Brahma’s grandson, Rishi Kashyap on his pilgrimage from South India, (when In Jalandhar) was approached for help to free Satisaar of demons Jalodbhav who were tyrannizing the Nagas.

Since the mystic river Saraswati originated in Himalayan region, the dwellers near her, the Saraswats worshipped Saraswati/ Sharada & Shiva.

प्रियकश चैव नन्दश च गॊनन्दश च परतापवान
आनन्दश च प्रमॊदश च सवस्तिकॊ ध्रुवकस तदा।
महाभारत 9.44.60
470 yrs later,1819- 1846, #Kashmir was again under Sikhs
British annexed it & transferred to Gulab Singh in return for an indemnity payment of 7,500,000 Rupees,1846-1947 it was with Dogras
Traffic between Srinagar-Rawalpindi & between Srinagar-Jammu was halted, shops,houses for #Kashmiri Hindus were looted/ burnt.
June 1932, All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference was founded by Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas (that became a part of Jinha led Muslim League).
He said,”kill Pandit first while making a choice between Pandit & cobra”
“whole lot of 🇮🇳army can’t save Hindus in #Kashmir against malevolence of Muslims”

1947-1986 about 4 lac Hindus were thrown out of #Kashmir
History of Hindu genocide repeated itself in 1989-1990.

No more!! Kashmir se Kanyakumari tak #BharatEkHai !
#Article370Scrapped !!