THREAD: Cambridge Analytica appears to have used a Canadian company, AggregateIQ #AIQ, to cheat UK election laws to steal the #Brexit vote‼️ 1/…
Right before the election, Vote Leave donated a total of £675,315 in 4 donations over 8 days to BeLeave, a political org set up by two 21-something yo’s who worked for Vote Leave.🤨 2/

The SPENDING limit for Vote Leave (official campaign group) was £7m. Separate campaigns (such as BeLeave) could spend up to £700,000 each, but CANNOT coordinate or “work together”.🤨 3/
Chris Wylie from SCL/CA co-founded AggregateIQ (#AIQ), a tiny Canadian company that built CA’s technology platform & managed their databases🤔 4/
2️⃣Vote Leave gave BeLeave nearly £700k👉🏼spent £600k w/AIG
3️⃣VoteLeave gave £100k to Veterans for Britain👉🏼paid to AIQ
4️⃣ Democratic Unionist party (DUP) paid AIQ £32,750


The search warrant covered *database and servers*‼️😎