
No – there are many free tools that make it easier to create more informative graphics.
See table 3 for a list of tools:…

Emphasize the data points and de-emphasize the dots to convey a clear message while allowing readers to critically evaluate the data…

Summary statistics are only meaningful when there is enough data to summarize…

Box plots conceal the two peaks. Bimodal distributions are easier to see with dot plots (smaller samples) or violin plots (large samples)
Yes – The structure of the figure gives the reader information about your experimental design and analysis. Avoid sending mixed messages…

For simple analyses of small datasets, it’s often best to show one graph per analysis. The graph should include all groups, time points, or conditions from the analysis.…

See our @elife "science of science" paper: Why we need to report more than “Data were analyzed by t-tests and ANOVA” on how to avoid problems caused by standard reporting practices. Clear reporting benefits everyone.

Provide citations to references and resources that will help your colleagues to understand the problem and make better graphics