Liz is doing politics differently alright, but not in a good way.
There are a lot of people implicated in this smear campaign. Read the article.
And add conspiracy to unseat LPC from majority governance.
If any party cheats to win, they’ll cheat to stay in power and cheat the public every chance they get because they don’t have a moral compass!
Stein called to congratulate May on winning her seat in 2015 federal election.……

*Proportional Representation
*Climate Action
*First Nations Reconciliation
So her narrative is shaped to capture voters from those communities.
Weird how that goal coalesces with CPC’s so well? Huh?
Using negative campaigning (smears, lies & character assassination), May has increased her public appeal. Recently the assistance of Kinsella was revealed. A scandal was introduced in February 2019.
It’s also aimed at environmentalists and those that support PR. All minority groups, but crucial to progressive vote unity.
Only CSIS and maybe FBI know if individual Canadians are accepting help from Russia.
So is it Russia or US Trumpian Republicans or Stein Greens trying to remove LPC?
Does it matter? It’s an established tactic being used.
What more evidence needs to be provided that all 3 opposition parties are working to unseat the party that has the most support?
Wake the heck up Canada! We are under attack! Open your eyes! And vote accordingly!