I was a grandmother, mother, aunt, & dear friend.
I was also a #ChronicPain patient.
I used #opioid medication to maintain a decent #QualityOfLife.
I was forcibly tapered from my pain meds in 2016.

I shared my story with journalists.
I wrote my PCP a letter.
I attended a #DPPRally with my daughter @AmandaLatronica. I'm so proud of her. She's a #warrior!

I was strapped to a hospital bed & injected with thorazine because I was confused.
The pain was horrific & STILL-no one listened. #PainStigma
I decided to let go on March 11, 2019.
I refused dialysis, & died.

My husband & daughter, & grandbabies miss me so much. I hated to leave them. I was only 53 years old.
My future without essential #analgesia was too overwhelming.
I wish I were still fighting by your side, but I'm still with you in spirit!