A brief list of the horrific atrocities occurring, that we know of in #TrumpConcentrationCamps
They are the legal definition of Crimes Against Humanity & Genocide
⚠️Children have disappeared, records weren’t kept, some “adopted” out—murmurs of trafficking

⚠️Lack of soap, toothbrushes, towels, diapers, formula, feminine supplies
⚠️Forced to sleep on concrete floors or outside in the dirt & heat, in cages
⚠️Frigid & overcrowded cells
⚠️Lights kept on all night long, ensuring little to no sleep
⚠️Inadequate/inedible food
⚠️No running/potable water
⚠️Overflowing toilets
⚠️No sanitation measures
⚠️Illness/disease is rampant
⚠️Denied medical care
⚠️Medicine including insulin is confiscated
⚠️Menstrual records kept on female detainees
⚠️Forced to work for $1/day at For Profit facilities charging US taxpayers $750/day/prisoner
⚠️No background checks on concentration camp employees
⚠️Reports of Sexual & Physical Abuse
⚠️Brought in/Moved in the dead of night, across country
⚠️Left in vans for 39 hours in a botched reunification
⚠️Cancelled English classes & recreational programs
⚠️No legal aid; children & toddlers represent themselves in legal hearings
⚠️Families are still being separated despite court orders
⚠️Being sent to actual Concentration camps; old Japanese-American internment camps
⚠️Being sent to military bases where no journalists or witnesses can hold accountability
⚠️Kept in tents, year round, hurricane season is quickly approaching
1️⃣ Call your 3 reps
2️⃣ If you can, make a donation to one of these organizations
3️⃣ July 12th—nationwide candlelight vigil from @Lights4Liberty to end #TrumpConcentrationCamps
Attend if you can➡️ lightsforliberty.org