Me : Yes
X : I heard mapping is being used in Moscow?
Me : Apparently so.
X : It's spreading all over the world.
Me : Looks like it's helping.
X : How big is your marketing budget?
Me : Eh? Where's this going?
Me : Oh. £0.
X : Sorry?
Me : £0. That's how much we spend on marketing.
X : What about speaking etc.
Me : £0 marketing. £0 travel, £0 budget except Map Camp.
X : How much is that?
Me : That costs £13k but next year £0.
X : What was Map Camp's marketing budget.
Me : £0. We didn't do any but people volunteering to spread the word. It's a community effort. It's all community.
Me : Why?
X : You need marketing etc.
Me : This is community driven - website, speakers, everything - people are putting time in etc. Sure, there are some out of pocket expenses which we need to cover next year. Are you trying to offer me some marketing service?
Me : Easy. Build something that is hopefully useful for others. Give it away without expectations. Spend over a decade telling everyone and flogging yourself to death. Create a community. Try to be kind and supportive.
Me : The community builds services around mapping. Even the company I work for makes money from mapping (workshops, creating reports, gaining new clients). Isn't that enough?
Me : I suspect you're after a figure for how much it would cost you to create a worldwide 'community" around something you're trying to flog without giving anything away?
X : Yes. Any ideas?
Me : This is a community you want, not users?
X : Yes
Me : Why do I feel this is going to end up in a spreadsheet somewhere. You really don't get this do you.
X : I just needed a figure. I think it's high.
Me : Try £0 then and build it in a different way.