1. I believe in democracy. Unusual for a Russian, I know. We had a vote, my side lost, end of story.
2. We would not be where we are if Ultra Remainers had not...
3. I do also make jokes about the right but this is very boring to me because every comedian and their unfunny dog is...
4. The progressive Left has gone off the deep end. They call themselves liberal while policing free thought and banning free speech. They are the mirror image of the religious right of old - a bunch of crusty moralising prudes...
5. The progressive Left has hyper-racialised our society. In the past we tried to move away from judging people on their skin colour, sex and sexuality. Now we do...
Worst of all, people from minority groups all have to subscribe to the progressive ideology or get called traitors.
They are the new racists.