Trump said we would need much further reaching agreement with far more surveillance in a possible new nuclear deal.
We have an initiative. There's also a Japanese initiative. I think we are making progress on #Iran.

U.S. President Donald Trump:
#Iran is not the same country when I came into office. They were involved in 18 conflict zones. Much of the funds provided in the ridiculous 2015 nuclear deal.
We're looking for no nuclear weapons, no ballistic weapons & a long period.
If circumstances are right, I would agree with a meeting with Rouhani. However, they can't continue their malign activities.
If they do, they will be faced with a very violent force.
Yesterday was too soon for a meeting. Much more preparations are needed.
Macron had informed me about everything both prior and after his meeting [with Zarif] yesterday.
We don't do short-term deals. We want a very long-term deal. Iranians are incredible people. I don't want a big problem, but we have to do what we have to do.
We never talk on behalf of any country other than France.
I invited Zarif on behalf of France. I informed Trump prior to it, as my idea, not to involve the U.S., not on the U.S. behalf.
Ministerial meetings may come first. Trump was informed in order to monitor.
The JCPOA was a bad deal. They're allowed ballistic missile testing. Various sites are not allowed to check, much of them for nuclear weapons production. Those & other things must change. I have good feelings. It may not be immediate, but we'll ultimately do something.
There will be no compensation to #Iran.
Macron means Iran is out of money and they may need a loan secured by oil. A letter of credit, possibly, from numerous countries and it would be secured by oil, expire and paid back immediately.

Obama drew a red line in the sand in the Middle East (Syria) and he didn't stand up to his word.
Obama also made a severe mistake in regards to Crimea.
Assad killed many children with gas and Obama did nothing about it. I did something about it. But it was a bit late.