That Trump hoped, as a candidate, to profit from a real estate deal in Moscow.
That Trump is not exonerated of obstruction of justice
That Russia’s interference is not a hoax or “fake news.”
That the office of the president shields Trump from indictment but he could be charged with crimes after leaving office.
That Russia interfered to help Trump win; that foreign interference as well as presidential candidates asking for foreign help may be the "new normal.”
Welcome to moral relativist hell.
@AaronBlake said the star witness wasn’t much of a star.
@kyledcheney and others called his testimony a flop.
@GlennThrush called it “a yawn.”
@maggieNYT said it would be quickly forgotten.…
This is like saying you’ve seen one natural disaster, you’ve seen them all.

Yet elite reporters were looking yesterday at the political equivalent of a once-every-hundred-years flood and doing what?…
So even when the out-group does the right thing, doing the right thing is the wrong thing because the out-group did it.…
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