6. They went to the court and took a STAY ORDER
7. Then the Fertiliser industry followed the foot steps of The CNG association
8. They went and took a stay order as well.
9. But the trick these co’s played...
10. #NS government kept playing along by delaying the collection by force from these companies.
12. First they lost the case in The Peshawer High Court and then the appeal in The Supreme Court
13. While all along till 2016 the government allowed the burden to be passed onto the consumer
15. Then in 2017-18 NS government offered and Amnesty to the CNG association that pay a certain amount and we will waive off the rest as an NRO deal.
17. But the problem was that these Co’s had already collected hundreds of billions from the consumers and using it for their own businesses while the consumer kept paying these charges.
19. The only way to save the public from being forced fully charged this CESS while the government gets nothing is to....
21. So the government in order to save the consumer from being continuously charged this CESS, offered to write off half...
23. Even this deal is rejected by the companies.
24. They are again going to the courts.
25. These companies are in A Win-Win situation. Almost blackmailing the government. They have all the cash already in their accounts.
26. Now if these companies lose. They have to pay half to the govt.
28. This is a pure case of corporate blackmailing.
28. NO FUNDS have been written off. It was an offer ONLY that these companies have refused. They want all the money written off.
Welcome to Pakistan. Welcome to the evening shows spreading wrong information without telling you the details in reality.
Anyway. Pakistan Zindabad and Insha Allah we will prosper. Nobody can blackmail the writ of the govt.