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Jun 19th 2023
Italy’s right-wing coalition government is seeking to #ban Italians from using #surrogacy to have children, even when done abroad. Those found guilty of using surrogates could be face #prison time and #fines according to a draft bill approved by parliament. Image
The divisive proposal was met with protests by the Italian public. Surrogacy and its promotion have already been banned in Italy since 2004. Italians have since been forced to find #surrogate mothers in other countries where it is legal. Image
Some proponents of the ban call it “procreational tourism”. They view it as a degrading practice that exploits women economically. Prime Minister Giorgia #Meloni supports the draft ban despite Italy’s declining #birthrate and the country’s looming demographic crisis.
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May 2nd 2023
The Supreme Court to continue hearing batch of PILs challenging the blanket ban on commercial surrogacy.

Matter before Justices Ajay Rastogi and Bela M Trivedi.

#law #SupremeCourtofIndia #SupremeCourt
#surrogacy #surrogate @MohiniPriya10 @AmeyavikramaT Image
Respondent: We have amended our rules with regard to the IA saying that surrogate need not be related to the parents.

Petitioner: There is no notification.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #SupremeCourt #Surrogacy
Petitioner: The clarification is there even in our counter affidavit that they need not be related.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #SupremeCourt #Surrogacy
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Mar 27th 2023
🧵It's all the speeches this lot didn't want you to hear from the @StandingforXX #LetWomenSpeak rally yesterday at #SpeakersCorner Hyde Park! Huge thanks to @roseveniceallan and @ThePosieParker who was much missed.

Thread will grow as I get through them! Subtitles coming later!
First up we had @RachelK01840150 with this barnstorming speech about the unpopularity of women who made historic gains for women's rights! 🔥

Charlotte Edwards, @rafaellacjthis, gave this short address against the medicalisation of gender non conformity.👏👏

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Feb 12th 2023
1. 1.We attended court last November to support this Surrogate Mother (SM) in the case to ‘set aside’ the Parental Order. We understand this case to be a one of a kind which was won on the basis of consent which we will explore in an upcoming blog but first some background…
2. The SM’s relationship with newly-introduced Commissioning Parents (CPs) progressed quickly and the first donor egg conceived embryo was transferred within 6 months. There was no long history of friendship and this all took place without guidance of an agency. #surrogacy
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Oct 11th 2022
#Surrogacy If a couple envisioned raising a child who was created from the both of them and if one of them is not able fulfill the requirements for pregnancy surrogacy is an option. There are two kinds of surrogates. One is #traditional_surrogate - this refers to a woman who Image
shares a genetic link to the child. It is a woman who gets artificially inseminated with the father's sperm. She then carries the baby and delivers it for both of them to raise. A traditional surrogate is the baby's biological mother.
The second Kind is a #gestational_surrogate
In this the woman carries and delivers a child for another couple or individual (aka. the intended parents). She does not have any biological connection to the child. With a gestational surrogacy, the surrogate is not genetically related to the embryo she carries, and so the baby
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Sep 7th 2022
I was yesterday at the @Europarl_BE to represent @ENoMW in front of the group #LEFT and share our analysis of the directive proposal on violence against #women and girls by the @EuropeanCommiss
There is currently no specific legal instrument that comprehensively addresses violence against women at #EU level. The most comprehensive international framework is the @coe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Girls (Istanbul Convention)
The new proposal for a directive aims to provide for standards for prevention, protection and access to justice, & criminalisation of specific forms of violence against women. It is aimed to be an #EU instrument, with binding obligations on Member States.
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Jun 22nd 2022
Norwegian Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe says that as it illegal to use a surrogate mother in Norway it should not be permitted to use a surrogate mother abroad.…
Toppe said that she wanted to criminalize the use of surrogate mothers abroad: “... the disciplinary provisions form *an attitude* and support the seriousness of the legal provisions. The important thing is to clarify that *this is prohibited*."
This follows the statement on surrogacy from Ukraine's Children Ombudsman, Mykola Kuleba, calling #surrogacy the “exploitation and slavery of women who decide to become a surrogate mother" and “making money on the sale of children”. #babybuying
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Apr 29th 2022
Really interesting 168-strong survey, though a shame that only 2 surrogate mothers responded, so with an unintentional focus on those who benefit from #surrogacy it collects key data with balance provided. Our analysis follows. Epic 🧵 1.
2. Same sex respondents (9), 5 admit to using ‘legal loopholes’ to access #commercialsurrogacy in #Ukraine – laws there only permit infertile heterosexual couples to apply for #surrogacy
3. Reason for choosing #surrogacy: #adoption was restricted or not available (this refers to other countries, UK does not discriminate legally against same-sex couples) but #surrogacy can be either expensive or cheap.
Read 29 tweets
Apr 23rd 2022
I want to post a few words of caution about this gofundme and share what little I know or am able to surmise.

Fundraiser by Shabana Hussain : The Nameless Boy-help us rescue an abandoned baby…
From updates by the poster: the surrogacy community has banded together to raise money. The anti-surrogacy groups are pushing an agenda.

New Hope Surrogacy who posted on Facebook are a Ukrainian surrogacy clinic. They removed the post from Facebook overnight.
World Centre of Baby who have offered to arrange and pay for an ambulance to move the baby are another Ukrainian surrogacy agency.
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Apr 22nd 2022
So interesting to listen to Clémence from @PdfQuebec

Where states are keen to promote #surrogacy it seems they all sing from the same songbook.…
Only consult with interested parties or “stakeholders” ie lawyers, hopeful commissioning parents, fertility clinics.

Exclude feminists and women’s organisations.

Quebec ✅ UK @Law_Commission
Low minimum age of surrogate mothers. ✅

Quebec: 21 UK: 18
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Apr 4th 2022
Thread: When is a mother a mother?

Many People have heard of Baby Gammy, the Thai boy born to a surrogate mother and rejected by his Australian commissioning parents due to his having Down’s syndrome whilst they kept his twin sister. Gammy’s mother opted to raise him herself.
Not so many people are familiar with Britain’s own Baby Grammy, a twin girl who was cruelly rejected by her commissioning mother who kept the sibling baby boy.

Woman rejected disabled surrogate baby as a ‘dribbling cabbage’.…
In the USA the mother of Seraphina Harrell refused the demands of commissioning parents to abort baby Seraphina due to her serious congenital abnormalities even after being offered $10,000 to do so. The Harrell’s (her surrogate mother & husband) adopted her and cared for her.
Read 22 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
We are a grassroots, single-issue, campaign group focussed on #surrogacyreform but with 2m refugees, more fleeing, others trapped, unable or unwilling to leave their homeland #Ukraine it’s impossible to remain focused on #uksurrogacy
With media outlets, politicians and agencies focusing on the commissioning parents, some journalists like @thedalstonyears see #internationalsurrogacy for what it is – the peak of entitlement, never more clear than during times of conflict.…
@thedalstonyears “The Irish Independent, for example, reported on a County Kerry couple who had brought their son back from Ukraine without making any reference to their surrogate, presumably left postpartum in a war zone…
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Feb 28th 2022
We don't think this is clickbait, but actually an accurate and timley article which looks at the maternity scandal at Shrewsbury and Telford NHS trust, international commercial #surrogacy in #Ukraine and Catherine Bennett also highlights proposed #lawreform #surrogacyreform in UK
"The Law Commission’s confidence in British arrangements appears largely based on one small study of local altruistic surrogacy likely to be unrepresentative of any new, paying version." This possibly refers to Dr Kirsty Horsey's 2015 study...
Horsey, K., ‘Surrogacy in the UK: Myth busting and reform’ Report of the Surrogacy UK Working Group on Surrogacy Law Reform (Surrogacy UK, November 2015) "29. (27.1%) of these received less than £10,000, while 73 (68.2%) received £10-15,000 and five (4.7%) received £15-20,000."
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Feb 23rd 2022
Here is a prime example of how the baby-above-all-else narrative triumphs over fact in the #media: a 🧵. Let's start with criminal offences. In fact, overseas commercial #surrogacy is ILLEGAL for residents of NSW. Sydney, obviously, is NSW's capital. @smh fails to mention this.
International #commercialsurrogacy is also illegal for residents of the ACT and QLD. This article does not state this either. It fails to mention where these people are from. It does not question the legality of their actions.
Why is commercial #surrogacy a criminal offence in NSW? Well, because of 'considerable medical, ethical, legal and human rights concerns', which include the exploitation of surrogates and the resulting children. #fertility #infertility #law #ivf #donorconception #humanrights
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Nov 19th 2021
One would think this is from @MargaretAtwood fiction. But no, this is contemporary #Europe where babies (sex, colour, ethnicity, of "customer's" choice) are for sale.

This is despicable. NO ONE has a "human right" to babies. Babies are not commodities. Women are not "gestators"
@EuropeanWomen has adopted several emergency motions condemning #surrogacy as a violation of women's human rights that must be stopped and since 2014 has had a number of actions highlighting this form of #VAW

In 2020 we published "SURROGACY: Globalised Reproductive Exploitation of Women and Girls":

"surrogacy..must be prohibited on the basis of protecting the principles of ​human dignity,​ ​non-commercialisation of human body and ​the interests of the child​."
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Nov 15th 2021
Convince me that artificial reproductive technologies (ARTs) r the right choice for society & individuals to pursue rather than reducing environmental & other risk factors for #infertility & promotion of ethical #fostering & #adoption.…
Convince me that having biological issue is worth ART's tremendous expense & medical risks.
If you tell me infertility is causing marital discord, I tell you that that marriage may have bigger problems.
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Sep 8th 2021
I dont care to be polite here: The actual brain worms of liberal feminism. I discuss #surrogacy disproportionately exploiting impoverished "third world" women, interfering with their bodily autonomy & sometimes killing them and the response is "you don't respect women's choices".
Replace surrogacy with the sale of kidneys and you see exactly how insane and neoliberal you sound. Poor people are not wealthier peoples organ farms. Poor women are not baby farms. The small numbers of altruistic surrogates carry many of the same severe medical risks ffs.
Where the comparison falls apart is that of course people give kidneys to loved ones. But this is when people are DYING. Nobody is dying from lack of genetic children. Genetic children are not a right when it requires the use of someone else's body.
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Sep 7th 2021
I don't recall where I read this, but the #surrogacy story of a famous rich single man managing to exploit three different women just came back to me vividly: First the egg donor, then the "surrogate" mother and finally the nanny, because he's not doing the childcare...
Egg donors tend to be chosen for genetics, so they're catalogued to genetic father by looks, intelligence, family health history. They're usually poor university students who need money to keep studying. Egg donation carries significant medical risks incl. infertility and death.
Women who do modern surrogacy (where the baby is not genetically related to them, back in the day surrogacy also meant prostitution to/rape by the genetic father) also strongly tend to be marginalized. The industry likes to outsource this "job" to women in impoverished countries.
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Aug 6th 2021
We need to talk about #surrogacy again - many get why the commercialized version is utterly harmful & exploitative. But the medical risks commonly associated with surrogacy don't disappear when it's altruistic. Aside from the fact that commercial likes masquerading as altruistic.
A regular pregnancy can be risky in a myriad of ways. But an artificially induced one involving fertility treatments and likely the use of both foreign sperm and egg in #surrogacy are extra dangerous (also to the woman who donates the egg btw):…
"A study in the USA compared outcomes of spontaneously conceived pregnancies with #surrogacy pregnancies. It found the surrogate births had significantly higher obstetrical complications, including gestational diabetes, hypertension, placenta praevia and Caesarean section."
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Jun 17th 2021
1 in every 6 couples in #Germany are currently unable to have children. #Watch The business of fertility – egg donation and surrogacy in Europe:
Egg donation & surrogacy are illegal in Germany but also a lucrative business in other parts of Europe (I would imagine eastern Europe particularly). I wonder if this business model already exists in Nigeria and what the position of the constitution is.
110K IVF cycles are performed in #Germany alone every year. (working with North Cyprus prices of €4k ave. as an estimate), that’s at least €440M/ N2.6Bn on IVF treatments annually. Interestingly, sperm donation is legal but egg donation is illegal (and I think I know why).
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Sep 23rd 2020
I'm glad my Twitter bubble is talking about #surrogacy. It's a severe women's and children's rights violation. No one has a right to a genetic child if they can't carry it themselves and to ask a woman to take the severe medical risks. No money or gratitude can make up for it.
The reality is that surrogacy is always a woman de facto signing away (at least part of) her bodily autonomy to someone else. It's being promoted as "her autonomy" when really it means contractually there are now other people involved in serious medical decision making.
Funny how when we promote female bodily autonomy we went from the medically necessary life saving procedure of abortion, to horrible painful things like being beaten, humiliated, penetrated or impregnated for money. None of those things benefit her - they just put her at risk.
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Sep 20th 2020
1) [Thread]
Almost one month ca. 50 babies born from surrogate mothers were held in a hotel-room in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Their new parents could not pick them up due to the closed borders during Corona-Lockdown.
#ChildTrafficking #StopSurrogacyNow #Weltkindertag2020 Image
2) 46 (according to various sources up to 76) babies stayed nearly a month in ONE room at the Hotel Venice.
⏬Video was published by the BioTexCom Center for Human Reproduction for surrogate parents from the USA, Italy, Spain, UK, China, France, Germany...
3) Official opinion
The Ukrainian ombudsman (Commissioner for Human Rights) L. Denisova: "It is necessary to legislatively regulate the issue of surrogate motherhood, since Ukraine CANNOT control how the rights of Ukrainian citizens, who leave for other countries, are respected"
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Aug 10th 2020
Fed up of seeing the response ‘why don’t they just adopt?’ to tweets on #IVF #Surrogacy #infertility I had early menopause (28). My first choice was adoption. Here’s what I had to submit to.
Waiting list of two years to be assigned a social worker.
Twelve week adoption course one morning midweek no choice on dates 4 hours per session miss one no matter what reason do not pass go do not get approved husband and I both had to attend every time.
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Jul 17th 2020
Three stories about illegal surrogacy in my Google alert this morning. #Surrogacy is the cash cow of the fertility industry. Profit will take precedence over legality every time Image
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