"I read Ben Habib MEP’s article on BrexitCentral yesterday and thought it important to explain in a bit more detail why I think he is wrong – and why the Brexit Party is risking Brexit itself and doing so based on a false premise."
The political declaration merely says there will be provisions in the EU-UK FTA to deal with labour, environment, competition and state aids.
These disciplines are *common in all FTAs*.
No more backstop tying the UK into a CU with the EU forever, and no more building from a single customs territory: 👍
The EU would need to agree, and they would require some form of comfort on citizens, money and the Irish border...
But look what's been achieved in the last 100 days: massive change.
Further delay increases uncertainty which is becoming a problem for the UK economy.
It also drains our trading partners of their goodwill.
That changed with Boris but unless we immediately get onto a whole-UK, whole-world trade negotiation phase, we will lose our windows of opportunity with them, especially the USA.