Let’s talk about impeachment…
A Thread
Those saying “vote them out in 2020" are willfully ignoring how Russia & GOP is guaranteeing 2020 elections are not free & fair
✅Incumbent Narendra Modi wins despite all polls in India
✅Far right–wing France’s Le Pen & Italy’s Matteo win EU elections
⚠️Incumbent Donald Trump…
Trump WILL win 2020 unless Dems impeach
A special counselor doesn’t outline
—10 Obstruction cases
—Claim it does NOT Exonerate
—Impeachment procedures
…in a 448 pg report & publicly request Congress uphold the Constitution w/out reason
B4 Watergate hearings:
For impeach—19%
After hearings:
For impeach—57%
Listen to the experts & those who were there (@JillWineBanks)
When impeachment hearings commenced, people paid attention & GOP changed their minds.
Trump 2017–2/19
For Impeach—47% Avg
March 2019: Pelosi announces “he isn’t worth it” to impeach
April 2019:
For impeach—34%
May 2019:
For impeach—45%
🔹72% of Dems & 51% Ind want impeachment
🔹45% of Americans want it
🔹50 Members of Congress want it👉nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1…
🗣Congress, it’s go time.

They’re limited in House/Senate hearings.
We’re not seeing hearings bc subpoenas have failed & will continue to fail as Trump further obstructs & covers-up his crimes

Telling him he won’t be impeached bc it’s a fool’s errand is authorizing a lawless POTUS to continue bringing autocratic rule.

We Are in a constitutional crisis.
Not impeaching establishes checks, balances & democracy doesn’t exist anymore.
Win or lose, history MUST record for future generations that We the People & Dems stood up to a tyrant’s fascist attempt to takeover the US.
The democracy of our country is at stake.
This isn’t hyperbole—it IS dire
For 2 mos #ImpeachTheMF was trending til Pelosi’s announcement
Like a lot of you, I spent months GOTV, canvassing & running voter registration—A full time job I did for free& personally sacrificed for bc I believed if we could take the house he’d be held accountable