"The CDP is the only joint defence capability prioritisation tool at European level covering the whole capability spectrum."
Established by EU Member States in May 2018, CARD introduced a joint monitoring mechanism with three objectives:
- gather information on respective national defence spending plans;
- assess national contributions to the implementation of the CDP
"The aim of the annual review is to foster a gradual synchronisation and mutual adaptation of Member States’ national defence planning cycles and capability development practices,"...
"PESCO was established in December 2017 by 25 EU Member States ready and willing to fulfil higher criteria, make more ambitious and binding commitments on defence spending and step up defence cooperation in general."
"The EDF was launched in 2017 through its precursor programmes (it should be fully operational in 2020) to financially incentivise and support cross-border defence cooperation among companies and between EU countries."
"CDP, CARD, PESCO and EDF are there to provide a coherent EU framework to promote and facilitate collaborative defence capability development in Europe."
"EDA is the guardian of coherence among them: [...]"