The ONLY way we can ever leave is via "No Deal"

Especially export economies like Germany.
Why should the onus be on us to come up with a deal?
Let's leave & put the pressure on the EU.

The EU budget will be a total mess when we leave
We certainly should NOT pay the £39bn extortion payment.
If anything the EU should be paying US £50bn for lying us into joining

The EU will become even more authoritarian, dictatorial & corrupt over time.
It is to oppress Europeans as the EU becomes increasingly impoverished under the yoke of the Globalists & take what Macron is doing to the #GiletsJaunes to the next level.
But Juncker & the EU Dictatorship have confirmed the plans and the plans are now well advanced.
Theresa May signed the UK into it in 2018.

This is not #Venezuela.
This is not #Russia.
This is the heart of #Paris with Macron mutilating his own people with "rubber bullets" & exploding tear gas grenades.
Coming to other EU cities ... soon.
#Censored By M$M

Starmer is a Globalist Trilateral Commission member whose purpose is to destroy democracy & transfer all Wealth & Power to Oligarchs in the top 0.01%…

Give them a false "choice" between Permanent Slavery or Permanent Limbo with "Delay, Delay, Delay"…
Sound familiar?
It is the Death of Sovereignty & Democracy…
NOBODY would employ anti UK, anti democracy, rabid Euro Federalist @OllyRobbins as their "Chief Negotiator", if they actually wanted to Leave…