Simply, the event is later.
When Parliament put #A50 into law it specified the law was based on the EURef outcome. That law stands today unless rescinded.
The evidence shows "Toryit" is not based on EURef

❌"Fair". The Australian system is the cited example. That plan is unfair and chaotic. Constantly attacked, and in flux. Evidence->….
❌No new EU passport checking is planned
❌Skilled workers are already prioritised in the UK

❌ UK Gov has never bailed out EURO, our EU deal ensures that
❌ the EU system actively designs against the buil(d)t in majorities we have at Westminster (see QMV rules)
❌ TORYIT is making UK pay for its failure, cost estimated at £2000 for all #66Million of us

TORYIT delivers 0/27 of the core promises and statements of Vote Leave.
TORYIT is therefore NOT a valid interpretation of the EURef16 core promises required for
EU (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 compliance
TORYIT delivers 0.5/16 of the core promises and statements of Vote Leave.
TORYIT is therefore NOT a valid interpretation of the EURef16 briefing promises required for
EU (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 compliance
#TORYIT relies on Consent not given explicitly at EURef16.
To avoid adding consent by Omission [Divine Rule, breaking Consent of the Governed], It must be shown that Consent could have been understood by voters in 2016.
We look at each point based on evidence.

A split in the UK internal customs union with NI was not subject to consent in 2016.
We found 0 Campaign communications
A clear case of unlawfulness exists
And many technical objections
Allows for No Deal at any time
This breaks consent
Was never discussed in 2016
A deal was part of the last parliament's Queen's speech in which A50 was passed.
A deal was in GE17 Tory Manifesto which regardless failed to secure a majority
Consent is UNLIKELY to have been given
Cummings claims neither had consent
We found some mention of leaving SM in communications
We found just 1 CUU mention by Cameron late in the campaign
We found many EEA/EFTA claims by Brexiters
Our conclusion is that TORYIT relies on multiple breaches of consent which are unconstitutional because of the enactment of A50, not despite it
Background discussion on Consent of the Governed for Reference