What could be the reason when 2 Parliamentary Questions asked in #RajyaSabha on ‘Deposit of #DemonetisedNotes in Cooperative Banks’ go missing from Rajya Sabha website?
Unstarred Q.668 and Q.714, both asked on 24/07/2018 cannot be found on Rajya Sabha website.
Q.668 asked details of PSBs, District Coop Banks where highest amt of #DemonetisedNotes were deposited along with amt deposited
It also specifically asked about Ahmedabad District Coop Bank & money deposited there & any Govt inquiry into alleged huge deposits.

Q.714 asked state-wise details of amt deposited in Coop societies, District Coop Banks, Urban Banks, State Coop Banks after demonetization till 31st March 2017. It also asked whether these societies and banks were allowed to change demonetized currency.

Now there are several ways of searching for Questions on Rajya Sabha website. Each of those ways was tried, to locate the question and its answer.
It was not found anywhere except one place where it showed a blank page.

Pictures of screenshot of Rajya Sabha website with record of Q.668 missing contd

Pictures of screenshot of Rajya Sabha website with record of Q.714 missing contd

The fact that these Questions were published in Question List fr 24 July means that they made it thru the ballot & were found admissible for answering
After this, there could be no reason for Govt to not to answer these questions or not to publish the answer.
Sometimes when Govt doesn’t have the response, the answer usually provided is ‘The Govt doesn’t collect this data’ or ‘Govt is collecting this information which will soon be tabled in Parliament’. But this circumstance of a Question going missing is quite new.
It is hoped that the MPs who asked these questions – Neeraj Shekhar and Ravi Prakash Verma (SP) for Q.668 and Amar Shankar Sable (BJP) for Q.714 will demand answer from Finance Ministry and make this info available to public at large.
Thanks to hundreds of you tweeting about it, responses are up on #RajyaSabha website
Is the response satisfactory?

-Has Govt responded to the Questions and provided the info asked for?
-Is this information particularly controversial?
-Why were these questions missing in the first place- for 5 Days?
@Memeghnad @MaLawdy @rosammat @VakashaS