:155)
Fear mean an emotion,Allāhﷻ Will Test us with our emotions,& then He said Hunger & a loss of wealth & lives & fruits all things that may make us sad or anxious but then Allāhﷻ gives us hope & says Give glad tidings to
Sadness & Anxiety are a part of this life, sadness and anxiety are natural emotions that Allahﷻ created
We also know Our Beloved Prophet Muhammadﷺ experiences sadness in his life, there was a period of
you are strong & you can overcome whatever challenges come your way. This is the fact! You were given these challenges because Allāhﷻ knows your strong enough to handle them!
Allahﷻknows how
depression, anxiety disorder and negativity thoughts are 3 different types of ailments, I like to share 5 things you can do to help ourselves or others when they’re experiencing sadness worry or unpleasant thoughts & these 5 tips are from the
I know there are so many factors in life we can’t control because it’s in the Qadar of Allahﷻ but these are things you can do right now..
1. Your breathe, scientific findings are you
2. Turning to Allahﷻ
Subhan’Allah! We all know when Prophet Muhammadﷺ was feeling sadness or anxious or he was going through difficulty he would rush to prayer.. Prophet Muhammadﷺ
Du’ā is also a very powerful tool for a believer, Allāhﷻ says in Qur’an..
-Surah Ghafir (40:60)
Allahﷻ will definitely respond to your Du’ā, because Allahﷻ has named Himself Al-Mujeeb, which means the One who responds. He can hear you and see you. The Prophetﷺ said in Hadith that Verily your Lord is Generous
Remember our Lord is not forgetful. Sometimes you might even forget that you once made Du’ā for something, but He might give it to you years later
Prophetﷺ told us, "Do not stop making Du’ā, because nobody who makes Du’ā ' is forsaken." (Hakim)
Your Du’ā’s is deposited with Allahﷻ, your Du’ā does something. Either Allāhﷻ will
So pay attention to the good & actually look for it, look
So when you practice gratitude it does wonders for mental & emotional health it helps with depression & anxiety it
if you can’t find anything good in your life then listen to this Hadith
The Prophetﷺ said No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a
-Sahih al-Bukhari 5641
So be grateful for what your going through because your sins are getting erased!
4. Smile, many studies suggest
At-Tirmidhi 1970
5. Spend time with your love ones, family support is so important and beneficial because when Prophetﷺ felt anxious & worried he went to Khadijah (RA) & he found support in her
Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2204
Our mind is beautiful amana from Allahﷻ & He will ask us about it
May Allahﷻ make a Qur’an healing
Jazak Allahu Khayran
الحمد لله