It's $198/mo even w/a pharma scholarship.
My now 77-year-old mom is my caregiver & she can't afford it.
We get $64/mo for food + trying to save home. Please help!
Please help us 💔
#Lyme #IBD #Fibromyalgia #Spoonies

Even $5 or $10 will help.
If you follow me or my 77-year-old mom, Carolyn, @DemForLife3, you know our story is legit.
Charles Gaba & Topher Spiro have both written articles about us.

She helps me bathe & dress. She cooks, cleans, & drives me to all my Dr appts & aqua therapy.
I'm on a walker due to Coxsackie B4 virus: a cousin of polio.
She's exhausted- both knees are replaced.😥

I will resist Trump until the day I die or he is out of office.
I will continue to resist my 2 senators: Rand Paul & #MoscowMitchMcConnell

I have had 8 spinal taps & need #9.
#Lyme #IBD #trigeminalneuralgia
#chronicillness #ChronicPain #help