which shows that for a while now R Presidents have been pulling deficits higher and D Presidents have been pulling them lower. @ZeeSteve1 ...
to not go hard in defending Trump afterward.
1) I said that Chris didn't even know Trump had lied about writing TAOTD.
2) Chris said I was a moron because they hadn't said anything about the book.
3) I provided proof that they had.
4) Chris said I was wrong because they hadn't used the book to support their args.
5) I pointed out that @ChrisWarmuth saying they didn't use it to support their args doesn't counter 1).
6) Chris never actually addressed 1), but claimed I was the one being intellectually dishonest.
I think it says something that this is the kind of support Trump needs.
It would be difficult to get much dumber than that.
Why is it so hard to find ethical people who support Trump? That was rhetorical, of course.
Trump praised Epstein as a terrific guy who liked them on the younger side, and Trump ...
I don't excuse what Bill Clinton did with Epstein, but these Trumpsters are okay with what Trump did with minor children.
@Pamhaze couldn't address the data, so she just claimed it wasn't true. I bet she isn't capable of running the math for us.
she said that she just glanced at it because it isn't true. She defended his disturbing stuff with children by saying he owned pageants.
Trumpster @meisje77 really didn't want to answer that.
Why does Trump have so much trouble getting intelligent and ethical defenders? Again, that is rhetorical.
@YellowJrnl claimed that was false, but they can't come up with a single fact to back them up, because it is true.

Looks like she deleted the top 1: