Here's the supporting docs to my podcast interview with @canadianglen
The ORIGINAL exposé by Mercedes Stephenson on Global News concealed Conservative Party as source of the racist video depicting PMJT
That disingenuous story by Mercedes Stephenson was followed up by David Akin, also from Global News
That same afternoon, he told PMJT to step aside & quit the election so someone else could take over LPC…
Global News then dramatically edited its original story by Mercedes Stephenson, to finally admit they received the PMJT video from Conservative Party
But they concealed that significant edit too #Ethics
There was so much editing done to the Global News story that the 1st & 2nd editions of the same article can't be compared side-by-side
Global News fundamentally changed the story, concealed editing, & hoped no one would notice
In Sun News example (covered by my investigation), Kinsella re-dated story a day later to conceal evidence it was published in tandem with Time
Whereas Global News kept same date but altered entire story
Global News was forced to come clean by CTV News, when Scheer appeared unexpectedly on television to confess Conservative Party gave Global News the Trudeau video (not anonymous source as 1st reported)
A quasi-relevant sidebar (given foreign interference implications uncovered by investigation)
Mercedes Stephenson is connected to the US Pentagon & used to produce news on their behalf
Full defense bio…
Although there was very little coverage of Andrew Scheer's confession & it conveniently faded into the 24-hour news cycle, Narcity also covered the surprising event…
The producer for CTV Question Period also posted a video clip of Andrew Scheer's confession that was included in the Narcity story, so Global News couldn't stick to original anonymous attribution anymore
But CTV News isn't in the clear either
In the story that *did* report Andrew Scheer's confession, they also covered a 2nd photo of PMJT at West Point Grey Academy that *didn't* provide attribution

In fact, no #CDNmedia is providing attribution for what was technically the 2nd photo of PMJT at the Arabian Nights gala by West Point Grey Academy
I had to research to find its first use by a mainstream Canadian news reporter
#CDNmedia's 1st use of the alternate Arabian Nights photo was published by Niagara Falls Review (syndicated by Welland Tribune & St. Catharines Standard)
But Ray Spiteri offered no attribution #Ethics…
It matters that no #CDNmedia will report where it obtained the 2nd Arabian Nights photo because it originated on Canadaland by a known Indigenous agitator, Robert Jago
(No offense sir, I agitate too)
So how did Ray Spiteri (Niagara Falls Review) obtain the same photo that Robert Jago published on the same morning it was revealed?
The former is in QC & latter in Southern #ONpoli, at the border crossing to NY & Time magazine
Of note, Doug Ford met with Jason Kenney in the US to help campaign for Conservative interests
The #ONpoli premier joined the #ABleg premier after the #ABleg premier flew to NY…
In reportedly separate incidents that aren't supposed to appear like collusion between certain #CDNmedia & Conservative Party
Time received the 1st photo at same time Global received the video & Niagara Falls was given 3rd pic
Why it matters
At the very least Global News is caught red-handed doing work for the Conservatives that it tried to erase from its publication
It can only be proven because I archived the original story right away
Global News must report its donation of services-in-kind to Elections Canada, because it first promoted the video from an unnamed source, when Andrew Scheer confessed the Conservatives used Global News as its researcher
Then magically, all 3 stories were published on same day, staggered with impressive, coordinated unison
Elections Canada will need to investigate the Niagara Falls Review, in addition to Sun News, Global News, & Time magazine
In case you missed it, here is my original investigation of the PMJT #brownface material & its provenance
I will edit later to include the updates from this Twitter thread & @canadianglen's podcast
Here's where to reach Elections Canada to make a complaint
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Confirming my #ForeignInterference investigation without a shadow of a doubt, Kenney met w Bremmer & Eurasia Group in NY exactly 2 days before the Time exposé
(See next for context)

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Note that Kenney's tweet references an oil & energy business meeting with Eurasia Group, on the same day 2 different photos & a video were dispatched to select media partners that all misrepresented the source
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Today Time published a new edition
The **front page** is an interview with Justin Trudeau that portrays the prime minister as groveling from the magazine's previous exposé & controversy…
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In same new edition, Time interviews Jason Kenney & promotes him as a friendly moderate choice
Article opens trashing PMJT
+ Author doesn't disclose his INCREDIBLE conflict of interest…
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In Time article promoting Kenney & Conservative leadership in Canada, note how badly the editing is done that some sentences are missing words & questions/answers leap wildly
See next for la piéce de résistance
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Person who interviewed Kenney & trashed PMJT is editor of Time & prez of Eurasia Grp
Eurasia met Kenney 2 days before #brownface scandal
Editor doesn't disclose conflict or recent biz meeting

In summary,
Jason Kenney managed to reveal that Time's editor was with him when the racist media was coordinated with Conservative aligned press in the US & #CDNmedia, as operatives of the party
Blatant #ForeignInterference