This one covers the impact of the Letwin Amendment and how that impacts overall #Brexit outcomes
This is really important - as I explain in the thread

However something else - the Letwin Amendment - is actually more important to the outcome now
But other things - notably the vote on the Queen's Speech - happen during this period, and that poses problems for the Government
1% ↔️ No Deal 31 Oct
4% ⬆️ Revoke by 31 Oct
14% ⬆️ Stalemate
48% ⬆️⬆️ General Election 2019
12% ⬆️ General Election 2020
13% ⬇️⬇️ #PeoplesVote 2020
8% ⬇️ Brexit with Deal
1% No Deal 31 Oct
2% Revoke by 31 Oct
9% Stalemate
32% General Election 2019
8% General Election 2020
8% #PeoplesVote 2020
🚨 40% Brexit with Deal 🚨
Direct link to the high res PNG:…
And as ever all the detail on my blog:…